Pjwned, on 26 July 2014 - 12:41 AM, said:
You were talking about making turrets stronger and made it seem like you practically wanted an impenetrable fortress for each base instead of the simple cap objective that it should be, so okay if it's just cosmetic then I don't really see the point much.
There is counterplay to solo capping and I already explained what it was.
I was talking about making turrets stronger, put them at 45 health for example. The walls would be a nice touch as well. The rest is cosmetic, such as buildings, more vehicles on the ground, and so on and so forth.
Pjwned, on 26 July 2014 - 12:41 AM, said:
If you don't see the enemy and you don't have any allies near your base then maybe the enemy is going for the base, wow what a tough concept.
but you ARE seeing the enemy, or at least you think you're seeing all of them. Why would you go back to base when you're seeing pretty much the entire enemy team? (if there's even one ECM on the enemy team, you will take it for granted that they are all there, and not pay attention until you get the "base is under attack" message. Which you might not even notice if the light holds off the cap until around 5 minutes in. I've initiated cap wins when there were 4 minutes left on the timer. People can draw out a fight every now and then.
Pjwned, on 26 July 2014 - 12:41 AM, said:
The light mech(s) going back to defend will not leave their team any more undermanned than the attacking force is. It's also not difficult to tell how many mechs are on the base based on how fast it caps (and cap accel does not have anywhere close to that benefit) and if you let assault mechs cap within 5 minutes without being aware that sounds like a pretty huge fail unless you somehow completely avoided them and then sat around doing nothing wondering where they are.
No they will. Here are the scenarios where I employ just my one light mech, and the enemy sends back lights to defend the base:
1- They send back one light (extremely unlikely in a solo match, as more than half the team will probably panic and run back) which leaves them at even footing. However, that one light still runs the risk of losing to me in a duel, and might ask for back up.
2- They send back multiple lights. 90% of the time that I've seen light defenders rush back they're always 2+. Meaning right now, on the front lines there are 11 of my teammates, vs. 10 of yours. Most likely after sending their only lights back to base. While we still have other lights on the front line.
If you think that doesn't make much of an impact in a fight, you clearly don't play lights often enough. All it takes for me to kill an assault mech in one of my lights is 2-3 alphas into their rear. Which I will get, unless they turn around to hit me, and then my teammates shot them in the rear.
Pjwned, on 26 July 2014 - 12:41 AM, said:
You're exaggerating greatly how effective it is to initiate a base cap unless there's 3 or more, at which point I sure hope it would be effective. Also, If the whole team gives up their position to chase 1 light mech then they're playing poorly.
You're under-estimating greatly how easy it is to initiate a base cap with just one mech. Seriously, go and play the game in a non-stock light mech, and try to take a base. It's too darn easy right now.
Pjwned, on 26 July 2014 - 12:41 AM, said:
Turrets make base defense not even a consideration the vast majority of the time.
No, they allow the team some time to respond. Plus they allow the offense team some good psychological warfare, if the enemy team keeps getting "base under attack" messages, they will either keep ignoring the messages, and most likely miss that the base is being capped later on, or rush back to defend. Either way you look at it. If the enemy team rushes back to defend, they have to perform rear guard action, and will lose serious manpower, or they rush the opposing team to finish them off quickly, and they will most likely get capped.
Pjwned, on 26 July 2014 - 12:41 AM, said:
I don't see how jumping up and down like a spaz requires much team work, and if you solo cap with frequent success then it's probably because--you guessed it, poor play from the enemy team.
You clearly don't play with people who practice that tactic, poptarting relies a lot on teamwork actually, as it does have it's vulnerabilities, all of which are nullified in a 12 drop because everyone is on comms, and coordinated salvos prevent a lot of the flanking maneuvers that could break the formation. Plus, it's very easy to get isolated when utilizing that tactic.
Again, go right now, and hop into a poptart mech. Do it in a solo drop, and then go and drop with a group. You'll see a huge difference, especially if the group knows how to support a poptart mech.
Pjwned, on 26 July 2014 - 12:41 AM, said:
Your mech isn't any more powerful for taking the objective than their capacity to properly defend it.
1-I'm talking about making lights impervious to turrets
2-That is where you are wrong. If we removed the turrets, the enemy team has actually no chance of defending the base until AFTER I start the cap. Do you see the problem here?
Pjwned, on 26 July 2014 - 12:41 AM, said:
If they ignore their base then it sounds like their problem when they lose if it gets capped.
Yeah, no problems here.
Pjwned, on 26 July 2014 - 12:41 AM, said:
It's only as easy to cap as the enemy team lets it be. Having turrets still adds more automatic base defense than there should be, anybody that ever does come to defend their base as of now has it easy mode because of turrets, most people don't even bother because they don't need to worry about it 98% of the time.
They don't need to worry about it because of the illusion of solid turret defense. When in fact all it takes is one light mech to wreck most, if not the entire base in one quick assault.
Pjwned, on 26 July 2014 - 12:41 AM, said:
Your argument is basically that people don't bother to defend their base properly and you tell me to look at the whole picture, I find that a bit funny. Also, whining about "insults" when I'm hardly being insulting is just that, whining.
Okay, you really do need to look at the whole picture. What exactly is a base? Right now, all you see it as is a cap point. However, if you stop being condescending for 2 seconds and think about it, you are assaulting a military base. There should be defenses you have to go through. Have you ever been to a military base? Right now, from how you're talking, it seems like you have 0 military knowledge about the context of not only this game, but how military action is conducted.
Military bases have lots of defenses, they're not just open to everyone. The closes thing we can get to, to simulate their defenses is a bunch of measly turrets right now. Wait until there are tanks, aerospace fighters, and so on and so forth. What you're carrying out is a base ASSAULT. You were the one talking about the game mode, and how people should understand it. Well, you clearly don't understand it. You're just making up an argument that fits what you want, with no regard to the game, the lore, common sense, and basic military tactics.
As for "whining" about insults. All I asked, is for you to stop using them, as they:1- dilute any point you're trying to make. 2- Make you seem like an A**hole.
You called me an idiot a few times, and apparently that's not an insult in your book?
Well it is in mine. If you need to re-learn basic manners, go do that somewhere else, and let the adults carry the discussions.
All I wanted was to have a civil discussion, but somehow, that seems to be too much to ask from you.
Shall we catalog:
1- Don't understand the context of the subject at hand
2- Insulting for no apparent reason
3- Completely inflated arguments that show lack of experience with turrets, and base caps
4- Lacking in understanding of military tactics, and in a few cases, common sense.
5- Condescending for no real reason.
Have a nice day.
Edited by IraqiWalker, 26 July 2014 - 01:28 AM.