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Share effective builds for striking back the Clan Invasion

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#1 Catalina Steiner


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Posted 17 April 2014 - 10:51 PM

"I left my past behind when I left the Nagelring Academy and most of my mechs... just a few should be mine to serve for defending the kingdom of my family."

This is a mech parade and the new place for all members to show their new Battlemechs. This parade will obviously show to all invaders that this is the final line of defence. Red and blue will prevail at last...

Catalina's legendary Spider 5K "Nightmare"

Catalina's legendary Raven 4X "Patriot"

Catalina's legendary Blackjack 1 "Big Berta"

Catalina's legendary Trebuchet 3C "Endymion"

Catalina's legendary Cicada 3M "Tharkad"

Catalina's legendary Griffin 3M "Hellcat"

Catalina's legendary Firestarter "Ember"

Hellzero's legendary Awesome 8Q "Zenith"

Hellzero's legendary Griffin 1N "Artemisia"

Hellzero's legendary Jenner K "Aeterna 4 (S)"

Hellzero's legendary Victor 9K "Eternia"

David Hurricane's legendary Thunderbolt 9S "Tesla's Coil"

Edited by Catalina Steiner, 07 June 2014 - 04:25 AM.

#2 Catalina Steiner


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Posted 17 April 2014 - 10:58 PM

Spider SDR-5K, named "Nightmare"; Status: mastered

This is "Nightmare"... it's a similar build to the Champion version of the Spider-5K and it's my most successful example to show that a lightmech can be a real threat to any other mech... even Assault Battlemechs. I cannot count all the Atlases I took out with it. This mech is needed when the invasion begins... that's for sure. Here it is... with my new team colours.

Speed: 137.7 kph (151.5 kph with speed tweak); Tonnage 30/30; Firepower 29; Heat Efficiency 2,0; Armor 197
Ferro-Fibrous Armor, Endo-Steel Structure, Double Heat Sink
XL Engine 255, 3 Jump-Jets Class V, one Large Laser, four Machine Guns

This is your nightmare:

Posted Image

Build Link: SDR-5K

I made a change due to the release of the quirks.
This Spider got an ER Large Laser again instead of a Large Laser.

Edited by Catalina Steiner, 06 November 2014 - 10:00 AM.

#3 Catalina Steiner


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Posted 17 April 2014 - 11:10 PM

Raven RVN-4X, named "Patriot"; Status: mastered

"Patriot" is a rebuild and was equipped with a LRM5 and it's surprisingly a very mean mech. I read about complaints that this variant would not be a lucky find but it's definitely my favourite Raven. It's annoying at long range and if an enemy decides to get closer, I can see my Raven smile when its lasers and machine guns heat up to destroy this meddlesome attacker.

Speed: 127.3 kph (140.0 kph with speed tweak); Tonnage 35/35; Firepower 25,5; Heat Efficiency 1,80; Armor 232
Ferro-Fibrous Armor, Standard Structure, Double Heat Sink
XL Engine 275, two Medium Lasers, two Machine Guns, one LRM5, four Jump Jets

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Build Link: RVN-4X

#4 Catalina Steiner


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Posted 17 April 2014 - 11:21 PM

Blackjack BJ-1, named "Big Berta"; Status: mastered

My first Medium was a Cicada but it took a bit longer to have my first real successful experience with a medium mech. When I tried the BJ-1, it was love at first sight. I never used a AC/20 before... it was too heavy for my Lights and I could not image that I could get used to it like others on the battlefield but... when I used it, it lead to a desaster for my enemies. I did three kills regularly and so I decided to try it and master this chassis. I never regretted it.

Speed: 84.6 kph (93.1 kph with speed tweak); Tonnage 45/45; Firepower 35; Heat Efficiency 1,32; Armor 304
Standard Armor, Endo-Steel Structure, Double Heat Sink
XL Engine 235, one AC/20, three Medium Laser, one Jump Jet

Posted Image

Build Link: BJ-1

Edited by Catalina Steiner, 18 April 2014 - 12:53 AM.

#5 Catalina Steiner


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Posted 17 April 2014 - 11:31 PM

Trebuchet TBT-3C, named "Endymion"; Status: mastered
I could never imagine that I would be able to love another medium even more than my Blackjack's. But then I met my first Trebuchet. I wanted to have my very own answer in this LRM'ageddon period of this war and I found what I have searched for. Direct fire support on sight with Artemis system helped my to kill five mechs in my third match. I was speechless and I knew that this mech was made just for me.

The Trebuchet is not an easy mech. It's fragile but if you get used to it, you will never drive anything else.

Speed: 97.2 kph (106.9 kph with speed tweak); Tonnage 50/50; Firepower 42,5; Heat Efficiency 1,26; Armor 304
Standard Armor, Endo-Steel Structure, Double Heat Sink, ARTEMIS
XL Engine 300, three Medium Laser, one LRM15, one LRM10

Posted Image

Build Link: TBT-3C

#6 Catalina Steiner


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Posted 17 April 2014 - 11:47 PM

Cicada CDA-3M, named "Tharkad" 2.0 ; Status: mastered

I do not love this mech. It was my first medium expericence and I did not like it. Blackjack and Trebuchet were even better mechs in my hands. But to be honest, the Cicada is the perfect link between light and medium mechs. And I mastered them.

Unfortunately I needed much time to master the other two chassis. I had breaks again and again but this one, the ECM-variant was really fun. This is a very dangerous mech and it can cause lots of damage. It's a classic and now, as a mastered mech, I pay tribute to this ugly pile of steel.

Speed: 129,6 kph (142.6 kph with speed tweak); Tonnage 40/40; Firepower 19; Heat Efficiency 1,51; Armor 256
Standard Armor, Endo-Steel Structure, Double Heat Sink
XL Engine 320, one ER Large Laser, two Medium Laser, Guardian ECM

Posted Image

Build Link: CDA-3M

Edited by Catalina Steiner, 12 May 2014 - 06:15 AM.

#7 Catalina Steiner


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Posted 21 April 2014 - 10:34 AM

Griffin GRF-3M, named "Hellcat"; Status: Elite skills

The Griffin is the perfect support mech, same as the Trebuchet. I'm so happy founding a similar mech like the Trebuchet, maybe fragile but very dangerous, agile and with missile hardpoints. This variant is very annoying, with four LRM5 and a nearly contant stream of missiles. Hellcat rules!

Speed: 88.4 kph (97.2 kph with speed tweak); Tonnage 55/55; Firepower 32; Heat Efficiency 1,49; Armor 368
Standard Armor, Endo-Steel Structure, Double Heat Sink
XL Engine 300, two Medium Laser, four LRM5, Beagle Active Probe, Anti-Missile System

Posted Image

Build Link: GRF-3M

Edited by Catalina Steiner, 06 November 2014 - 10:01 AM.

#8 Catalina Steiner


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Posted 21 April 2014 - 10:44 AM

Firestarter FS-Ember, named "Ember"; Status: Basic skills

I have waited a long time for this mech, I needed to finish the master skills of all other light chassis and when I was done, I got this little man in a sale. It's not old, not even the elite skills are done yet but this one will be legendary, too. A very mean brawler, nearly fast as a light, nearly the firepower of a medium. This is an evil mech and I love to drive it.

Speed: 127.3 kph (140.0 kph with speed tweak); Tonnage 35/35; Firepower 40; Heat Efficiency 1,46; Armor 238
Standard Armor, Endo-Steel Structure, Double Heat Sink
XL Engine 275, four Medium Laser, four Machine Guns, three Jump Jets

Posted Image

Build Link: EMBER

Edited by Catalina Steiner, 21 May 2014 - 02:54 AM.

#9 Hellzero


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Posted 22 April 2014 - 10:17 AM

I will add some of my personal favorite; and in their own line of field; (in my hands)most accomplished battlemechs that I pilot regularly for all eyes to see & tinker.

Awesome AWS-8Q, named "Zenith"; Status: Basics(Pending approval for other AWS variants)

This machine was re-built with one idea only in mind: Consistent barrage of long range weaponry; regardless of the surrounding heat or other mitigating factors. This includes light harassment. If paired with a properly kitted long range support-mech; this can keep the heads down of any mech at any range, and it has the track record to prove it.
  • High amount of heat sinks allow it to fire consistently with its ER PPCs even in Terra Therma. It won't turn a battle on its own, but with the right friends; your enemy will be keeping its head down 'til others can move in to position.
  • Surprisingly easy to manage its heat, with the fastest engine in its variant class, and an STD Engine to boot.
  • LPL & ERLL are devastating to certain light mechs that come in to harass the "Zenith".
Speed: 60.7 (66.8 with Speed Tweak); Tonnage 80/80; Firepower 39.6; Heat Efficiency 1.16; Armor 480
Endo-Steel Structure, Double Heat Sinks
STD Engine 300, 2x ER PPCs, ER Large Laser, Large Pulse Laser; 20 Double Heat Sinks

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Edited by Hellzero, 22 April 2014 - 12:20 PM.

#10 Hellzero


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Posted 22 April 2014 - 10:42 AM

Griffin GRF-1N, named "Artemisia"; Status: Elite

Intended to counter every ECM in the battlefield; from afar; from up close. This machine won't shine in its damage output face-to-face, but where it does is Counter Electronic Warfare. PPC working in tandem with TAG to lock down multiple targets at once. Even a light won't surprise this machine thanks to its BAP. It won't shine on its own; but its speed in the hands of a talented pilot will show its position, and well.
  • This machine will be able to keep the enemy team's ECMs down long enough to get the Missiles in; and the long range support of the enemy out.
  • I once saw a similar outfit on an ally, and I didn't see its point, 'til I became obsessed with it and I wanted to recreate it.
  • In my opinion one of the most devastating things you can take against an enemy siege lance; that's hammering you behind from ECM cover.
Speed: 88.4 (97.2 with Speed Tweak); Tonnage 55/55; Firepower 30.0; Heat Efficiency 1.4; Armor 352
Endo-Steel Structure, Double Heat Sinks
XL Engine 300; ER PCC, Medium Laser, 3x SSRM2, TAG, AMS; BAP, 4x JJ Class IV, 15 Double Heat Sinks

Posted Image

Edited by Hellzero, 22 April 2014 - 12:05 PM.

#11 Hellzero


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Posted 22 April 2014 - 10:57 AM

Jenner JR7-K, named "Aeterna 4(S)"(in honor of a fallen, young Mechwarrior who passed away); Status: Master

She's agile, she's quick; and she can hold her own. She can last eternally against any machine, if you know the angles of how to pilot it properly. From Last Mechwarrior Standing, to one-on-one duels; I have bested every form of a battlemech out there. It doesn't matter how long the battle takes, for it gets the job done.
  • The extra module slots in this variant come in very handy; and they are in my opinion its biggest asset.
  • I never leave home without the Target Info Gathering module; as I will in a heartbeat know where to hit the target; and the 12 heat sinks allow you to upkeep the Medium Laser barrage for a decent amount of time, even in Terra Therma.
  • Needless to say; 5JJs, 152.7 speed; 4ML that you can fire 4-6 times in a row; The mech is as good as its pilot is. I looked myself in the mirror every time my flight fell short; but after I learned; I didn't look back.
Speed: 138.9 (152.7 with Speed Tweak); Tonnage: 35/35; Firepower 25.0; Heat Efficiency 1.38; Armor 231
Endo-Steel Structure, Ferro Fibrious Armor, Double Heat Sinks
XL Engine 300; 4x Medium Lasers, SSRM2, 5x JJ Class V, 12 Double Heat Sinks;

Posted Image

Edited by Hellzero, 22 April 2014 - 01:13 PM.

#12 Hellzero


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Posted 22 April 2014 - 11:40 AM

Vicky(Victor) VTR-9K, named "VTR-Eternia"; Status: Master

Its variable weaponry is intended to be used at maximum on all ranges possible. It's more of an "Longbow" type of a mech(the string bow) than a straight on brawler, yet none of its edge is lost at any of the ranges. The increased speed allows it quickly to be manouvered in to any position. Angle it properly as a full blown support mech; or switch in to medium/close range fighting to "string its bow/gauss" to tear off anything in its path.
  • Master the Gauss properly, and the mech should come along flawlessly. Engage at long range with the Gauss/ER LL and the track record of 8 kills, and +139 match score might not be in every battle what you aim for; but that's what I got it after the Victor nerf. This included up-close-and-personal mixed fighting.
  • Heat isn't much of a problem with it, even when brawling.
  • Use the low profile of the Vicky to hide whenever necessary. You won't stand against most other Assaults in a head-on brawl; unless you do it on your terms with the JJs & the fast engine(Designer note: No poptarting!).
Speed: 75.9 (83.5 with Speed Tweak); Tonnage: 80/80; Firepower: 44; Heat Efficiency 1.26; Armor 448
Endo-Steel Structure, Double Heat Sinks
XL Engine 375; Gauss Rifle, 2x SSRM2, ER Large Laser, 2x Medium Lasers; 2x JJ Class II, AMS, BAP, C.A.S.E., 11 Double Heat Sinks

Posted Image

Edited by Hellzero, 22 April 2014 - 01:22 PM.

#13 990Dreams


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Posted 22 April 2014 - 04:17 PM

Tac Officer David "Hurricane" K.

Tesla's Coil -=- TDR-9S

Although I do not affiliate myself with (or against) the Lyran Commonwealth my worlds are just as threatened by the Clans as yours, and I will help in whatever way possible (unless you see a reason for me not to). This Mech was recently shipped and I have had major success the last few deployments.

This Mech can function at any range above 90 meters with devastating effect in the right hands. Four medium lasers can burn Clan Ferro Fibrous armor off while Machine Guns can chip away at the internal components of the Mech. Twin PPCs can fry ECM -- and virtually anything else they hit.



Posted Image

Blueprint: Tesla's Coil -=- TDR-9S

Edited by Catalina Steiner, 12 May 2014 - 06:57 AM.
I made the pic viewable for all users

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