Focused, competitive, with a friendly and mature environment. Established within the MechWarrior Online community since the very beginning of closed beta. Historically our unit can trace its lineage beyond some 12 years to Clan Wolf UTS and 13th Wolf Guards in Netbattletech. Two of the most highly accomplished teams of their respective leagues at the time.
We’ve competed in Run Hot Or Die, LMS, Inner Sphere Wars and MRBC leagues since 2012. Our members past and present have represented us in the MechWarrior Online launch tournament in San Francisco coming 1st and 3rd place respectively. Our members have also helped host the Run Hot Or Die Podcasts, Co-Host on the No Guts No Galaxy Podcast, along with helping in the production of the popular Drop Command Podcast.

Wolf Spider members past and present with Bryan Ekman (PGI Creative Director) as the MWO Launch Event.
With a dedicated private forum and TS3 Server using NFO premium bandwidth routing we have a fantastic, player supported infrastructure that underpins our growing gaming community.
We’re looking for mature minded, dedicated gamers from across North America and Europe whom seek to excel as part of a team, with the chance to focus on your individual skills, work towards directing Battlemechs in the field as a Drop Commander, or leading a lance of scout Battlemechs in a wolf pack.
If you’re 18 or over, have a good command of the English language, a headset or mic, and are able to play Mechwarrior Online with a consistent 30 plus Frames Per Second, we’d love you hear from you. We welcome members of the community or any individuals interesting in joining Wolf Spiders to either apply to us via online application or join our TeamSpeak Server