Posted 21 April 2014 - 04:51 AM
I really wanted to like this game... Scratch that, I wanted to love this game. But the only emotion I've felt while playing, after the initial gee whiz, is despair. A month straight of endless beat downs capped off last night by 10 straight games of 0-12,1-12,0-12,0-12,2-12,1-12,0-12,2-12,4-12(!),1-12,1-12,1-12.
I don't know how to post screenshots, but I took a few, and its a joke. My team will always have 6 people with about 50-100 damage, while the red teams *worst* will have 200+. Every game. EVERY GAME. I know I'm part of the problem, but just through random chance, I should get put on one of these fantastic teams once in a while??? Nope, all of us crap players get lumped together for target practice for the better players.
I asked this same question a couple weeks ago, (why am i always losing) and the answers I got were
"Bad luck" - ok, bad luck with the matchmaker I can understand for a night, maybe a few nights. But a month straight of bad luck with the matchmaker?
"wait for your Eli to stabilize" - its been a month. How many weeks of getting slaughtered every time I play should be enough for my elo to drop? Because I think a month is long enough, if it hasn't dropped by now, then I don't have the stomach to endure however many more it takes.
"Get a team/clan/group" - designing your game in such a way that new players are doomed to get destroyed until they join a group is fundamentally flawed. Last night when I was on, none of my group was.. I understand grouping is a distinct advantage, but I, and other players, should be able to play without getting absolutely destroyed without my group.
I want to know, and no one can answer this, is why the red team is *always* ALWAYS perfectly coordinated while my team never is? They know exactly the best sniper spots, they know exactly when to push, they know exactly when to fall back, and when they do they have covering fire to protect them, they know exactly when/where to flank. Every game. Every every game. My team often runs in 6 different directions (despite me warning them it will get us killed, then they call me a know-it-all. "Its called flanking, genius, ever heard of it?". Nobody ever says Gee, you were right, sorry, when we get annihilated though. But that's better than the names I get called while dead players are spectating me, so I have that going for me). And if my team actually stays together, we mill about like sheep.. kiling us is like shooting fish in a barrel.
I know I'm part of the problem, but *surely* I can't be the reason my team gets stomped. Every. Single. Game. The only answer I can come up with is that it's no accident, the matchmaker is set up to put all us crap players together for the entertainment of the better players. Yeah, I know that's ridiculous, but its the only thing explanation for what I've seen. If the matchmaker was truly putting together *even-ish* teams, then just through random chance I should be getting on the better (or winning) teams occasionally. Ive gotten stomped when the other team had 2 disconnects (so having me on a team is *worse* than being short a player???). I've gotten stomped when my team had 9 assaults with 3 DDCs.
I wanted so badly to love this game, but its going to have to go unrequited. I've run out of the neccessary amount of masochism, stubbornness, and stupid it takes to force myself to keep playing in the hope it will get better.
Good luck all. I wish I could say thanks for the memories, but I want to forget this last month as quickly as possible.
Posted 21 April 2014 - 05:06 AM
Just because a match is a stomp does not mean the matchmaker failed. The no-respawn system and multiplication of force makes it easy to turn a small advantage into a large lead. (If your team has one lance in the wrong place, that can easily lead to four quick deaths for your team)
Facing six, eight, ten Assault mechs and a bunch of DDC is terribly frustrating! We've all been there. In a few weeks public matches will be restricted to a maximum of 3 Assaults per team, which will greatly change the dynamic of team balance and composition. Maybe take a break until then?
Look for other pilots to play with. Check the factions forums, check the hiring hall, or just head to NGNG's public server for pick-up groups. Playing with a group means you can bring complimentary mechs, means you can coordinate targets, you might even learn some tricks and tips.
Posted 21 April 2014 - 05:08 AM
Posted 21 April 2014 - 05:14 AM
That shouldn't doom me. The game should be playable without HAVING to TS to have any success.
And I don't think you read closely... MY team had 9 assaults with 3DDCs. And we got slaughtered. Yeah, the one time I look at my team and think "Yes, finally a win". I can't remember the exact score, it was a couple weeks ago, but it was a stomp. 4-12 or worse.
Posted 21 April 2014 - 05:23 AM
That being said, MWO's matchmaker is in a pretty bad state, and the results you describe are not uncommon. Things will improve starting with a first serious step on April 29th (next scheduled patch: strict weight matching, slightly stricter skill matching). If you do not wish to spend more time on it, consider coming back in a month or three. AFAIK, accounts do not get closed from inactivity.
Posted 21 April 2014 - 05:28 AM
But for people who are having a rough time, you should seek out advantages instead of shunning them(if you can't beat 'em, join 'em). I have two kids and my PC is right next to the TV, I still manage to play on a TS server.
Posted 21 April 2014 - 05:32 AM
Posted 21 April 2014 - 05:33 AM
Posted 21 April 2014 - 05:36 AM
The objective is to kill them before they kill you thing is if your team starts going 8 different directions your going to get stomped because the enemy team will start to pick you off in clusters.
The larger there advantage gets the more your forced into defensive mode limiting your damage significantly and eventually no matter what you do your going down when the entire enemy team catches up with you.
The matchmaker needs a serious fix I wont deny that it is completely and utterly broken , But something else needs a serious fix to peoples intelligence/ strategically thinking
Posted 21 April 2014 - 05:37 AM
sneeking, on 21 April 2014 - 05:29 AM, said:
That's exactly what I want to know. The other team is always always always better. Always.
I just retyped and deleted pretty much the same rant as above... but it boils down to a question no one is going to be able to answer. Can't just be bad luck for an entire month straight. I can't be worse than a farmer or DC, and after a month my elo should have dropped. So why/how is this possible? And how/why is this NORMAL?
Posted 21 April 2014 - 05:43 AM
Redshift2k5, on 21 April 2014 - 05:28 AM, said:
But for people who are having a rough time, you should seek out advantages instead of shunning them(if you can't beat 'em, join 'em). I have two kids and my PC is right next to the TV, I still manage to play on a TS server.
That's great for you. You're a much better, or luckier, or both, player than I am
It's beside the point. I shouldn't *have* to TS to have *any* success. I (and other new players, although I'm not sure if still considered new) should be able to win something without TS. I'm not saying I should be dominating, I stink... But I should be able to at least NOT get annihilated every single game without the TS
Edited by Onyxian, 21 April 2014 - 05:46 AM.
Posted 21 April 2014 - 06:53 AM
I don't TS myself, i play without sound 30-40% of the time+don't have a head set.
Posted 21 April 2014 - 06:56 AM
If Elo predicted you lose, and you lose, there isn't much adjustment.
If Elo predicted you win, and you win, there isn't much adjustment.
You start at 1300 for an Elo rating, which is in the average range. If your team always did as Elo predicted, you could still be sitting at 1300 rating right now.
Also note that you have four different Elo ratings -- one for lights, one for mediums, one for heavies, and one for assaults. If you've been spending time in each weight class, you haven't adjusted Elo as much as you think you have.
Posted 21 April 2014 - 07:10 AM
Have you tried taking command and issuing orders before? Or even just posted a rendenvous coordinate in chat or general strategy? Most players are looking for someone to take charge and if no one does, come up with their own plan, on their own. At least, that has been my experience. It may not work out in the end, but you'll feel better if your team actually had a goal.
Oh, btw, the red team is always the enemy. Conversly, you are always the red team from their perspective.
Posted 21 April 2014 - 07:13 AM
Posted 21 April 2014 - 07:19 AM
Personally I can't imagine how frustrating must be to have so many bad matches in a row.
So I can't pretend I know what you guys are going through, but I can suggest some things:
- Get a 80-90kph+ mech and use the speed to move about the battlefield to support the lance(s) that show they actually know what they are doing.
- If the whole team seems they don't have a clue of what they are doing, use the team chat to let them know what to do (often take advantage of the first seconds of the match so everyone can read you). Typing something like "Group up at E4, guys!" in the first seconds of the match helps the team to coordinate movement, after that, either you try to give hints or commands like "Move on the E line towards E7 and DO NOT GET SPOTTED" or you just see how they behave and follow them.
- If even so you see it doesn't help/work... well you are a bit out of luck, so try to stick to a large group and support them as best you can.
Pugging is frustrating in most times, but if you manage to type and make the teammates understand the blue text is to read and follow, then you are half way through a nice combat.
And don't quit the game. There are ways to manipulate your team to move towards a better path.
Lock only the enemies you see fit to be destroyed if your team moves towards them and see if the team moves. Multiple locks also help since the bleeping sound and the flashing triangles on the radar usually call their attention.
Hope this helps you.
Posted 21 April 2014 - 07:33 AM
Similarly if you are firing LRM don't switch targets until your missiles hit or they will no longer track; they will be wasted.
The ELO band is very wide. Too wide, really, to get an appropriate drop. The devs had to do this because so few were patient with the wait times required to get a match with narrower skill bands. Because they classify the new player, completely unskilled, unable to control his mech, unable to aim properly, all those completely unpracticed pilots are being thrown in with well-practiced but average pilots.
Maybe its only me, but it seems like it would be better to presume the worst of completely new pilots and start them at the bottom with the rest of the completely unskilled, unpracticed new pilots and let them rise or stay on the basis of their measured performance.
Posted 21 April 2014 - 07:34 AM
Onyxian, on 21 April 2014 - 05:14 AM, said:
The Atlas is mostly a bullet sponge these days, so yeah, that was going to happen if the other team had jump snipers.
Having more DDC's meant you won back in closed beta.
Posted 21 April 2014 - 07:36 AM
Posted 21 April 2014 - 07:40 AM
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