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Clan Collections - Feedback

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#181 Sen


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 05:34 PM

Dear PGI:

The highest tier package is 4x the cost of the overlord phoenix package. For that, it should come WITH a gold camo mech, a YEAR of premium time, and a concubine to service me while I'm in match killing stuff with my wife!

Look at my badges PGI. I'm a dedicated customer and financial backer. From someone who has dumped more money on this project than he can already afford YOU HAVE LOST YOUR BLEEDING MINDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't care if it's clans, it's WAAAAYYYYY Too much $$$. You'd better have one HECK of an update next Tue. if you expect me to get bent over for these.

#182 Nekomimi2


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 05:34 PM

It is one thing to raise money for game production by selling in game products (some at very high donation prices) and promise the money will only go to certain efforts. This is accepted in society.

It is an entirely different thing and unacceptable in society to do what you are doing with this sale. You have not released any substantive content yet that was promised from previous funding. The prices and package "all or nothing" configuration is exclusive meaning many players will be excluded from participating. If you didn't have one before I think there is a permanent bad reputation for pgi and piranha.

I was about to buy some MC. I just stopped cold. I wonder how many others will do that.

#183 Nutlink


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 05:34 PM

Pricey, and I'm tempted to jump in at some point, but not just yet. Still, I don't understand the P2W crying with some folks. The only thing you'll get that's unique is a 30% CBill bonus and "unique" modules (which, considering we don't know what they are or how useful they'll be, is kind of meh). Everything else is just filler or something you can buy with CBills. $500 for a gold mech? Good for them, that's obviously not for everyone and I fail to see how a I SEE YOU EVERYWHERE camo on a standard mech that can be bought with CBills makes it anything remotely P2W.

Like I said, tempted.....but I want to see UI2.0 and CW first.

#184 PropagandaWar


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 05:34 PM

Price aint bad at all. Consider it bought.

24 mechs 10 bucks a mech plus other stuff like premium. Nope not bad at all.

Edited by PropagandaWar, 13 December 2013 - 05:35 PM.

#185 Imawuss


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 05:34 PM

Well people who buy any of this i hope you enjoy the game with the few other that buy this as well.
As i know me and the few friends that still played this are now done. I can assume a large drop in the remaining playerbase will occur as well if my pool of friends is any indicator.

Why? Well lets see you have used CW as a carrot for about a year and a half now, your latest report even contradicts your last one in the phase it's in. UI 2.0 is also extremely late and what we saw was rather lackluster. Their are still numerous game issues that need addressing. So instead of working on the things you have promised that this game needs to survive you come out with this absolute cash grab Turning the game into pay to win.

This is a giant **** YOU to the player base. FIX you game, give us what was promised then come out with clan mechs in a responsible way not a $500 **** YOU GIVE ME MONEY.

So good bye PGI may your scam continue to rip these fools from the rest of their money because at this point people throwing more money at tis game are just throwing it in the trash, well unless they like paying $500 to play a arena game.

#186 Accurs3D


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 05:34 PM

Fixed Clan mech Collection pricing by weight class and tonnage

Uller (Kit Fox) - 30 Tons - Light - $30
Adder (Puma) - 35 Tons - Light - $60
Nova (Blackhawk) - 50 Tons - Light - $90
Stormcrow (Ryoken) - 55 Tons - Medium - $120
Summoner (Thor) - 70 Tons - Heavy - $150
Madcat (Timber Wolf) - 75 Tons - Heavy - $180
Masakari (Warhawk) - 85 Tons - Assault - $210
Daishi (Dire Wolf) - 100 Tons - Assault - $240


Uller (Kit Fox) - 30 Tons - Light - $15
Adder (Puma) - 35 Tons - Light - $30
Nova (Blackhawk) - 50 Tons - Light - $45
Stormcrow (Ryoken) - 55 Tons - Medium - $60
Summoner (Thor) - 70 Tons - Heavy - $75
Madcat (Timber Wolf) - 75 Tons - Heavy - $90
Masakari (Warhawk) - 85 Tons - Assault - $105
Daishi (Dire Wolf) - 100 Tons - Assault - $120

"PGI Works Hard For The Money"

She works hard for the money

So hard for it, honey

She works hard for the money

So you better treat her right

So you better grab deal tonight


They came from beyond the common sense. Using all of their funds in new and unknown bank accounts their unorthodox spending annihilated all who opposed. Their spending ushers a new era in human history.

Available only to the most gullible and ambitious of MWO's followers, the Khan Collections provides old men participating in Operation Regrabdeal with the most exclusive and treasured of Clan Pay-to-win Technologies.


Posted Image

Edited by Accurs3D, 13 December 2013 - 06:00 PM.

#187 Darth Buddha


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 05:35 PM

Capitalism at it's finest....

#188 Pwnocchio


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 05:35 PM

Alright Niko, here is my feedback for you.

1. The mech art looks great. It tickles my cockles (whatever the hell those are)

2. I think whats going to happen is any gold mech detected by the enemy is going to get it 'family style' as soon as the enemy detects them. I harbor no ill will toward these people, but I'd probably keep a tally mark on my keyboard for every gold mech I bag.

3. If by June 17th PGI has delivered the following bullet items...

*UI 2.0 (which includes auto-buy features for consumables)
*Integrated DX11
*Properly functioning SRMS
*Community Warefare
*Game play that is dynamic and compelling enough to make me want more

...then I will plop down $240 for your Masakari collection.

If you can deliver those items by June 17th, and these clan packages are still available, I'll buy your $240 package.


Edited by Pwnocchio, 13 December 2013 - 05:57 PM.

#189 Tooooonpie


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 05:36 PM

View PostLucian Nostra, on 13 December 2013 - 05:30 PM, said:

Your one to talk Overlord McFounder. Your one package buy out away from the same thing. Just like with Founders and Pheonix people cried about not being able to just buy the ones they wanted, to bad so sad. Don't like it, simple don't buy it. They'll be out in due time for you to buy with in game money.
As i've said to another person within this topic, your money is yours to do with as you wish. But how you can be so optimistic and still willing to spend an absurd amount of money (you tell your average gamer how much your spending for how many digital mechs, let alone your average joe, and see what kind of response you get) considering how you spent so much to initially fund the game, and yet the main selling points and promises still aren't ingame even today

#190 The6047


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 05:37 PM


If you made a page that sold Clan Warfare, UI 2.0, everything we want you would make more than selling these mechs.

#191 William Warriors


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 05:37 PM

Before you guys jump on the "Buy Omnimech band wagon", check out the details... there are variants.. Omnimechs have no Variants if it is a true Omnimech..

#192 Airborne Thunder


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 05:37 PM

View PostKharnZor, on 13 December 2013 - 05:33 PM, said:

500$ gold mechs.
Computer says no.

Yeah for $500.00 I could buy a real video card to play this game properly.

#193 Stonefalcon


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 05:38 PM

Dear PGI.

I really, really love Mechwarrior Online as a game concept, and I also love the Clans and their code of honor.


In the game's current state I refuse to spend any more money on the product you have provided, you have promised us so much as a community and you have not provided that, so any money I would spend on the game feels wasted until the promised content is released.

Community Warfare is such a critical component of the game that I consider it a vital aspect needed for me to even consider forking over my payment details on one of these delicious clan packs. And yes I admit they are indeed delicious.


#194 Guru Zeb


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 05:38 PM

Ok so these $500 mechs,the khan thingys ....... they obviously come with a included really hot, top of the line gaming machine thats custom built to play MWO ..(nervous chuckle).. right?????

I mean NO ONE is insane enough to ask gamers to pay $500 for a DLC ...(snigger)... Right???

Thats just nuts .... kinda thing if you put it in a movie everyone would comment on how "unbelievable" it was.
So the only sane answer to this $500 riddle is that the DLC MUST come with a really hot gaming PC..... right??

OK am so glad i was able to read between the lines on this one, wow .... thought i was getting taken for a huge ride on a nail encrusted sex toy for a minute.

Could i please have details on the included MWO custom gaming PC??

Does it have an ATI or a Nvidia graphic card??
Does it have one graphic card or is it SLI or Crossfire??
How much RAM does it have 16Gb or 32Gb??
Are any of the hard drives SSD??
Does it come with special custome MWO case or at least a custom MWO paint job??

Please PGI am desperate to know the answers, please give me the details ASAP.

#195 Khan Sparhawk


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 05:38 PM

There is no honor in this

#196 KharnZor


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 05:38 PM

This is just too crazy. No UI 2.0 or even CW...i dont even
Posted Image

#197 Devil Fox


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 05:39 PM

*Slow Clap* My prediction for a set-up for another money grab seemed to be spot on... looking at the prices of the packages, the delivery date, and the fact that it is all CONCEPT ART! I have a feeling that they looked at Star Citizen saw how much their raking in and thought lets do the same price wise... won't work because we KNOW SC is in capable hands, MWO hasn't changed in OVER a year, same gameplay, same buggy maps (yes there are still map issues a year after their release)...

Can I afford $240 for all clan mechs?! Do I want all the Heavy and Assault Clan mechs?! I would just love the Uller and Adder in a seperate package as that would be all I want. But I can't afford $240, I can't even afford $150 for the light mechs I want. Honestly I'm not even going to dump money into this scam of a money grab... because it's a blatant grab for more cash...

PS. BAIT AND SWITCH... SS of the movie were found, UI2.0 and DX11 with OTHER NECESSARY FEATURES after Christmas in 2014 (date/promise slipping again), then they pull out the Clan CONCEPT art, make a package and put it out in front to hide it all... BAIT AND SWITCH PGI, bait and switch...

#198 Samual Kalkin


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 05:39 PM

View PostSamual Kalkin, on 13 December 2013 - 04:56 PM, said:


Now that Iunderstand your business model I will never buy another item from PGI again. I will probably play the game with what I have untill the Pay2Win scenario makes it unplayable, and then I will never play or buy another game that has anything to do with PGI

Congratulations on losing a paying customer.

PGI can you can go "Redacted Vulger content" yourselves then. You know exactly what I mean since you edited the last one snowjob baby.

#199 Strajen Marez


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 05:40 PM






#200 Davers


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 05:40 PM

Why would I spend money on Clan mechs when we still have no idea how they are going to be integrated with CW? Will I be able to use Clan mechs when I drop with my fellow Mariks? Will I be forced to join a second 'Clan faction' in order to use them? Will Clan and IS mechs be on the same team? Am I expected to purchase these mechs with absolutely no idea what changes have been made to 'balance' them?

PGI, you need to answer a lot more questions before I will even consider buying these mechs.

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