I understand that it's range, weight and ammo is keeping with the lore, and I'm all for that. But with ECM being so prominent and being able to counter it makes it nonviable. It's pretty dissatisfying to fire 1 of my only 6 missiles onto a Mech just to have it fall under an ECM bubble and become as useless as if I had fired an missed. Especially considering how much risk and work it can be to get in close to the enemy position when you're alone and the rest of your team is firing from long range.
The risk and added weight is almost rarely worth the reward. If you want to make scouts play like scouts, make scout equipment more useful.
So my suggestions:
-More ammo per ton. (Maybe 12 missiles per ton?)
-Make it so ECM doesn't counter it.
-Make its effects last longer. 40 to 120 seconds.
-Make the missiles stack-able, so 1 NARC beacon counters ECM coverage for the Mech it's on. If that Mech is covered by 2 ECMs, then it would take 2 beacons on the same Mech to counter it.
Edited by Dashwood Fox, 21 April 2013 - 04:59 PM.