At the beginning of Operation Exodus, in June 2784, a twist of fate threw the brave men and women of Zulu Regiment, 26th Royal BattleMech Division into a forgotten system on the border of the Terran Hegemony, the Federated Suns and the Draconis Combine. For the next 250 years their descendants built a future, surviving through their own Civil War, the path of their forging not unlike that of the Inner Sphere around them. In October 3039, 255 years after the Stranding, a chance discovery by an Explorer Corps vessel threw the Inner Sphere open to the lost Regiment.
The descendants of the Regiment emerged from their seclusion to discover the Terran Hegemony dissolved and the Great Houses of Davion, Steiner, Kurita, Marik and Liao locked in the last throws of the bitter War of ’39. The leading council of the Regiments home planet of Haven decided to form their military assets; a Battalion of Star League era BattleMechs, tanks, vehicles and infantry suits, into a Regiment once more. Learning all they could of the events of the last two and a half centuries they found a kindred spirit in several units, some holding to the ideal of the now dead and almost mythical Star League. Expanding and continuing the intensive training regime implemented after the Civil War, the SLDF based unit honed their fighting skills alongside and against the most illustrious House and mercenary units in the Inner Sphere.
Entering into contracts with most of the major Houses, the sight of the Regiments ‘Mechs on the battlefields of the Inner Sphere, with the emblem of a blazing phoenix and the legend “ZULU-6” emblazoned on the chest plating of each became a well-known and well feared sight. Over the next decade the unit tested the metal and the honour of each of the Houses, favouring the Houses of Davion and Steiner for the forward thinking and overall honesty of their leaders, Hanse Davion and Melissa Steiner-Davion
Now, a new storm gathers.
Something the House Lords of the Inner Sphere could not have foreseen.
The Phoenix Talons stand ready to face the trials; the legend of Zulu-6 is just beginning.
So as to enable the unit to be able to address rising contract needs, the Zulu-6 war council has opened new positions. Both seasoned veteran pilots as well as eager cadets are invited to post their candidacy.
Our current roster contains primarily EU based pilots and a rising number of US members. Members from accross the globe are welcome to join but we can at this point in time not guarantee full company or lance drops during their prime time.
Z6 - Zulu-6 "The Phoenix Talons" will offer you a relaxed environment to play MWO whilst not letting go of the competitive nature of the game. Most of our pilots are seasoned Mechwarrior pilots that are eagerly looking forward to community warfare and are non-stop training to this end.
We do demand respectful and honourable behaviour from all our members and commitment to our cause,... but primarily a willingness to go drop with us and have fun. There are no requirements on activity.
Feel free to check out our forums and recruitment page ask for our TS server and get a feel of how Z6 rolls!
And please check our recruitment message
Edited by PyckenZot, 28 March 2014 - 09:01 AM.