Pop-tarting was ruining this game. No, wait, I said that wrong. It /ruined/ this game. It had become unfun to play. Something had to be done.
So jump-jetting was nerfed to make it extremely hard to make accurate shots from the air. Last night happened to be the most fun I've had online in this game in... months. I even took a Dragon or two out for a spin. That has been impossible for almost two months now. It was very refreshing.
There is a problem, however. PGI failed to address the true issues with the game. The jump-jet nerf is a band-aid being put over the problem, hiding it. The problem is /still/ there and hasn't gone away. It has just been partially obscured.
What is this problem?
Well, high-alpha boating, of course. Now, some of you will say, "But Blastman, PGI is going to put a heat penalty to weapon stacking into the game."
That's great and all--but it hurts the majority of players more than it helps, not to mention while violating the Law of Conservation of Energy. In fact, anything I draw from PGI's post about it is speculation as is anyone else's interpretation. We don't know how it will work. As far as we know, it might ONLY effect PPCs and nothing else (this is the ONLY feasible way I see this being done and an excuse could be given such as decreased efficiencies due to feedback from the accelerators interfering with each other--then Conservation of Energy might be still intact).
But, if it affects all weapons, there will be many consequences to mechs that don't need them. Mechs like Jenners, Cicadas, Hunchbacks, Blackjacks--all Mechs that DO NOT need a nerf of any sorts.
So this high-alpha boating... what is the real problem then?
1. It is convergence. Weapons converge too well. I have a nice thread detailing solutions here (among many I've made in the past):
2. The broken heat system. There should be penalties for firing at 90% heat with an alpha that generates 35 more points of heat--and these penalties shouldn't be avoidable by shutting down instantly.
2a. There should also be penalties for being at 30%, 50% and 80% heat on a sliding scale.
2b. The heat cap is also too high. 30 pts was the limit in Battletech. I see no reason for something similar here--perhaps a little higher--but not 60 - 70!
2c. Heat needs to bleed off MUCH FASTER than it does now from heatsinks. If you reduce the heatcap, increase dissipation rates. Or not. This is up for debate.
The heat penalties can be found in Battletech's heat penalty scale.
Here are your heat effects:
For your reference, jump-jetting in Battletech incurs a -3 penalty. If you see the table... being at 95% heat would give you a -4 penalty to aiming/weapon accuracy...
All of these should be implemented. Every single one. Let's make heat something our virtual pilots have to worry about, like in the novels, for instance. "Oh, but Blastman, it'll make the game harder and slower..." Yes, it might, but it will be disruptive enough to the pace of battle that it will help PGI achieve their goal! "A Thinking Man's Shooter!" As it says on their main page.
As for Convergence, here's a repost of a picture. Follow the link above to read more. It is a crappy picture done in paint; you get the idea, though.
Don't take the above diagram to say I'm advocating only and all arm weapons to converge. I'm not. Read the linked post above. And another thing: If an arm is missing the actuator it needs to move left or right--no convergence! (i.e. Jaegers and Stalkers, for instance). We could have separate reticles for each hardpoint if we wanted to make it exceedingly skilled.
Remember, we have Inner Sphere technology at the moment. Clans are coming and they have much nastier technology.
Oh, I'm a Clanner, by the way. I'm condoning making it HARDER for me to do honorable combat. I'm fully aware of what our stacked cERLLAS or cERPPCs can do. Or what about stacked cUAC20s. You think Jaegers are bad? How about 80 points of damage in a second to one single torso location.
Yeah. It is coming. And I'm not even talking about clan missiles and more.
These two fundamental problems need to be dealt with now. It is easy to scream for joy and shout, "Ding dong the witch is dead!" But in the end, all we've done is ground the snipers by throwing water on the problem... The water only cools it off; it won't wash it away.
So, just some rambling thoughts but I'll go so far to say we better all be thinking about them now rather than later.
Edited by Mister Blastman, 05 June 2013 - 08:40 AM.