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What Gives In The Map Making Department


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#1 Kyle Wright


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Posted 06 August 2014 - 11:21 PM

Now I found this video take from inside MW: LL. How is it they were able to get these really well done maps and from what I hear they had the same if not more then we do currently using the same game engine? There is really nothing Fancy PGI, You dont have to get super elaborate with map designs. Not all battles have to fight within a city or around one. Give us non-populated terrain with random hills, mountains, sunken valleys, bodies of water, and forest. Throw in weather for effects. These super elaborate terrain features you come up with dont need to be. As a geologist canyon network would never be how it is in real life unless it was the remnant of river mouth dumping into a ancient ocean. And even then you would find hundreds of meters of sediments deposited in alluvial fans.

Then look at this map in this training match... Look how big it is. Notice how people cant be spotted from super far away... These guys are talking in Russian and all I understood was blah blah Fafnir ( think he said shoot the fafnir). They have some structures, but the rest is non fancy terrain really.

Edited by Kyle Wright, 06 August 2014 - 11:35 PM.

#2 NextGame


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Posted 06 August 2014 - 11:26 PM

I'm surprised that there hasn't been any investigation done around converting some of these maps to MWO

#3 Mycrus


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Posted 06 August 2014 - 11:33 PM

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Pgi won't build what they can't monetize.

#4 headbasher


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Posted 06 August 2014 - 11:37 PM

View PostMycrus, on 06 August 2014 - 11:33 PM, said:

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Pgi won't build what they can't monetize.

That quote makes me want to throw up, just wow. Cant make maps AND do other things , sell MW to someone with the money to make it what it could be.

Edited by headbasher, 06 August 2014 - 11:39 PM.

#5 Davic Kerensky


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Posted 06 August 2014 - 11:40 PM

View PostMycrus, on 06 August 2014 - 11:33 PM, said:

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Pgi won't build what they can't monetize.

Mycrus has this totally said in one sentence ... because they'd have to do some serious work .. rather than recolouring exsisting mechs and milking you for cash. They dangle the 'map' carrot infront of us every now and then .. and then you get the monthly report of action and find yup ... no map AGAIN .. oh but wait .. we are selling you new 'shiney' mechs !! *gives sad puppy eyes* .... at this point I go 'hmm .. where's that damned shotgun!'

#6 Kyle Wright


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Posted 06 August 2014 - 11:45 PM

View Postheadbasher, on 06 August 2014 - 11:37 PM, said:

That quote makes me want to throw up, just wow. Cant make maps AND do other things , sell MW to someone with the money to make it what it could be.

These guys managed to make insane sized maps see the 2nd video that a hour long and it was on a MOD. If i remember someone said they only had like a couple guys designing everything.

Id rather have a new map every 5 weeks and a 2 new mech chassis every 2-3 months.

View Postsnessuk, on 06 August 2014 - 11:40 PM, said:

Mycrus has this totally said in one sentence ... because they'd have to do some serious work .. rather than recolouring exsisting mechs and milking you for cash. They dangle the 'map' carrot infront of us every now and then .. and then you get the monthly report of action and find yup ... no map AGAIN .. oh but wait .. we are selling you new 'shiney' mechs !! *gives sad puppy eyes* .... at this point I go 'hmm .. where's that damned shotgun!'

Im sitting here as someone who never played MW: LL and am shocked. Ive dumped maybe 3-400 into this game and im watching these guys videos wanting to play their game. Sure the mechs cant be customized and its a die then re-spawn world, but the maps ive seen alone I am blown away. They make you feel like you could go anywhere in the universe. And lets face it unless you are in the infantry and are clearing a urban environment the modern battlefield is not a small place.

Edited by Kyle Wright, 06 August 2014 - 11:47 PM.

#7 El Bandito


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Posted 06 August 2014 - 11:46 PM

PGI is definitely not hiring the right people.

#8 Monkey Lover


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Posted 06 August 2014 - 11:53 PM

haha if he thinks mc sales are bad now just wait for people to get bored of the new clan mechs. Im almost there.

Edited by Monkey Lover, 06 August 2014 - 11:54 PM.

#9 Kyle Wright


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Posted 06 August 2014 - 11:55 PM

View PostMonkey Lover, on 06 August 2014 - 11:53 PM, said:

haha if he thinks mc sales are bad now just wait for people to get bored of the new clan mechs. Im almost there.

Already ahead of you. I have 2000 extra mc and I have no intent to spend it on anything till further notice. the Clan pack wasnt as disappointing as the Phoenix mechs, but damn we need maps badly or this game is going to die slowly.

#10 charov


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Posted 06 August 2014 - 11:58 PM

Two maps are coming, mech factory and jungle I think.

#11 Monkey Lover


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Posted 07 August 2014 - 12:01 AM

YA two maps isn't going to cut it. Designing every map is not how you make a game with limit resources. They need to allow the community to make maps or they need to make a random map generator. They should make the tools for the community to make the maps too. This is how most games are designed. Very few sit around making one large 3d model of map.

#12 Kyle Wright


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Posted 07 August 2014 - 12:02 AM

View Postred devil2, on 06 August 2014 - 11:58 PM, said:

Two maps are coming, mech factory and jungle I think.

Which is nice, but its been what 7 months since the last map. Since then the game has seen 14 mech chassis added Phoenix+ saber+ clan?

#13 MadPanda


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Posted 07 August 2014 - 12:02 AM

View PostMycrus, on 06 August 2014 - 11:33 PM, said:

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Pgi won't build what they can't monetize.

Wow, did he seriously just say that they aren't making maps because it doesn't help them sell more MC packs? Wow...

#14 John1352


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Posted 07 August 2014 - 12:29 AM

I would be quite happy to have more maps using the same textures/models, just different layouts. I don't understand how we shoot past a building/over an object and it hits it though. Does Cry Engine have separate models for physics and graphics?

Also, with the amount of clan mechs PGI has sold, they should be able to concentrate entirely on CW, tutorials and maps for 6 months and still have plenty of money in the bank at the end.

Edit: 100th post!

Edited by John1352, 07 August 2014 - 12:30 AM.

#15 Training Instructor


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Posted 07 August 2014 - 01:03 AM

One of the reasons they can't hire more people is because they chose to not be located in a city that attracts talent from the gaming industry.

Lack of maps bothers me a lot, along with the inability to pick at least one map I simply don't want to play.

*No, it wouldn't be terra therma, it would be River City Night*

Edited by Training Instructor, 07 August 2014 - 01:04 AM.

#16 Kilo 40


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Posted 07 August 2014 - 01:06 AM

View PostMadPanda, on 07 August 2014 - 12:02 AM, said:

Wow, did he seriously just say that they aren't making maps because it doesn't help them sell more MC packs?


#17 MadPanda


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Posted 07 August 2014 - 01:10 AM

View PostKilo 40, on 07 August 2014 - 01:06 AM, said:


Explain the quote then Mr. Troll. Or was this just a quick visit?

"It also means their indirect impact on MC sales hasn't actually been significant enough in the past to make them a top priority"

#18 Kiri117


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Posted 07 August 2014 - 01:16 AM

Keep in mind, this game killed MechWarrior: Living Legends. It's been what, two years since then and MWO still isn't half the game Living Legends was. But they had the gall to say, and I quote from Ross Bullock: http://www.rockpaper...is-less-living/ "We both realized that the MWLL community was small and it really wasn’t competing with MWO but still each time a feature was added to MWLL that was in MWO it felt as though we were doubling up effort to restore this great brand."

Implying that somehow these MWLL guys were trying to catch up to MWO and the efforts were all but wasted. **** you MWO. I want Legends back, where I spawned in power armor and walked through my command post down to the hangar to hop into a tank, an aerospace fighter, a mech or even just pick up a bigger gun and some explosives and walk out in that same power armor and join the battle.

There's nothing more immersive than ordering which Atlas model you want, being pointed to which hangar is yours, then physically standing beside the giant hulking titan that is your mech before jump-jetting up to its cockpit, hopping in, making sure you have ammo loaded and beginning to lumber out the hangar doors to join a battle in progress on a huge map.

#19 Oderint dum Metuant


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Posted 07 August 2014 - 01:18 AM

View PostKilo 40, on 07 August 2014 - 01:06 AM, said:



#20 Black Ivan


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Posted 07 August 2014 - 01:29 AM

PGI was definitly the wrong company to put the idea for an Online BT game. The licence should have gone to a company with more money and ressources,

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