This is something I talked about in another thread that I figured I would put here to address the weapons systems in MWO and how badly things have been handled from the get go. I can only reason that PGI didn't have a clear cut solution or direction to a problem that has plagued MWO/Mechwarrior since it's very beginning and that's the exploitation of weapons systems. There really isn't a way to convert the TT rules over to a game or sim, but there is a way to keep things in check. So I suggest that PGI go back to the drawing board and take a look at the idea I've come up with to solve things like a 4 HEAP-AGL Annihilator, AC40 Catapults, 6 PPC Stalkers, etc.
START OF IDEA: All the weapons issues could have been fixed very simply by classifying weapons as primary and secondary. Primary group would be your Gauss, AC/20, AC/10, PPC's, ERLL, LL, LPL and LRM's. The high Damage and long range weapons. Then set the Chassis up to only handle a certain number of Primary and Secondary weapons. Not a lot of mechs would be able to mount multiple primary weapons and we could eliminate the AC40 and 6 PPC builds all together. Also by design the Devs could control things much more closely then blanket or baind-aid fixes. They wouldn't have had to create a new firing system for the Gauss that is totally an overly complicated and dumb idea to control things.
Mechs like the Awesome which pack multiple PPC's by design would get those weapons at no penalty. Awesome with 3 PPC's/ 3 ERPPC's/ 3ERLL/ 3LL/ 3LPL would be acceptable because the chassis was designed for it. A Catapult K-2 with AC40 would not, it would have to have 2 main weapons in the beam ports on the shoulders, not in the torso. Now I'm not going to create examples for every chassis in the game and every variant but you should get the gist of what I'm saying. Instead of going down the road PGI has chosen to control exploiting weapons in the game and over complicating things they could have set up a system like I've suggested that is simple, easily controlled on a per chassis basis, and creates an understanding with the community that is much easier then trying to understand the crazy, stupidly complicated ideas PGI has come up with. END OF IDEA
COMETARY: One of the things I was disappointed with MWO in the very beginning in closed beta the first minute I dropped was the system they had in place for what could go where on your mech that limited how I could boat things (Reference my 4 HEAP-AGL Annhilator) but I understood the reasoning for it and agreed with it, however they had a great building block right there to limit exploitation of weapons in MWO. Instead of expanding on that they've thrown more bandaids on and it's killing the game. I suggest it's not too late to change their system and take the restrictions on weapons they already have in locations on chassis and expand it to have primary and seconday weapon tiers that limit the amount of primary weapons that can be mounted. If PGI is going to save this game then I think they need to scrap the overly complicated weapons system they have and start with my more simple idea which they were the inspiration for in the first place. I think for the long term viability of this game and for the benefit of game play this is the best coarse of action for PGI and I would hope that even the boating crowd understands that this could be the single easiest fix to making game play the best it can be in the simplest manner.
Thank you for taking the time to read and vote!
Edited by Werewolf486, 08 September 2013 - 10:35 AM.