Pilot name is: Hiddleston
As in Tom Hiddleston who played Loki in Thor and the Avengers, fairly obvious but nice touch. Apparently he's a Ghost Bear Star Captain, of Alpha Galaxy(aka: The Golden Bears - Loki(Hiddleston) had gold armour?), going by the bars on the arm and the torso insignia.
Not sure if the 07 has any significance.
Gargoyle(Man O War)
Pilot name is: Doug
This one is a bit more subtle. Doug Spata created an orchestra arrangement called Gargoyles.
The left arm auto-cannon has "Goliath" on it. I believe this is a reference to the 1990's Disney animated television series "Gargoyles". Where Goliath is the name of the main character who is a gargoyle. Yay nostalgia!
Not sure if the 13 has any significance to either.
Jade Falcon Gamma Galaxy (aka: Jade Falcon Galaxy) for the insignia.
Ice Ferret(Fenris)
Has "will find you" written on it. Ice Ferret. Phrase: "To ferret something out". Fairly simple.
Shout out to Wolf Delta Galaxy (aka: The Snarling Wolves) for the insignia.
13 shows up again *shrug*
Left arm gun has "ZP2DXTRM", "zap to the extreme"?
Mist Lynx(Koshi)
Has "Irate feline" written on it. Possible reference to Grumpy Cat (Aka: Tard, short for Tarder Sauce, yes that's the cat's real name.)
"Irate feline" is a possible play on "Mad Cat" - PhoenixNMGLB for the idea
Smoke Jaguar Delta Galaxy insignia, aka: The Cloud Rangers.
4 on this one, I'd say 4chan but Grumpy Cat originated on reddit.
Thanks to Monsoon for pointing out the main page image.
Mad Dog(Vulture)
"Beware of Dog" - Found down in the 'groin' area. - Monsoon
See a Wolf Beta Galaxy insignia, aka: The Arctic Wolves until 3058 where they become The Shadow Wolves. The same galaxy that Khan Natasha Kerensky commanded up until her death in the Refusal War.
Number 03, again *shrug*
Edited by Saber Avalon, 17 September 2014 - 10:21 PM.