WARNING: Below is a somewhat biased editorial of mine explaining the topic. Please take with a grain of salt.
Alpha Strikes in their previous forms have always seemed to benefit "boats" the most. For those not in the know: a "boat" is a mech fitted only with multiples of the same weapon (laser boats & missile boats being the biggest offenders). A player simply had to fit as many of the same weapon, with the same range, move to that optimal range, sit, and fire. In reality (in canon) this seldom was a good idea; mechs were usually fitted with a mix of different weapons to handle different enemies & situations (big guns for mechs, smaller stuff for lighter targets, machine guns for infantry, flamers for burning stuff, etc.)
The toll an alpha strike takes on mechs firing them has been incredibly downplayed in every previous MW game, especially in larger mechs. Mech electrical and mechanical systems are VERY complicated things. In the IS, they are also commonly hundreds of years old. An alpha strike triggers a MASSIVE surge of energy through all systems. All the heatsinks in the world won't IMMEDIATELY disperse that much heat. The more weapons involved in an alpha strike, the more likely something is going to break or cause unbearable heat. In canon, they have been reserved for acts of desperation or a final all-or-nothing killing blow. Alpha strikes should NOT be a primary method of attack.
To be honest, I always thought boating was kind of boring. However, it became a thing of necessity in many instances. I thought I would come up with some different solutions to solve this "saminess" that previous MW titles all seemed to suffer. Wanted to let you guys vote on them. Let me know if you can think of another good idea I should add.
Perhaps the best solution is *some combination* of the above?
Edited by MagnusEffect, 30 November 2011 - 06:12 AM.