Unit Creation and Management Tools
To create a Unit, players will need to click the Faction tab in the main UI. On the Faction tab is a button labeled “Create Unit”. This is only available if the player is not part of a Unit.
Unit Leaders can assign the following Privileges to sub-ranks as they see fit:
Member Assignable Privileges (by the Unit Leader via Rank Privileges):
By default, the Unit will be populated with basic US military ranks.
Please note that “coffer” actions are for future feature support.
This is the initial feature set planned for Unit Creation and Management and is step 1 on the path to Community Warfare.
A Clarification:
On a side note, I've seen the rumblings of people thinking that mixed teams of Clan and IS 'Mechs will be the norm from here on out. This is not the case. Faction (IS/Clan) combat is a big part of Community Warfare as are the skirmishes between the Houses themselves and the Clans themselves. This requires additional work to the database, player data and match making systems and will come out at a later time.
Unit Creation and Management Tools
To create a Unit, players will need to click the Faction tab in the main UI. On the Faction tab is a button labeled “Create Unit”. This is only available if the player is not part of a Unit.
- If the player is not part of a Unit, they will be prompted to name their Unit.
- After naming the Unit, the Unit Leader can set a Unit Tag.
- The Unit creator can now invite people to their Unit through their Friend List.
- Units can collect a communal C-Bill coffer through donations from its members.
- Units can create ranks and assign Unit management permissions to each rank.
- Units have their own Unit and Officer chat channels.
- Invite members.
- Kick members.
- Assign Ranks.
- Assign a member as the new Leader
- Create/Name ranks.
- Edit/Delete ranks.
- Order/Reorder ranks.
- View Unit coffer balance.
- View Unit coffer transaction log.
- View Officer Chat channel.
- Disband the Unit.
- Disbanding a Unit can only be done when there is only one player left in the Unit.
- Set MotD (Message of the Day)
Unit Leaders can assign the following Privileges to sub-ranks as they see fit:
Member Assignable Privileges (by the Unit Leader via Rank Privileges):
- Invite members.
- Kick members (Unit Leader is the only exception).
- Assign ranks.
- View Unit coffer balance.
- View Unit coffer transaction log.
- View Officer Chat channel.
- Set MotD (Message of the Day)
By default, the Unit will be populated with basic US military ranks.
Please note that “coffer” actions are for future feature support.
This is the initial feature set planned for Unit Creation and Management and is step 1 on the path to Community Warfare.
A Clarification:
On a side note, I've seen the rumblings of people thinking that mixed teams of Clan and IS 'Mechs will be the norm from here on out. This is not the case. Faction (IS/Clan) combat is a big part of Community Warfare as are the skirmishes between the Houses themselves and the Clans themselves. This requires additional work to the database, player data and match making systems and will come out at a later time.