generate a swarm of bees out of my sheer unbridled joy.)
Yes, there have been many threads dedicated to King Crab discussion, but This is an attempt to get the KGC's back into the public view. To let the fans of the KGC have their voices heard by other mechwarriors, and by PGI/IGP.
there has been a couple of petition's, such as this
and there has been the "opertion Cancer" thread.
and now I feel it is my turn to let our voices be heard once more!
I have honestly never been a big fan of King crabs in the past, but I stumbled upon a sketch done by Alex that made me fall in love with them (the normal Crab on the left looks nice, BUT DAT KCG)

After seeing this; I zipped to Sarna to learn more about these unique battlemechs.
I have strange tastes in artistic styles, but that King Crab design is astounding. if that was put in game, it would be the best looking mech in MWO (at least untill Nova Cats, Archangels, and Krakens are put in)
and its more than just the looks, the KGC is an iconic clanbuster mech. I could go on and on, but the reasons about how it this mech would contribute to the overall MWO game are covered thoroughly in other forum threads, like the ones I provided above. Thats why I focused a bit more on the asthetics of the KGC here.
....though I have to point out it would be amazing to have more asthetic variety in the mech selection. More mechs with unique overall shape and design, less of the typical humanoid bipeds. (though the design team has done a great job with those mechs so far. I mean no disrespect)
it has become apparent recently that you are becoming more interested in your community. I would like to point out I'm not the only pilot showing a great interest in this chassis. In the forums, MANY other mechwarriors are talking about how they too, are willing to open their wallets to purchase their KGC's.
I would gladly buy a ton of MC to buy the variants, and likely even buy the champion/hero versions (and I don't buy champion or hero mechs).
now here is where my opinion may differ from that of most other pilots: Many would cite the problems of the loadouts of these beasts, and how it clashes with the current system, but I would be more than willing to work around that. If my KGC does not have dual AC 20's, I will shrug and load them up with something else.
I should mention that many fine artworks have been created by various pilot's based on the design above. I highly reccomend checking it out.