CapperDeluxe, on 27 August 2013 - 06:13 AM, said:
I agree with this thought here, the problem is that if you limit big weapon slots to big weapons, those mechs might find it difficult to mount anything other than that particular big gun and that limits their choices too much. I don't think people fully think through all the ramifications of this and how it would wind up hurting more mechs than helping.
Besides, picking on the dual AC20 mechs is a bit premature still, jump sniping meta is still the insanely good config out there. I have run across a 12man with 10 Cataphracts, each with 2 PPC 1 Gauss and let me tell you it was flat out crazy.
If you want more hard point restrictions, you must ensure there is wiggle room up and down. If you can only go up, you can't really change anything, because where would you get the weight? If you can go only down, what would you do with the weight?
That means a weapon like the AC/20 should definitely not be its own category, it must have others in its group. Once you allow that, you are more flexible.
That doesn't change that you can still do all the horrible things that hard point limitations fan want to stop.
But that's okay, hard point limitations are not the answer to these balance issues in the first place. They are only the answer to "what makes this chassis unique and special"? And it's debatable if we even want that, if you really like a mech's look but don't like its possible loadouts, you have no good choices.
I really prefer the attempt of PGI to add variable geometry to all mechs and have them adapt their looks to their loadout. Ony remaining problem is that many "geometric" aspects affect balance, too - hit box size, weapon position (high is good, low is bad) and all that.