Disclaimer: these are the notes I've taken from the Bryan Eckman trilogy part 1. These are just the things that I wrote down, and may not be perfectly accurate, but hopefully you'll be able to get the information you're looking for. If not, listen! Please don't condemn me if I mess up a little. I'm not a professional note-taker! Don't ask me about details. LISTEN to the interview if something is unclear.
Bryan Eckman Trilogy (interview pt. 1) notes
No Guts No Galaxy Podcast
UI 2.0's primary feature is a really fancy store.
ETA to test servers is early october.
release end of october, early november
What is the lobby?
A place to go to AFTER matchmaking but before you drop.
You will be able to vote on what map to use and chat with opponents.
Also includes what they used to call dropship game mode.
You bring in 4 mechs into the matchmaker. When you find out the map, you can pick 1 of those four to drop with.
This eliminates the '****, I brought my brawler to alpine peaks' scenario.
With UI 2.0 there will be a big chat system built into it (somewhere down the road).
Eventually you'll be able to look at other player's stats through UI 2.0.
Talking about API, some sort of system like what EVE has. Something to do with statistics and viewing them.
Something to do with customizing mechs on the phone (Eve Fit Tool/EFT)
This is for mech-lab addicts, so you can build mechs on your phone and stuff.
Community warfare note: you start with two dropship bay slots and earn up to two more for your dropship to choose from.
Nothing will come for CW for launch. Describes it as a pyramid.
UI 2.0 is a STEP toward community warfare, so he can't talk about CW until it is done.
He throws out a bunch of undefined terms for the steps in CW.
Economic/ecoscape. (what?)
Players will have 'levels'
Work they're doing will be augmented by the community.
First step is the ability to create a merc corps, and join it. Including rank creation.
Being able to join a house (nothing about creating ranks, just associating WITH a house).
Dx11 is full of bugs and crashes right now.
Public tests should return in September. 2-3 big tests in Sept.
They are not going to give out number of players, or what mech types are being used. Business secrets/misinterpretation.
currently 10's upon 10's of thousands of players each day. 100's of thousands a month.
Their numbers have been 'cranking' all summer, and all numbers consistantly increasing all summer.
More than 50% of founding members still play at least monthly. And the majority are still investing in the game.
Catapult most popular mech sold overall.
Cataphract most popular inventory, Ilya one of the most popular heroes sold.
Metallic paints: they are skins, rather than colors, so they'd be a pattern. Golden Boy has that type of skin as an example.
You'd have to by the skin, then use whatever colors you want.
Free cam spectator mode: It exists for devs currently.
They want to make it available for teams making videos, and change fidelity of stuff.
Also, possibly allow for spectators to WATCH other players play. Like watching a RHOD match while it's happening.
Twitch intigration is complete, awaiting UI 2.0.
Single Heat Sink problems: working as intended. Next heat pass will come with Clan Tech.
Says double heat sinks were a mistake (according to Jordan Weisman), so they will try to fix that mistake.
Going to create clan tech by the INTENTIONS of what clan tech was about, rather than a mirror of the CBT builds.
Going up hills based on weight/size/scale issues?
Class-weight scale for movement. Not based on LOOK of the mech, based on weight/class.
Mech scaling issues? In lore, some medium mechs are taller than some assault mechs as described.
They will address issues that go away from the intent, but they go to the lore for sizes, rather than using a scale mode: (like 40 tons are so tall, and 80 tons are so wide)
AWESOME vs. ghost heat/PPC's? No specific plans. Planning on doing a complete mech pass soon (looking at each mech to see if they are balanced.)
All old mechs will eventually have variable weapon visuals. (a gauss looks different from an AC20 in a hunchback)
Will they ever change the physical shape of a mech? Only in extreme circumstances. They can use telemitry to see if a mech dies too much, and how/where in a game. Compare with community feedback to see if there is a major problem with a mech.
Will crouching be allowed? Yes, in their backlog.
Achievements? Lance or individual achievements? In progress, will come online with UI 2.0 right around it's launch.
It's a big system, required for community warfare because it tracks stuff. Also includes level system.
So, might need to be level 5 to join a faction, 10 to join a merc corp, at level 50 unlock another mechbay for dropship mode.
Some achievements might include stuff like 5 kills in 5 minutes. Some may be comic in nature like 'kill a dev.'
Part II and III preview, gonna be broadcast tomorrow and Saturday:
Info on the clans.
3rd person
maps/game modes
weapon systems
community events.
Part II notes and links can be found here: http://mwomercs.com/...y-part-2-notes/
Part III notes and links can be found here: http://mwomercs.com/...y-part-3-notes/
Edited by Peiper, 07 September 2013 - 03:18 AM.