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5th Hessian Nagelring Brigade

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#121 Catalina Steiner


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Posted 07 November 2014 - 11:50 AM

#66 Jagermech JM6-S, named "Heavyweight"; Status: mastered

A classic variant with almost a classic weaponry. I passed on the AC/2's and instead of the two medium laser I put in three medium pulse laser. So I'm prepared for medium and short range brawling.

Speed: 64.8 kph (71.3 kph with speed tweak); Tonnage 65/65; Firepower 28; Heat Efficiency 1,47; Armor 400
Standard Armor, Endo-Steel Structure, Double Heat Sink
Std Engine 260, two AC/5, three Medium Pulse Laser, Anti-Missile System

Implemented mech modules: Radar Deprivation and Improved Gyros.
Implemented weapon modules: AC/5 Cooldown and Medium Pulse Laser Range.
Implemented consumable modules: Cool Shot and Improved Artillery Strike.

Posted Image

Build Link: JM6-S

One of four mechs of my first Dropdeck 1.0.
Posted Image
This mech got implemented modules (see above, removed now).
This heavy mech is needed in the middle or end of the battle. If enemy mechs rushed the base, this mech sweeps the terrain from every dirt. In offense it's a typcial enforcer.

Edited by Catalina Steiner, 21 June 2015 - 06:35 AM.

#122 Catalina Steiner


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Posted 07 November 2014 - 12:09 PM

#67 Jagermech JM6-A, named "One-two Punch"; Status: mastered

Yes, it's possible to build a mean LRM-boat the with Jagermech. But instead of two LRM20 or anything else I used all missile hardpoints and chose two LRM15 and two LRM5.
The quirks benefit the LRM15 on this variant. I launch them in chain fire what means that the enemy is receiving a constant one-two LRM punch! First a light salvo hits the enemy and then a hard salvo... and so on. It's a deadly combination.

Speed: 64.8 kph (71.3 kph with speed tweak); Tonnage 65/65; Firepower 58; Heat Efficiency 1,12; Armor 400
Standard Armor, Endo-Steel Structure, Double Heat Sink
XL Engine 260, two LRM15, two LRM5, two Large Laser

Implemented mech modules: Advanced Sensor Range and Advanced Target Decay.
Implemented weapon modules: Large Laser Cooldown and Large Laser Range.
Implemented consumable modules: Cool Shot and Improved UAV.

Posted Image

Build Link: JM6-A

One of four mechs of my old Dropdeck 3.0.
Posted Image
This mech got implemented modules (see above).
After increasing the weight of the IS dropdecks from 240 tons to 250 tons, I replaced the Griffin 3M with this Jagermech. It's a missile-boat too and LRM40 instead of LRM20 should make the difference.

Edited by Catalina Steiner, 21 June 2015 - 06:34 AM.

#123 Catalina Steiner


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Posted 18 November 2014 - 03:42 PM

#68 Centurion CN9-A (C), named "Thrasher"; Status: mastered

I sold this mech and replaced it with the NCIX variant, donated in November 2016 with a different loadout, 2 MPL and 4 ASRM6.

Speed: 89.1 kph (98.0 kph with speed tweak); Tonnage 50/50; Firepower 37.8; Heat Efficiency 1.37; Armor 322
Ferro-Fibrous Armor, Endo-Steel Structure, Double Heat Sink, Artemis
Std Engine 275, two Medium Pulse Laser, three SRM4

Posted Image

Build Link: CN9-A(C)

Edited by Catalina Steiner, 11 November 2016 - 10:05 AM.

#124 Catalina Steiner


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Posted 18 November 2014 - 04:29 PM

#69 Centurion CN9-AH, named "Holy Brawler"; Status: mastered

Another donated mech from this fall. Good costumers deserve excellent gifts. :)
With two Centurions already in my mechbay it was an easy decision to start mastering this chassis type.
I had much fun with the SMR's, so I kept them and added an AC/5 for the long range.

Speed: 84.2 kph (92.7 kph with speed tweak); Tonnage 50/50; Firepower 30.8; Heat Efficiency 1.66; Armor 320
Standard Armor, Endo-Steel Structure, Double Heat Sink
Std Engine 260, one AC/5, three SRM4

Posted Image

Build Link: CN9-AH

Edited by Catalina Steiner, 18 December 2014 - 04:08 PM.

#125 Catalina Steiner


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Posted 19 November 2014 - 12:42 PM

#70 Battlemaster BLR-1D, named "Red Corsair"; Status: mastered

As a modification of the 1G-variant I also named this mech "Red Corsair".
With this mech my preparations for the war against the Clans are finally done. It's the missing link, an Inner Sphere assault chassis that I will use in the fight against the Clans.

Speed: 64.8 kph (71.3 kph with speed tweak); Tonnage 85/85; Firepower 22; Heat Efficiency 1.41; Armor 496
Standard Armor, Endo-Steel Structure, Double Heat Sink
Std Engine 340, two Large Laser, two AC/2

Posted Image

Build Link: BLR-1D

Quirk-Patch approved mech!

Edited by Catalina Steiner, 29 November 2014 - 09:18 PM.

#126 Catalina Steiner


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Posted 19 November 2014 - 12:52 PM

#71 Battlemaster BLR-1S, named "Steiner Pride"; Status: mastered

"Built for House Steiner by Red Devil industries in 3025, this modification was built around making the BattleMaster a missile-support mech."
That's finally what I have been looking for... assault mechs are mostly a waste as LRM boats. But this one is made for missile-support. LRM50 will bring every enemy mech to its knees.

Speed: 68.6 kph (75.5 kph with speed tweak); Tonnage 85/85; Firepower 60; Heat Efficiency 1.33; Armor 464
Standard Armor, Endo-Steel Structure, Double Heat Sink
XL Engine 360, two LRM15, two LRM10, two Medium Laser, Tag, Beagle Active Probe

Implemented mech modules: Adv. Sensor Range and Adv. Target Decay.
Implemented weapon modules: Medium Laser Range and Medium Laser Cooldown.
Implemented consumable modules: Cool Shot and Improved Artillery Strike.

Posted Image

Build Link: BLR-1S

The best start I've ever had in a new mech: a Kill/Death ratio of 12.00. This is an impressing mech.
Posted Image

This mech holds a high score of mine, three kills and 1231 damage (mech had not all basic skills yet, incredible mech!)
Posted Image

Quirk-Patch approved mech!

One of four mechs of my official Dropdeck 4.0.
Posted Image
This mech got implemented modules (see above).
This assault mech is mostly used first. Most of all battles this mech survives the first two or three waves of enemy attackers. But it's also very valuable in offense (certainly for indirect long range support of our attacking forces). If I run out of missiles, I use this mech as a brawler, often for protecting our generators from enemy fire.
In 90 percent of all losses, I eject of this mech to use another mech. No one kills my Battlemaster!!!

Edited by Catalina Steiner, 21 June 2015 - 06:30 AM.

#127 Catalina Steiner


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Posted 19 November 2014 - 12:58 PM

#72 Battlemaster BLR-3S, named "Red Devil"; Status: mastered

"Another upgrade of the BattleMaster using lost technology from the Star League, the 3S was introduced in 3050 by Red Devil Industries for the Federated Commonwealth."
This one should serve as a brawler with LRM support on sight.

Speed: 64.8 kph (71.3 kph with speed tweak); Tonnage 85/85; Firepower 44; Heat Efficiency 1.47; Armor 464
Standard Armor, Endo-Steel Structure, Double Heat Sink
Std Engine 340, two LRM10, four Medium Pulse Laser

Posted Image

Build Link: BLR-3S

This mech holds a high score of mine, two kills and 1126 damage.
Posted Image

Quirk-Patch approved mech!

Edited by Catalina Steiner, 29 November 2014 - 09:19 PM.

#128 Catalina Steiner


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Posted 29 November 2014 - 08:48 PM

#73 Centurion CN9-D, named "Wrecker" 2.0 ; Status: mastered

I rebuilt my third Centurion. It carries a LBX now.

Speed: 84.2 kph (92.7 kph with speed tweak); Tonnage 50/50; Firepower 22; Heat Efficiency 1.69; Armor 322
Ferro-Fibrous Armor, Endo-Steel Structure, Double Heat Sink
Std Engine 260, one LB 10-X AC, two Medium Pulse Laser

Posted Image

Build Link: CN9-D

Edited by Catalina Steiner, 11 December 2014 - 07:43 AM.

#129 Catalina Steiner


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Posted 29 November 2014 - 09:14 PM

#74 Raven RVN-H, named "Huginn"; Status: mastered

This is a premiere. I never bought a fourth variant of any mech chassis. But I decided to buy this hero mech because of its new quirks. It's one of the most effective and devastating light mechs available. I realized that when my heavy and assault mechs were nearly destroyed by this single mech in a duel.

As I thought... this mech is made to cripple heavy and assault mechs. Maybe I did not get used to SRM's completely but mediums and lights are hard to chase. But everything above 55 tons has severe problems when I met them. In my last match I killed a Victor with only one leg while a Firestarter tried to take me down (successfully after my kill). It's a nightmare for assaults. I love it.

I mastered this mech in nearly two hours (ingame time) and I needed 18 matches for it. The matchmaker was nice today (and there was a 2,5x XP weekend), I won 13 and lost 4 matches. It's an amazing mech I don't want to miss. Huginn rules!

Speed: 129.6 kph (142.6 kph with speed tweak); Tonnage 35/35; Firepower 33.2; Heat Efficiency 2; Armor 232
Ferro-Fibrous Armor, Endo-Steel Structure, Double Heat Sink
XL Engine 280, four machine guns, two SRM4, two Jump Jets
Implemented mech modules: Radar Deprivation, Seismic Sensor and Shock Absorbance.
Implemented weapon modules: Machine Gun Range and SRM4 Range.
Implemented consumable modules: Cool Shot and Improved UAV.

Posted Image

Build Link: HUGINN

Quirk-Patch approved mech!

One of four mechs of my old Dropdeck 2.0.
Posted Image
This mech got implemented modules (see above).
This light mech is mostly used at the end of the battle. If our forces need fast reinforcements and a tool to destroy the remains of the defense and the generators.

Edited by Catalina Steiner, 23 April 2015 - 01:45 AM.

#130 Catalina Steiner


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Posted 11 December 2014 - 08:13 AM

#75 King Crab KGC-000(L), named "Holy Crab" 4.0; Status: mastered

"Designed by Cosara Weaponries in 2741 at the request of General Aleksandr Kerensky for an assault mech that could "cripple or destroy another 'Mech in one salvo," the King Crab is one of the most fearsome Battlemechs to have ever existed. Its primary weapons, super-heavy autocannons mounted in its arms, can strip the armor off of any mech in a few bursts. Its secondary weapons give the slow King Crab the firepower to see off attackers attempting to pick it off at range, and while not sporting the heaviest armor of any assault mech, there are absolutely no weak points to its protection." (Sarna)

This mech is amazing. To be honest, I had some problems in my first matches but then I got used to it very quickly. I rebuilt it again. I switched from AC/20, two Large Pulse Lasers to four UAC/5 and two Medium Pulse Lasers and a bigger 320 engine. Then I rebuilt it again to four AC/5 and two Medium Lasers, keeping the bigger 320 engine. And in the end I put in five AC/2... and nothing else. Now it's a fine mech.

Speed: 51.8 kph (57.0 kph with speed tweak); Tonnage 100/100; Firepower 10; Heat Efficiency 1,46; Armor 576
Standard Armor, Endo-Steel Structure, Double Heat Sink
Std Engine 320, five AC/2, Anti-Missile System

Posted Image

Build Link: KGC-000

Edited by Catalina Steiner, 02 March 2015 - 02:34 PM.

#131 Catalina Steiner


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Posted 26 December 2014 - 07:00 AM

#76 Thunderbolt TDR-5SS, named "Star" 2.0; Status: mastered

The Clan Invasion demanded a change of old habits. I chose my first dropdeck without experience. So I went for a 65 ton Jagermech but I did not like the feeling of running out of ammo. The Jagermech is also not able to take much damage. I searched for an alternative and I remembered my old Thunderbolt 9S.

My new matches worked so well that I decided to master this chassis. I bought two new Thunderbolts and rebuilt the 9S. This is "Star", a 5SS variant. It's very deadly if someone comes close to me, perfect for offensive operations. The Thunderbolt is also very hard to kill, especially with my standard engine. I love this mech!

Speed: 74.8 kph (80.4 kph with new speed tweak); Tonnage 65/65; Firepower 42; Heat Efficiency 1,34; Armor 400
Standard Armor, Endo-Steel Structure, Double Heat Sink
Std Engine 300, seven Medium Pulse Laser

Implemented mech modules: Radar Deprivation and Improved Gyros.
Implemented weapon modules: Medium Pulse Laser Cooldown and Medium Pulse Laser Range.
Implemented consumable modules: Cool Shot and Improved Artillery Strike.

Posted Image

Build Link: TDR-5SS

This mech holds a high score of mine, five kills and 1248 damage (mech wasn't even mastered)
Posted Image

Quirk-Patch approved mech!

One of four mechs of my official Dropdeck 4.0.
Posted Image
This mech got implemented modules (see above).
This Thunderbolt variant is a serial killer. It replaced the JM6-S and takes up the same job as my former heavy mech. It's needed in the middle or end of the battle to sweep the terrain from incoming enemies.

Edited by Catalina Steiner, 03 May 2016 - 07:04 AM.

#132 Catalina Steiner


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Posted 26 December 2014 - 07:25 AM

#77 Thunderbolt TDR-5S, named "Moon"; Status: mastered

I had incredible matches with this variant. Long range support, harrasser, brawler. This build has no limits. And it's nearly indestructible. It happens often that I have just a medium laser left in my arm, down to 22% and finally got my kill.

Speed: 74.8 kph (82.2 kph with speed tweak); Tonnage 65/65; Firepower 36; Heat Efficiency 1,56; Armor 400
Standard Armor, Endo-Steel Structure, Double Heat Sink
Std Engine 300, two Large Laser, two Medium Laser and two Machine Guns

Posted Image

Build Link: TDR-5S

This mech holds a high score of mine, three kills and 983 damage.
Posted Image

Quirk-Patch approved mech!

Edited by Catalina Steiner, 01 January 2015 - 01:46 PM.

#133 Catalina Steiner


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Posted 06 January 2015 - 07:35 PM

#78 Locust LCT-PB, named "Pirates' Bane" 2.0; Status: mastered

This mech came to me at New Year's Eve. It's the second chassis for me to buy an unnecessary fourth variant and a hero. First I use the stock variant but I've found a better build, thanks to my lance mate Lamblaska, the master of Locusts.

Speed: 153.9 kph (169.3 kph with speed tweak); Tonnage 20/20; Firepower 18; Heat Efficiency 1.43; Armor 125
Ferro-Fibrous Armor, Endo-Steel Structure, Double Heat Sink
XL Engine 190, two Medium Pulse Laser, two Small Laser, ECM

Posted Image


Edited by Catalina Steiner, 08 March 2015 - 05:26 AM.

#134 Catalina Steiner


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Posted 06 January 2015 - 07:49 PM

#79 Vindicator VND-AA, named "Avengin' Angel"; Status: mastered

I tested this mech some month ago and I hated it. But there are not too many IS medium mechs left to master, so I decided to try it. And I was suprised, the quirks helped this chassis to be a useful mech now. I really like it and it's fun to get used to PPC's now.

Speed: 99.0 kph (108.9 kph with speed tweak); Tonnage 45/45; Firepower 20; Heat Efficiency 1.3; Armor 304
Standard Armor, Endo-Steel Structure, Double Heat Sink
XL Engine 275, two ER PPC, two Jump Jets

Posted Image

Build Link: VND-1AA

Edited by Catalina Steiner, 22 January 2015 - 06:58 PM.

#135 Catalina Steiner


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Posted 11 January 2015 - 09:25 PM

#80 Vindicator VND-1R, named "Vong"; Status: mastered

My next Vindicator also carries PPC's, but the regular ones, supplemented with some small laser against fast approaching enemies. The small engine is a big disadvantage for this mech but I tried to make the most of this variant.

Speed: 84.6 kph (93.1 kph with speed tweak); Tonnage 45/45; Firepower 29; Heat Efficiency 1.27; Armor 304
Standard Armor, Endo-Steel Structure, Double Heat Sink
XL Engine 235, two PPC, three Small Laser, four Jump Jets

Posted Image

Build Link: VND-1R

Edited by Catalina Steiner, 27 January 2015 - 11:29 AM.

#136 Catalina Steiner


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Posted 11 January 2015 - 09:39 PM

#81 Vindicator VND-1X, named "Michael Jones"; Status: mastered

The third Vindicator was equipped with long-range missiles. Medium pulse laser and machine guns make sure that no other mech will raid me without regret.

Speed: 84.6 kph (93.1 kph with speed tweak); Tonnage 45/45; Firepower 39; Heat Efficiency 1.69; Armor 304
Standard Armor, Endo-Steel Structure, Double Heat Sink
XL Engine 235, one LRM15, two Medium Pulse Laser, three Machine Guns, Anti-Missile System, two Jump Jets

Posted Image

Build Link: VND-1X

Edited by Catalina Steiner, 19 January 2015 - 10:45 AM.

#137 Catalina Steiner


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Posted 22 January 2015 - 08:59 AM

#82 Banshee BNC-3E, named "Imperator"; Status: mastered

My first Banshee is a replica of a mech I know from a friend. Tarzilman built this mech with two PPC and three AC/5 and I was stunned how hard it is to be killed - and how easy it is to kill others. This mech is a monster and I don't regret to master this assault mech.

Speed: 51.2 kph (56.3 kph with speed tweak); Tonnage 95/95; Firepower 35; Heat Efficiency 1.29; Armor 544
Standard Armor, Endo-Steel Structure, Double Heat Sink
Std Engine 300, two PPC's, three AC/5's

Modules (permanently installed):
Radar deprivation, Improved Gyros
AC/5 Range 5, AC/5 Cooldown, PPC Cooldown 5

Posted Image

Build Link: BNC-3E

This mech holds a high score of mine, three kills and 1273 damage.
Posted Image

Edited by Catalina Steiner, 27 March 2015 - 06:36 PM.

#138 Catalina Steiner


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Posted 22 January 2015 - 09:15 AM

#83 Banshee BNC-3S, named "Heat Sink Boat"; Status: mastered

Please watch this video... it's worth a thousand words.

This mech is not from this world. It's an easy and simple build but more than effective. If you drive it, you feel exactly like in this vid. You are stomping around, you are turning to face another mech, you are firing, you are seeing other engines explode immediately or at least you are seeing an arm flying away or another component. It's evil... nothing more, nothing less. A godlike mech...

I made little improvements, mine is carrying "only" 39 heatsinks instead of 40... ;)

Speed: 51.2 kph (56.3 kph with speed tweak); Tonnage 95/95; Firepower 48; Heat Efficiency 1.25; Armor 496
Standard Armor, Standard Structure, Single Heat Sink
Std Engine 300, two Large Laser, six Medium Laser

Modules (permanently installed):
Radar deprivation, Improved Gyros
Medium Laser Range 5, Large Laser Cooldown 5

Posted Image

Build Link: BNC-3S

Edited by Catalina Steiner, 30 March 2015 - 01:50 PM.

#139 Alienized


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Posted 22 January 2015 - 09:25 AM

i used a similar loadout on my bnc-3e long time ago.
2 er large laser, 5 med laser + a high rated standard engine that speeded me up to 71.3 when tweaked.
it does run a bit hot if you over do it but the speed makes up for it. easy to get into cover again.
if you want i can put up a little video of it later

edit: will edit it later to fit into this channel no time now :P

Edited by Aliisa White, 22 January 2015 - 09:27 AM.

#140 Catalina Steiner


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Posted 27 January 2015 - 03:23 PM

#84 Banshee BNC-3M, named "Canopus"; Status: mastered

When I buy a mech, I don't need to try lots of builds, I have a build in my mind long before. And most of the times, it's the right one. But this one was hard. I build a lot, I tried the stock engine, I tried the standard 300, I tried small laser, I tried medium laser but it wasn't a good build. The only thing I knew I want in there were the two large pulse laser (because of the quirks).

Then I made a decision. Two large pulse laser are good - four large pulse laser are better, plus a bunch of single heat sinks (btw, I had space for 29). The results were awesome. Sometimes it's only two punches... and my enemy is going down.

Speed: 51.2 kph (56.3 kph with speed tweak); Tonnage 95/95; Firepower 44; Heat Efficiency 1.29; Armor 528
Standard Armor, Endo-Steel Structure, Single Heat Sink
Std Engine 300, four Large Pulse Laser, Anti-Missile System

Posted Image

Build Link: BNC-3M

This mech holds a high score of mine, four kills and 1058 damage.
Posted Image

Edited by Catalina Steiner, 25 March 2015 - 07:43 AM.

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