In a light, on assault, this is what you do for phat points:
1) Get out there fast, and yes, go wide left or right, no matter what map. As soon as you start seeing hollow red triangles, target them all. Give your team a good heads up on where the chunk of the bad guys are. keep moving, don't stop. do an entire lap around the bad guys and target them all. This alone plays a mind game on them, gets them a little ponderous. You want them wondering how they are targeted, and looking for you. Hell, let them see ya if you're feeling brave.
2) Light up all those bad guys with your R button. Try to hold it down long enough so your teammates even gets the weapon load-out on that there atlas or jagermech. and maybe even an LRM'er on your team will get a clean shot thanks to you. *mech xp for ya
3) Now, you have two choices to make: Diversion and Annoyance, or The Base Cap trick out.
a)Diversion and Annoyance (my fave) - Depending on your skill as a pilot, your speed, and your knowledge of the map, you can really rack up some points here. Your goal is to sneak up on the enemy say, from their 5 o'clock, Your trajectory should be an arc through their line, tagging EVERYONE of them with a laser. Just pop them once. They may turn on you to start firing, run fast, don't stop your mission, to hit them all and then disappear. Maybe even circle back around your own team so they can get some good free shots on them. Everyone loves to try and kill a light, if you do it right and get out in once piece you give your team tremendous advantage and possibly get you some kill assists or spot assists maybe an awesome component destruction (if you keep targeting "R button" and see weak spots, never know if someone is running that xl and they have a red right or left torso, blast that thing! KILL! phat points) Also humiliating to them to die to a spider. mwuahah

Here's what friendly pros do: Get the base low, and let your buddies fight it out, they might annihilate the team *kill assist points for you if you managed to tap them all enough*
Why cap it out without letting them fight? especially if no enemy light has come back to contest you or your own base. If your entire team dies, then go ahead and finish the cap off.
I'm always here to help you be less hated and actually earn more for yourself, and your teammates, per match.
Don't be a weak chump who actually wastes your own time.

Miss anything?
~end transmission
~~edit due to popular demand. a few of you suggest I get to the meat of the tactics without the "we're not impressed" diatribe. I agree. I really want lights to find ways to make assault mode more fun particularly on tourmaline and alpine. Here's what I shouldn't have said, preserved fer whatever reason:
Now I'm not going to be one of those whiners who moans, "Assault should be changed! waaaaaa *crycry" I like assault.
i know, i know, someone should always defend the base, blahblahblah but who really does that? or wants to do that? in a 90 ton mech? oh please. here's a fun scenario: both teams decided to defend! *yawn* five minutes later only a couple mechs trickle out then the rounds over...
The thing is, if you are that chump that skirts the outer edge of the map on tourmaline or alpine in your ecm light or medium and goes and captures the flag to you i say this: We are not impressed.
Your team is not impressed, we the mechwarrior community as a whole are not impressed, and you are quiet frankly, unimpressive. Sure ya got your bonus 300 xp, good on ya, ya must'v needed it rrrealllly badly and be so proud of yourself. remember, anyone can do that, and has in their MWO days. Most of us i think got bored after we did it once or twice....
If you had any skill at all you'd find a way to not just get that fast 300 xp, but turn that into a round where ya get 1500 xp. Why not? ya loaded the map... I get 900 -1600 mech xp all the time in my lights(without being a cheap chump). Do the math, you'll find I get more mech xp and cbills per second than you do.

Furthermore, you have put your own team in anguish because they didn't want to 1) wait for the map to load 2) march their slow arse across alpine or tourmaline to 3) end up winning without firing or being fired upon cuz some puny light went and got the flag. I get angry when one of my own lights does that...
woo - hoo .... *pops an anticlimactic confetti gun* a win...

On assault, we (the community in general) have come there to FIGHT gawdd@MIT. Most of us are in our chunky bots, we aren't movin' fast, we pack a punch, and can take a punch, and that's why we have chosen assault. We want to shoot lasers and ballistics at each other and have lasers and ballistics shot back at us. We want to torso turn, we want glorious battle, we want to go "OHHHH SHZZZZT" and....we want to fight! If we wanted to defend flags we'd play conquest.
Edited by BoPop, 06 May 2013 - 08:36 AM.