We want to express to PGI that this is not overreaction, but that a core group of players feel that PGI has broken their promise to us, which they have. Part of me is just hoping that PGI comes out and says "Surprise! We were just yanking your chain! Prepare for the new patch where we're throwing in 1PV!!! We just trolled you hard!" If that was the case, well, I'd still be a bit upset, but I'd be relieved that PGI kept their promise and put 1stPV back in.
But so far, they haven't. Bryan's posted his response. Paul's posted his response. And I and many other players have posted ours. Some people won't play this game anymore until 1PV is put back into the game. Others have uninstalled the game. Others are now currently asking for their money back on some purchases. And even a few players are discussing possible lawsuits and notifying people to file for bait and switch illegality.
The issue isn't 3PV. It's PGI breaking what many people thought was a promise to people here saying they would never force people to play 1st/3rd person view mix. Bryan said it, and now he went back on his promise to the players. And now, PGI will pay the price for them blatantly lying to their players base and breaking their promise to us.
One final thing for the people complaining that we're crying about 3PV....well, we are, somewhat...but that's not the point. The point is Bryan from PGI gave us his promise from PGI's stance that this was never going to happen. It has. On top of it, he now says that PGI isn't going to put in 1PV servers until they fix other more important key issues. My response to Bryan, Paul, Russ, and all of PGI is that this...is your MOST KEY IMPORTANT ISSUE EVER FOR PGI, keeping your word. And if you don't do right by us, expect a sh*tstorm to follow. And this is not me threatening PGI to do right by us or else thread. This is not me or the rest of the player base throwing a tantrum. I don't want to turn this into a "PGI SUX" thread. All I am saying is this and I'll make this the TL;DR version here for everyone...
TL;DR - We the player base are upset at PGI for blatantly breaking their promise to the player base in which we are being forced to play in a mixed server system with both 1PV/3PV players which can switch back and forth, when we were promised that 1PV players could play the game with all 24 players in a match play in a strict 1PV ONLY matchup. The issue isn't how bad 3PV is, it's about PGI KEEPING THEIR PROMISE TO US.
For everyone that AGREES with this, please post your LIKE for this post to show PGI we are seriously upset with PGI and this is what we're really mad about.
Edited by Tice Daurus, 20 August 2013 - 08:44 PM.