LocationStomping around in a giant robot, of course.
Posted 13 January 2014 - 03:48 PM
XXskuXX, on 13 January 2014 - 12:41 PM, said:
So, I have been playing this game for about a week and I really wonder, is there any "trick" to not get brainless apes as "teammates" in atleast 80% of the random games one joins?
Or is it just intended that (new?) players lose 80% of the random games, no matter how good or bad one plays?
The answer is not to PUG without a premade. Seriously, your game goes up an order of magnitude finding a Teamspeak server, even if it's a random pick-up, and playing together on voice comm. This is Mechwarrior Online- if enough of your team is bad, you will lose no matter how good you are on your own game. Premades mean you have three people you can rely on to work with and that is HUGE advantage in this kinda thing.
Even if you're not a member of X faction right now, it doesn't matter. They're good places to find a list of VOIP servers, which you can log in on, get to know some experienced players, and not feel like you're being pumped full of 200mm rounds minus the lube.
So, I have been playing this game for about a week and I really wonder, is there any "trick" to not get brainless apes as "teammates" in atleast 80% of the random games one joins?
Or is it just intended that (new?) players lose 80% of the random games, no matter how good or bad one plays?
It's my theory that most are coming from a FPS console environment and are so used to respawn that they are only doing what comes natural to them. Been considering DCing if we've lost more than a lance before the 4 minute mark.
Btw since your Elo is based directly on wi-loss, at 9-21 you likely have not even begun to climb out of the new player bracket. Whether yout type talk or just follow along you need to play as a team player. Your individual stats do not mean alot at this point given your competition.
Or better yet, the OP is the perfect person for the devs to speak direct with to better tailor the game for onboarding new players.
Still doesn't mean he should force himself to keep playing if hes not having fun. If he wants to slog through, then good on him! I want him to be enjoying his time, if he is not, then it is a waste.
We have only so much time to live, so why do something that is making you feel terrible, frustrated or annoyed?
That is all I am saying.
Since he seems very dissatisfied as of the moment, and a lot have put in good information he can use. It is up to him what occurs. We are all here, ready and willing to be useful against his plight. As are you.
Ryokens leap, on 13 January 2014 - 05:57 PM, said:
It's my theory that most are coming from a FPS console environment and are so used to respawn that they are only doing what comes natural to them. Been considering DCing if we've lost more than a lance before the 4 minute mark.
I understand the feeling, but that's against the CoC and eventually you will get reported and that would be a bad thing.
Lukoi, on 13 January 2014 - 06:21 PM, said:
Btw since your Elo is based directly on wi-loss, at 9-21 you likely have not even begun to climb out of the new player bracket. Whether yout type talk or just follow along you need to play as a team player. Your individual stats do not mean alot at this point given your competition.
Also, it's not just win-loss, it's winning when the MM predicts you would lose and vice versa. However, yes at 30 games one is still in the beginner stage.
But in the final stages, it's not a solo game, and if he doesn't want to team up, this game may not be for him. For example LoL is extremely popular, but I can't stand it.
I hope you red this because yes there's a trick and I'll put it nice and simple. Be aware, look around and report what you see if it won't get you killed. Then, watch your back at all times and keep an eye on the battlegrid constantly; flow with your team and go down with them if need be
I hope you red this because yes there's a trick and I'll put it nice and simple. Be aware, look around and report what you see if it won't get you killed. Then, watch your back at all times and keep an eye on the battlegrid constantly; flow with your team and go down with them if need be
Stop describing teamwork behavior! He wants to be antisocial!! Lol
Nick Makiaveli, on 13 January 2014 - 06:34 PM, said:
I understand the feeling, but that's against the CoC and eventually you will get reported and that would be a bad thing.
Also, it's not just win-loss, it's winning when the MM predicts you would lose and vice versa. However, yes at 30 games one is still in the beginner stage.
But in the final stages, it's not a solo game, and if he doesn't want to team up, this game may not be for him. For example LoL is extremely popular, but I can't stand it.
Another one that is very team based and has a huge disparity between new players and vets, is Counter Strike.
But LoL is more accurate, yes.
You can be the best on your team and because of things they do or don't do, you lose. You have to get the team working together in concert in order to win.
Unless you are so good that you outclass the entire enemy team tenfold. And even then...you can still lose.
Dont want to sound arrogant but this thread isnt about me but the quality of my teammates (and/or my opponents)... I just want to know if it is somehow possible to get even matches by either getting better teammates or worse oppenents so that I get a win/defeate rate of about 50%
Thanks, but I already did check my stats before creating this thread.
Well, lemme explain some things to you. First, damage is a poor metric of effectiveness in many situations. In fact, a high damage is often the source of misplaced pilot arrogance. If a pilot isn't placing their shots well, she/he can do a lot more damage than someone who is actually putting most of their damage on the torso they want to kill. Even with a high KDR, damage just doesn't signify, since there is no way to tell from the data whether or not that KDR is from killing 'mechs that someone else opened up.
Second, you're not even dealing with any usable statistics - you're not counting your first account's 70 games in the stats you listed, for example. But even if you were, you don't have enough of a sample to rule out statistical clustering. This means that your interpretation of your statistics cannot be meaningful (PS: you have a 70% win/loss ratio, not 80%)
Third, yes it is about you. YOU are the only common factor in all of your losses. It's not a matter of sounding arrogant. You are arrogant; you believe that you have learned enough about this game - which multiple people have told you has a steep learning curve- in a mere 100 matches, that it has to be the matchmaker's fault when you lose more than you win. That's a frankly silly thing to believe, and you should stop believing it. Given your attitude and your results to date, I find it highly probable that you're not working well with your team, because you don't understand the tactical dynamics of the game yet. Cooperating with others is the key to victory - individual pilot skills will only take you so far.
Basically, you're here almost under false pretenses - you don't want help, you just want a magic wand to make reality more to your liking. Sorry, but that's not going to work for you anywhere in life. If you really want to stop pretending to be a victim and take responsibility for yourself like an adult, please feel free to post again. Otherwise, this game - nor any other- will not meet your "needs."
XXskuXX, on 13 January 2014 - 01:55 PM, said:
And on what is my ELO based? Kill ratio? Damage ratio? Winrate?
Elo is:
Not an acronym
Based on whether you win or lose, and your team's Elo relative to your opponents' Elo ratings.
I hope you red this because yes there's a trick and I'll put it nice and simple. Be aware, look around and report what you see if it won't get you killed. Then, watch your back at all times and keep an eye on the battlegrid constantly; flow with your team and go down with them if need be
Why would I want to "flow" with my {Dezgra} teammates who thinks its a good idea to bunch up in the middle of the map and take pop shots at the enemy?
Why would I want to "flow" with my {Dezgra} teammates who thinks its a good idea to bunch up in the middle of the map and take pop shots at the enemy?
Because a target rich environment means you have a less likely chance of being singled out and shot to death? And maybe that blob of people can shoot what you are shooting at?
Guess "Strength In Numbers" is the best way to put it?
I guess my experience is a bit different. I play only random games.. Never been on team speak, or grouped. I do try to get people talking with a plan.. though when i am playing while having beers, that does not always go as well..
But over all, my win/loss is around 50%, and my KDR with my best two mechs is just under 50%..
What does annoy me though, are the people that complain about how crappy their team is, how stupid everyone is, after they die.. or near the end, when that person said absolutely nothing to the team the whole time
I really wish more experienced people would take command, and give any kinda strat or direction. Typically people are quite open to playing with a strat.. as anything is better than blindly playing follow the leader in silence.
So, I have been playing this game for about a week and I really wonder, is there any "trick" to not get brainless apes as "teammates" in atleast 80% of the random games one joins?
Or is it just intended that (new?) players lose 80% of the random games, no matter how good or bad one plays?
Join a unit.
If you're in a unit, you can often find people on to form 4-mans, and then you will absolutely do crushing damage to pugs. If you're looking for better teammates in solo drops, though, you are in trouble.
Also, don't forget to check out the EU/NA Comstar teamspeak server! You can often find people who want to group with you there casually, and at least communicate.
Edited by Victor Morson, 15 January 2014 - 06:52 AM.
So, I have been playing this game for about a week and I really wonder, is there any "trick" to not get brainless apes as "teammates" in atleast 80% of the random games one joins?
Or is it just intended that (new?) players lose 80% of the random games, no matter how good or bad one plays?
It's intended that you lose -- regardless of skill -- 50% of your matches.
Some tips to make that tilt in your favor. I noticed later on in this thread you or someone else mentioned the clustering. In Aaronwolf's statement, this is a "target rich environment" which means all of the fire being sent to your team is spread out rather than focused. Meanwhile, your fire needs to be focused on one target a time.
We call this cluster "the front line." It is called this because that is simply the main body. The losing team only has the main body. The winning team will have the front line, and at least one flanking force that is trying to find isolated enemies and eliminate them.
"Fight the beast head on and you will lose. Distract the beast, and use a small force to sever its soft tendons at each of its joints until it can no longer even move and you will win." ~Unknown.
"To take down a Dragon, clip its wings." ~Unknown.
Use the front line as a distraction; it draws attention. Then find a way behind enemy lines and take them out.
Here, we did exactly that, and it afforded us 2 easy kills at this point in the video. Of course -- as the team being rolled your only defense is communication and once that is given, the entire team can counter a "steam roll" as demonstrated here by the enemy team.
As you can see, it's very easy and quick for multiple mechs to fry a single one. But when our force encounters too many targets notice our attention becomes split among 6 or 7 different targets and almost instantly we're fried one at a time. "Strength in numbers" with no clear 'important' enemies to prioritize.
In this next one, I use numerous things to achieve my goals. At first we wind up near the middle with 'shoot and back up' style teammates pop-and-squatting. When an opportunity arrives, I lead the charge and use an arm gesture to communicate "Let's move; cover my back" to my pug teammates. Two of the three lance mates understood and follow the command beautifully. In rushing the LRM boat, it runs scared into a pack of lights and dies. The two lance mates kept a rather nasty enemy off of my back while I was vulnerable during a hill climb. Meanwhile I snuck up on the AC/40 Jager and fried it quickly. I then looped around; communicating my intent to the team, and flanked the enemy's front line. In the next fight we use the water line to flank the enemy from behind and begin tearing apart their rear forces. Ultimately a mistake was made when the flanking force finally perished (the front lines never advanced) and we lost.
The lesson to be learned: the clusters are good -- at being the front line that keeps the enemy busy while a flanking force takes care of business. Take advantage of it because it is the most basic tactic in real wars as well.
Also OP once you feel comfortable you have two options that have a fair amount of success: Encouraging a mass up, or being the "Pied Piper."
I find that I've had success with two things:
Taking command and dropping a waypoint on the start of the map, and encourage people to regroup. On maps like Terra Therma having one lance run in the wrong direction is GG already, but often pugs will in fact mass up on a marker before moving out, at least.
Get out in front of the group and move in the direction you want them to go. PUGs are often akin to Lemmings and will follow whoever is up front if they're in something other than a light 90% of times.
To be honest, I am just looking for a game at which I can relaxi one or two hours after work... I dont want to search or communicate much, neither in the game chat (I seroiulsy lack experience to "command" others anyways) and def. not in TS (I have to communicate all the day at work and english isnt my native language)...
I just want to "click and play".
I just wonder why the game puts me in the losing team almost every time?
Is that some kind of "bonus" you get for being new?
Is it active till you pay something for this game?
This game is a lot of fun if you just let go of the win lose issue.
This game has a huge learning curve and that will result in teams being 'bad'. This is of course a horrible thing to say because every person playing the game is just trying to have fun and many are trying to improve. If you drop with forthought that your team will be bad, then you'll basically just spend the whole game looking for others mistakes instead of seeing any good things they do.
Remember that there are days when you will get steamrolled in many matches, especially in the beginning when the tactics are still vague. Just relax, do your best, try to learn from mistakes and above all, stop trying to get uber deathmachine teammates. If you're the last person standing in your team, then you can wonder how the others died (still not an excuse to judge them though), if you're NOT the last standing, then the others in your team seem to be doing better than you.
So, I have been playing this game for about a week and I really wonder, is there any "trick" to not get brainless apes as "teammates" in atleast 80% of the random games one joins?
Or is it just intended that (new?) players lose 80% of the random games, no matter how good or bad one plays?