xXButcherBlackXx, on 16 September 2013 - 11:13 AM, said:
It still stands that missiles can only take 1.75 damage. As for the argument about ticks, you forget that mechs can have multiple lasers and the combined ticks from multiple teammates will add up quickly. Even on your own, at the slow pace missiles move in the game, getting a few ticks on some missiles wouldn't be that difficult. In a previous post someone stated how lights can outrun missiles...do people find it difficult to hit a light with multiple ticks of the laser?
I also see that there is no mention of PPCs; most likely because that damage is dealt on contact. Even you must admit that PPC/ERPPC would annihilate some missiles.
BTW, the duration seems to refer to the how long 1 shot lasts. Tick is the duration of each of the 10 ticks; so for small lasers .3 damage is applied every .075 seconds.
Time for small laser to defeat a missile.
1.75(dmg/missile) / .300(dmg/tick) = 5.83 ticks * .075(sec/tick) = .450 seconds
No, it does not "still stand that missiles can take 1.75 damage"; there are multiple states from PGI's Senior Gameplay Engineer indicating that LRMs and SRMs (including SSRMs) have only a single hit-point (that is, 1.00 units of health) while Narc pods have two hit-points (2.00 units of health).
To continue to claim that a missile takes 1.75 units of damage to destroy is simply and demonstrably incorrect.
To destroy a single LRM or SRM (that is,
one missile out of the swarm), at least 1.00 units of damage must be focused on an individual missile - not simply fired in the general direction of the swarm, but actually
focused directly on an individual missile.
For a single laser weapon other than a Large Pulse Laser, this will take 0.150 seconds (the time required for two "ticks" from a Medium Pulse Laser, for a total of 1.20 units of damage) as a bare minimum - and only when the "ticks" are not subject to too much range-based damage drop-off, which means the missiles must already be within ~190 meters (slightly over the effective range of the MPLs).
For a single Small Laser to destroy a single LRM, it would need to deliver no less than 1.00 units of damage to the individual missile, which will take at least four ticks (or 0.3 seconds).
To use Small Lasers to destroy a single LRM within the space of a single "tick", one would need to fire at least four of them (for a total of 1.20 damage per combined "tick") and the missile would have to be within ~100 meters (slightly over the effective range of the SLs) - assuming that one is lucky enough to be able to even hit a single missile (as opposed to having the beam(s) pass harmlessly between the missiles) in the first place.
And even if one succeeds in hitting a single missile, the other 4-19 missiles (in the unlikely event that only a single LRM launcher was fired) are still incoming and are due to hit in less than 0.8 seconds.
Additionally, PPCs (along with Autocannons) were explicitly mentioned in my post.
Strum Wealh, on 15 September 2013 - 02:13 PM, said:
Likewise, the missiles are spread far enough apart and immune to the detonation of their neighbors that the unlikely event of actually striking a missile with an Autocannon shell or PPC bolt (as opposed to the shell or bolt passing between the missiles) would destroy only that individual missile, leaving the rest of its brethren free to continue their approach.
Again, LRMs and SRMs are sufficiently rugged and sufficiently spread apart from one another such that destroying one missile (as would happen in the (unlikely) event of one actually managing to hit one with an AC shell or PPC bolt) has no effect on the rest of the missiles (otherwise, AMS itself would only need to destroy a single missile to take down a whole swarm) - the other 4-19 missiles (in the unlikely event that only a single LRM launcher was fired) are still incoming, and each PPC can destroy
at most one missile every four seconds (and generate 10 or 15 units of heat while doing so).
LRMs, at 120 m/s, take approximately 8.33 seconds to travel to their maximum range of 1000 meters from the launcher; if the missiles have been in the air for more than one second or are fired from less than 960 meters away, the literally PPC cannot fire more than twice (and thus could not possibly take down more than two LRMs at most... assuming it can hit the missiles in the first place) before the missiles arrive.
The need for such high levels of precision and accuracy, combined with human reaction time (0.1-0.2 seconds, at best) and the relatively sluggish movements of BattleMechs, necessarily makes using normal weapons as anti-missile measures a largely-ineffectual measure.