Rewrite of the Hunchback introduction is available here.
Thank you all, and I'm sorry for the delays. Been a lot on my plate. Some long standing issues with MWO's balancing are finally getting to me and my awesome triple AC/2 hunchback is now nerfed into the ground.

Koniving, on 03 July 2013 - 06:25 PM, said:
It would seem the order is thusly decided:
Centurion will follow the Hunchbacks, then the Awesomes, and in an undetermined order the Atlas, Cataphract, and Catapult will be after them. By then I'll know how liked or unliked the series is and may hold up another vote for order.
In the meantime, I'm currently uploading a bunch of videos so if you'd like to take a break from the PPC meta then perhaps the fun in my vids using a plethora of non-PPC weaponry, please check out my recent ones.
Oh and btw thank you Zeprome for counting them up for me.
Founders stand tall; though you are gathering dust and you look awful in the mechbay, you still look proud on the battlefield.

The Golden Boy is out. Despite advertised as a brawler, it works much better as an LRM mech.
The rest of the Kintaros are nearly 18 kph faster than the fastest possible Golden Boy. Use them as brawlers instead.
Heavy Metal looks pretty good, when it isn't pink.

Interesting fact: Trial mechs use Camo Green; purchased mechs use Basic Green as shown below.
Wolfmech, on 03 July 2013 - 06:02 PM, said:
And for an update: Either I have the voice over by Friday or I find another solution; either way the first Hunchback chassis introduction goes up Saturday (Monday latest).
In the meantime, lo' and behold what greeted me when I first did this patch:

Sparks Murphey, on 01 July 2013 - 04:54 PM, said:
I think it found me! Can't wait to try and work on a mixed home animated and MWO-made video of the Jenner terrorizing a city for the Jenner's info and history.
Spoils for older home posts.
Ideas and such are welcome, too.
Btw, thank you for reading this wall and for your time.
Edited by Koniving, 09 August 2013 - 04:00 PM.