Needless to say, 20 matches isn't a very big number compared to the thousands and thousands of matches played every day. But PGI isn't sharing a lot of statistics with us lately, and it's a lot of work for fans to gather statistics, so just take it for what it is.
- In these 20 matches, the distribution between weight classes was 22% assault mechs, 44% heavy mechs, 18% medium mechs and 16% light mechs.
- On average, the winning team made 11,6 kills and the losing team made 4,7 kills.
- The winning players (not counting disconnects) did 279,5 damage each on average while the losing players did 196,9 damage each on average.
- In 45% of matches, the winning team had more heavy / assault mechs. In 30% of matches, the winning team had fewer heavy / assault mechs. In 25% of matches, the number of heavy / assault mechs was even.
- On average, the winning team had 8,2 heavy / assault mechs, the losing team had 7,6 heavy / assault mechs.
- Only 0,3 players disconnected per match. There was no correlation between disconnects and the chance of losing.
- 15% of these matches ended by cap.
So yeah. Only 20 matches. Not very meaningful. Interesting to me all the same, so I thought I'd share. Maybe I'll update after 40 matches

I've played 20 matches in my Raven.
- In these 20 matches, the distribution between weight classes was 28% assault mechs, 37% heavy mechs, 18% medium mechs and 18% light mechs.
- On average, the winning team made 11,6 kills and the losing team made 5,2 kills.
- In 40% of matches, the winning team had more heavy / assault mechs. In 30% of matches, the winning team had fewer heavy / assault mechs. In 30% of matches, the number of heavy / assault mechs was even.
- On average, the winning team had 7,95 heavy / assault mechs, the losing team had 7,45 heavy / assault mechs.
- 5% of these matches ended by cap.
Note: The statistics are currently flawed, because I haven't considered the effect of disconnects when looking at the correlation between heavy / assault mechs and the chance of winnin. Will fix later.
Links to other people's statistics here:
Edited by Alistair Winter, 03 October 2013 - 01:45 PM.