After having not much fun in a Highlander 733C. Sold it, a Hunchback 4G and a Cataphract 2X and impulse bought a Awesome 9M, slapped my XL340 from my Cataphract-3D inside it.
Awesome 9M
Max Armor
XL340 (68.8KPH)
18 DHS
3 Large Pulse
3 Streak 2
1 BAP (For 21st)
Got in around 20 games with it sitting at 12/8 - W/L and a 23/12 - K/D
Used as a Striker/Hit and run it is brilliant fun and highly effective. Still runs hot but if you chainfire everything to maximize DPS you can deal some serious hurt.
1: Arm Pulse
2: Dual pulses on Torso in chain fire
3: Chain fire streaks
4: Alpha streaks
Edited by ivr56, 19 May 2013 - 06:01 PM.