19 pages... wow.
Sorry I didn't have time to pop on earlier but here's the facts:
The K/D ratio always steers the way people play. MWO is not your typical FPS (CoD, BF etc) where you are ranked based on your personal kill count.
In order to push gameplay to a more team oriented, strategic game style, XP and overall damage will be the ranking system for our leaderboards. Padding your personal Kill count will do nothing for you in the long run. Padding your XP gains will 1) rank you higher on the leaderboards and 2) greatly benefit your team. This game is not about personal gain but gains of the well rounded and thought out combatants which makes up for valued MechWarriors.
That being said, I think both sides of this conversation have been beaten to death (no, you don't get a kill for that), and has served its purpose.

Will there be stats, like the dreaded Win Rate stat?
Started by WalkingDeathBot, Jun 12 2012 08:22 PM
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