I tried to resize these in the boards editor but it would not stick, it just put them back to max size. This look me about an afternoon to actually build and sculpt, the hardest part was actually the 'mech bay. I did not have much TNT and blasting my way into the mountain and then manually picking it out was time consuming.
I started with the old FASA Omnimech blueprints I have and converted the measurements to 1m block. I then built a crude leg and torso out of dirt to see if the blocks would give me enough definition to be recognizable as a Summoner. I am lucky my favorite 'mech is not a chicken legged one, at 1/1 scale the thickness of the blocks makes angular reverse-jointed legs very hard to mimic.
From there I got the crazy idea in my head that it needed a proper Mechbay. I scaled up the hight of the Atlas and added one meter to the overall hight of the bay. It is built large enough to accommodate even the tallest of Battlemechs. Lighting was designed to be hidden, you cannot see any torches in the bay structure. I found the low-tech torch-on-a-wall a disturbing contrast to a 31st century robot. I also added a gantry, ladder and crane in addition to some knick-knacks and books on the ground level.
The Summoner was a breeze compared to hollowing out and lighting the bay. I already had an abundance of green for my 1/1 scale Planet of the Apes Statue of Liberty. I was again luck, my faction the Jade Falcons loved green. It also features a minecart in the cockpit so you actually can sit down in the pilots seat. The weapons are non-functional, the redstone and buttons are just too bulky for this scale. Other scraped ideas was a block of lava in the core, visible with some rear blocks replaced with glass and the lava held in obsidian, this was deemed to risky for the flammable wool covering and scale considerations. If you missed the link at the top here is the Full Album.
Lets see what you guys got!