Fingonar, on 06 September 2013 - 04:12 AM, said:
Krash27, it's rather easy to figure out actually. Because if High level play is balanced low level play is automatically also balanced, why you may ask? High level players will be able to abuse things through game knowledge and more skilled play. It's the competitive and high level players who will find the next broken thing, simply because it's in their best interest to find the best tactic/loadout/way of playing.
As an example of games that use this way of balancing you will find: Starcraft 2, Dota/LoL, Counterstrike, and the like.
Anyhow, there is NO reason to balance for the mid or low bracket because they will be also be balanced in higher level play. Gauss/PPC may not have been broken in low bracket que's because people don't know how to proper strafe sniping (moving sideways, how to torso twist and the like) However mid and high brackets did use it more and more which causes problems exponentially.
That's not exactly true you know, as an example, Xin Zhao in League of Legends.
For those who don't know, Xin Zhao was an extremely powerful champion at release (You can google XinZhao pentakill to see a video of a high level player killing 5 other high level players all by himself) who was later nerfed.
Now, after the first wave of nerfs he was balanced for high level play, since he's a melee champion, and thus, easily counterable, however, he absolutely destroyed mid and low level players, since he was powerful yet easy to use, can you see the parallel here?