Need Atlas Help
Posted 24 September 2014 - 09:37 AM
But now i am trying atlas's, and i am having an awful time. This thing is slower than a turtle, and just the simple fact, that half the time my team just out runs me and leaves me to die. Or, the other, when the brawl starts in an area.. they decide to just up and run off, again leaving me by myself unable to keep up. I always watch the blue triangles, and try to stay with them, but when they decide to jet, there is nothing i can do about it.
Even my DDC, people never seam to stay near me. I have tried to stick with other assaults, and that has helped a little, but even then, one assault, and the rest of the team running off, makes for two easy kill targets when you are getting ganked 4-5 to 1.
The stalker i have gone with a more LR build, using PPC's,.. But even with LRM's or LL's i have yet to find something that really works well in the atlas'. They also seam to run hot with the minimum load outs, and still can't fit a big engine in um. (been running a 320STD) I've been thinking about buying a bigger engine, but that means losing heat sinks, or even weapons, when i find the load outs lacking as it is. My CTD, can carry almost the same thing, and is faster so i am having trouble finding what these things are good for.
Maybe it is because i have not unlocked elites.. (barely out of basics) the stalkers did liven up a bit after that, but the atlas, seams to be even worse. It is like the whole follow the atlas, or stick with assaults has completely vanished as of late and it just has me wondering if i should give up on them for the time being. I swear this last month or so with all these events my fun has dropped considerably.
Any thoughts at all on what i can do, to increase my fun, or get people to stick closer and not run off.. or is it just completely hopeless for an Atlas in a PUG?
Posted 24 September 2014 - 09:49 AM
1. Torso-twisting is an absolute must in an Atlas, in order to to spread damage around and increase your survivability. Get in the habit of facing your enemy, firing off the majority of your weapons, and then immediately turning your torso 90 degrees so that your enemy's return fire is more likely to hit one of your arms than one of your torsos. Once your weapons have recharged, repeat.
2. You should be able to put a bigger engine in the Atlas (somewhere between a STD 330 and 350) to help you keep up with your teammates a little better.
3. Getting the 'Mech all the way through the Elites will help a TON. You'll get the double-bonuses for the basics, which will give you much better cooling, and Speed Tweak is HUGE.
4. Try something like this: Atlas-DDC
Edited by DEMAX51, 24 September 2014 - 09:50 AM.
Posted 24 September 2014 - 10:09 AM
Posted 24 September 2014 - 10:12 AM
Posted 24 September 2014 - 10:21 AM
Shar Wolf, on 24 September 2014 - 10:12 AM, said:
Note: When you get to Elite, go straight for the Speed Tweak... do NOT waste time getting pinpoint, quick start or fast fire to start off... Build up the 8500 points and only after you get Speed Tweak, should you get the others. This makes a WORLD of difference...
(Credentials: Own and Mastered ALL available Atlas Variants)
Posted 24 September 2014 - 10:34 AM
Still, what these guys said. Unlock, and torso twist like a epileptic robot.
Posted 24 September 2014 - 10:48 AM
1. You are the heart of the battle. This may be different with other Assaults, but when an Atlas shows up, everybody starts focusing on that. When you go on the offensive, your team has to follow you to make it potentially victorious. As part of that, I put two LRM10s into my D, rather than SRMs. Some might find that disagreeable, but while lights and mediums have light skirmishes, I can still get out a fair bit of damage without exposing myself or using heavy and hot LLs or PPCs. It also allows me to put some impulse shake into enemies at range if I'm caught out in the open, and I can fire on a retreating enemy. For the D-DC, since you're reliant on ECM, the SRMs are a much better fit than LRMs. Still though, when you push, things get real, so you have to be mindful of when its the right time. Don't bother with peeking for minor damage, just hold your ground and wait for the opportunity to push, and if your team is any decent, they'll push with you. You don't even have as much longevity as most Assault mechs, and the Atlas tends to have a very short range, but nobody ignores 100 tons of walking death, and that is one of the chassis' greatest strengths. You're the meatshield, you're the crack that breaks the damn open and floods the area. It seems that the Atlas does this better than any other assault mech in the game.
2. Your speed, or rather lackthereof, influences the team. When a team balls into one big blob, they generally try to stay close to the same speed. That is useful in an Atlas, because if you have any teammates with sense, they'll stick close. People generally don't roll up nice and cozy next to a Victor or Highlander or Stalker, but when they see an Atlas, many will glue to you, and even if they're in lighter mechs, they won't stray too far from your line of sight and support. You can even use that as a baiting technique - enemy comes in for a light mech, they get ambushed by an Atlas. I've experienced problems with some pub matches with people abandoning me, but more often than not, those were matches I was going to anyways because ELO decided that I was on the team with headless chickens.
3. Use as much of your armour as possible. Twist and twist and twist and twist like you're a member of some sort of fad workout on TV. You garner the most attention, and you've got the most armour, so try to use as much of it as possible. Also, twist, even just a little, in super-close combat (less than 100m), because if the enemy is that close, they're aiming for the cockpit.
4. Know your profile. Know the height and width of the Atlas, and how it relates to space around you. Can allies get around you? Are you fully in cover? Know where your weapon hardpoints will hit. The Atlas has fairly little vertical mobility, so be wary of engagements on high ground or low ground.
If you're still getting frustrated, just postpone the Atlas. Come back to it another time. Take it out for one match every other play session, but mostly play what you prefer. Meta will fix the issues with Assault mechs being abandoned so often soon enough. No point in ripping your hair out over a game.
Creovex, on 24 September 2014 - 10:21 AM, said:
Note: When you get to Elite, go straight for the Speed Tweak... do NOT waste time getting pinpoint, quick start or fast fire to start off... Build up the 8500 points and only after you get Speed Tweak, should you get the others. This makes a WORLD of difference...
(Credentials: Own and Mastered ALL available Atlas Variants)
I thought this went without saying for all Elite skills

Edit: For what its worth, this is my D's build.
Fairly reliable, hasn't let me down in any particular way. Not a great build, but then again, I'm not a great player.
Edited by MarsAtlas, 24 September 2014 - 11:11 AM.
Posted 24 September 2014 - 11:16 AM
These games will happen,dont worry about it.
Demax's build is ok,though i would move more armour to the front,10,15,10 for the rear torso's and pile the rest on the front,i would also drop the ASRM4's and replace them with SRM6's.With lowish back armour you have to be aware of bad guys getting in your back,if a light is sitting on your arse shooting you in the back go full reverse and turn as quick as you can,i see people trying to track other mechs by moving forward and turning,you will never catch them this way,you turn so much quicker in reverse.
If pugs in your game are looking at you to lead the charge,then like people have said twist like crazy,alpha strike,twist,alpha strike,twist,dont wait for lasers to do their full duration either,twist as soon as you have fired the SRM's and AC20.
If you know that as soon as you crest a hill or turn a corner multiple enemy mechs will start shooting at you then start your charge already twisted,losing an arm is not a big deal on a D-DC and some of the enemy may hold their fire waiting for you to show your CT.
Dont stand still when you are in a fight,allways keep moving and turning,i personally like to pick a big enemy mech and run straight at him,the closer you are to him the bigger the chance he will be blocking fire from other enemies,i find running through an enemy line(if i make it that far) also has the added bonus of turning bad guys around,making them show their backs to friendlies.
An atlas isn't so much about getting kills and high damage scores,its about living as long as you possibly can,spreading damage and staying up,keeping enemies focused on you while your team can place their shots unmolested and kill stuff more efficiently.
But for all this to happen the team does have to wait for you and follow you when you push.
Posted 24 September 2014 - 11:38 AM
Atlas is a charger mech thats soul life is based on being shot at. while everyone els is suppost to shoot at everyone trying to shoot the Atlas charging like a American Football player charging with the ball to the enemy lines. and in 12v12 your up time can be as good as 20 to 30 seconds maximum if you even do it right. your the meat shield.
but hey. 99.9% in a pug drop. people simply don't realize this. and simply die just a few seconds or minute's after your dead and when they dare to say. noob atlas ? i just laugh my ass off cause of the lack of understanding.
(Edit: do make sure you Leroy yourself in at the correct time if all is ready tho)
Edited by Estonniel, 24 September 2014 - 11:39 AM.
Posted 24 September 2014 - 11:43 AM
My survivability and impact in matches while piloting my DDC went up considerably when I started dropping with a clan.
I've seen some pretty decent builds that utilize longer range weapon systems but ive always found the Atlases worked best for me in close where the alpha/twist/alpha punishes your chosen target.
Once you have elited 4/4 you should see a noticeable increase in performance. Hang in there fellow atlas driver. If you want to discuss builds try finding me in game. Ill let you know what worked for me and you can modify away to suit your play style.
Aelryc Maalen
Warpigs Mercenary Company
Posted 24 September 2014 - 12:48 PM
DEMAX51, on 24 September 2014 - 09:49 AM, said:
2. You should be able to put a bigger engine in the Atlas (somewhere between a STD 330 and 350) to help you keep up with your teammates a little better.
I got the twist down at least i have played over 450 in an HBK 4G, so i am pretty good at the "twist"

that said,, really it is a lot to do with the group, either Not pushing. I have seen many times, i push a spot with 3 mechs or so, and i have 6+ behind me, and they just never come... Often i make it back to cover with all my weapons, but by that time my tanking is over, and i see them running off chasing a spider.

Perhaps trying to make the atlas a longer range, or at least bringing more range into it? instead of the ac-20 maybe i should try a dual AC-5 atlas? Or UAC-5? The UAC, i have not really understood the whole double tap/macro thing for shooting more shots. Maybe someone can explain that because i have always found the UAC under performing compared to an AC-20. But this thing is such a slug, i find it hard getting into position for SRM's and AC-20, before getting shredded, unlike mediums, or fast heavies i can get in, and get out much faster. Or perhaps i should give a Gauss a shot.. haven't used one in a long timem but maybe i should give it a shot. Any thoughts on a gauss in an Atlas?
As for engine, They did just give me a few mill, and i have some banked.. would you really think the 350 STD my best choice for another engine to try? (is this engine used in other mechs?) it kinda looks like the 340std is a better option? The difference is 2.5 tons, to go from 55.1 to 56.7, tweaked that is 60.6 and 62.4, which would bring it up to my stalker speed.. with tweak that is almost 10 KPH faster than the turtle it is now. (all three variants i managed to just unlock basics during double XP, though the DDC has enough to unlock Tweak, i just have not played it since i banked the XP.
anyways.. Thoughts on these other Q's?
Posted 24 September 2014 - 12:50 PM
JC Daxion, on 24 September 2014 - 12:48 PM, said:
I got the twist down at least i have played over 450 in an HBK 4G, so i am pretty good at the "twist"

that said,, really it is a lot to do with the group, either Not pushing. I have seen many times, i push a spot with 3 mechs or so, and i have 6+ behind me, and they just never come... Often i make it back to cover with all my weapons, but by that time my tanking is over, and i see them running off chasing a spider.

Perhaps trying to make the atlas a longer range, or at least bringing more range into it? instead of the ac-20 maybe i should try a dual AC-5 atlas? Or UAC-5? The UAC, i have not really understood the whole double tap/macro thing for shooting more shots. Maybe someone can explain that because i have always found the UAC under performing compared to an AC-20. But this thing is such a slug, i find it hard getting into position for SRM's and AC-20, before getting shredded, unlike mediums, or fast heavies i can get in, and get out much faster. Or perhaps i should give a Gauss a shot.. haven't used one in a long timem but maybe i should give it a shot. Any thoughts on a gauss in an Atlas?
As for engine, They did just give me a few mill, and i have some banked.. would you really think the 350 STD my best choice for another engine to try? (is this engine used in other mechs?) it kinda looks like the 340std is a better option? The difference is 2.5 tons, to go from 55.1 to 56.7, tweaked that is 60.6 and 62.4, which would bring it up to my stalker speed.. with tweak that is almost 10 KPH faster than the turtle it is now. (all three variants i managed to just unlock basics during double XP, though the DDC has enough to unlock Tweak, i just have not played it since i banked the XP.
anyways.. Thoughts on these other Q's?
Works well ^^^
Edited by Creovex, 24 September 2014 - 12:55 PM.
Posted 24 September 2014 - 01:11 PM
I went for long range and DPS. I threw AC20/LBX10x2-centered brawling out the window until I got elites.Go for UAC5x2 + 2LL + small amount of SRMS. It's a bit difficult still because of low hardpoints (Atlas no like hills), but it will allow you to engage enemies at longer range while you and the team closes in, and is also good for getting assists if you can tag them with a shot. Basically, play like a tankier Jager. You can even try ditching the SRMS, which are really just there to swat at mechs that get too close or to help finish off cored mechs. Dead folks spectating might rant at you for having an under-armed Atlas, but screw em, they're dead.
It's now more difficult than ever to do this now though, due to the number of Timbies and Daishis running around. Their direct fire capabilities are far too superior for you to go toe to toe (even a Stalker will probably beat you in a long range staredown. I've killed plenty of DDCs in my Misery in 1v1 fights). It's also hard to get around the idea of not torso twisting as much, because obviously if you are going to sustain fire with the UACs, you have to look at your opponents. Still, using your left as a shield is useful when you have to back down and retreat behind cover. You may survive a little bit longer. Last bit of advice, the arms are pretty low and large lasers can get caught. Only use them when you are sure you can hit your target.
Posted 24 September 2014 - 01:21 PM
There's a lot of useful info on that thread as well. Stick with it, get good at it, and it'll be a lot more fun to play.
Posted 24 September 2014 - 02:28 PM
Creovex, on 24 September 2014 - 12:50 PM, said:
I have 3, DDC, D, and K, But yea, i have been trying the shorter range builds similar to that one you posted, But getting into that close range has been a nightmare in pugs.
BlackhawkSC, on 24 September 2014 - 01:21 PM, said:
There's a lot of useful info on that thread as well. Stick with it, get good at it, and it'll be a lot more fun to play.
thanks! And, yea, i am an old time mech warrior 3, mech commander fan, so the atlas does have a place in my heart. gotta love MC and salvaging that atlas!
Takashi Uchida, on 24 September 2014 - 01:11 PM, said:
I went for long range and DPS. I threw AC20/LBX10x2-centered brawling out the window until I got elites.Go for UAC5x2 + 2LL + small amount of SRMS. It's a bit difficult still because of low hardpoints (Atlas no like hills), but it will allow you to engage enemies at longer range while you and the team closes in, and is also good for getting assists if you can tag them with a shot. Basically, play like a tankier Jager. You can even try ditching the SRMS, which are really just there to swat at mechs that get too close or to help finish off cored mechs. Dead folks spectating might rant at you for having an under-armed Atlas, but screw em, they're dead.
It's now more difficult than ever to do this now though, due to the number of Timbies and Daishis running around. Their direct fire capabilities are far too superior for you to go toe to toe (even a Stalker will probably beat you in a long range staredown. I've killed plenty of DDCs in my Misery in 1v1 fights). It's also hard to get around the idea of not torso twisting as much, because obviously if you are going to sustain fire with the UACs, you have to look at your opponents. Still, using your left as a shield is useful when you have to back down and retreat behind cover. You may survive a little bit longer. Last bit of advice, the arms are pretty low and large lasers can get caught. Only use them when you are sure you can hit your target.
Yea, that is what i was leaning to myself.. and yea.. I have heard the people troll when they are dead before.. Like the other day, in my atlas no less some guy complaining about how i could not aim.. Granted sometimes i am not the best, but still, In basics, barely unlocked getting harassed by a light, sitting in lava and getting pegged from above you might not do the best too. the worst was every darn shot i fired hit the metal ground about 2 feet from were it started... (PGI fix the hit boxes on the floor grid in the middle of the caldron!)
It's ok though, My next mechs to master are,, Cicada's, Commando, and Centurions.. Going to try for some revenge on the timbers, and dires, by out maneuvering them! Maybe i was just having a bad day the last few days.. As i think about it, my Stalker, I'm in Misery thread, kinda started out like this till i got used to it, and got the masters unlocked.. Maybe i should of played um a bit more, to break that constant grind feel by jumping to another group of 3...
I will update this thread, on how switching to more long range builds, and getting that STD 340 and see how it goes.. I really think that the 1.7 KPH, verse the 2.5 tons is worth going for that engine over the 350.. Unless of course some people would like to say other wise..
Edited by JC Daxion, 24 September 2014 - 02:30 PM.
Posted 24 September 2014 - 02:53 PM
An Atlas needs impeccable timing in making its move forward.
It really does need the support of a team to move cohesively. It, by it's self is a death trap.
The Atlas really is amazing, but needs a certain amount of experience in when to move and when to let the front lines move as you trial just slightly behind.
I really like to move as fast as possible in my Atlas' so I run STD 350 or STD 360. What you sacrifice in firepower, you make up for in damage spreading ability.
As you probably know, a bigger engine allows the Torso to Twist faster, which is very important..
So to right answer for you other than to see if your timing on movement can improve? Get to cover faster, move side by side with the Stalker or Direwolf as they advance, and sometimes DONT flinch.. you have massive armor.. let the timberwolf unload a few times as you walk it down and torso twist...
Good luck!
fyi.. SRMS are your friend. I am not a fan of LRMS on a Atlas. My opinion...
Posted 24 September 2014 - 04:09 PM
DDC ac20, 2 ml, 3 srm6 320 or 350 std and max armor dhs.
Boarshead strangely enough went to a nearly stock build. 6 ml ac20 srm6 near or max armor 320std dhs.
RS ac20, 2srm6 2 medpulse 1 large pulse dhs.
Obviously all are mastered and brawling centric since that seems to be there best niche at the moment.
I played far more aggressively and in your face going for face hugging toe to toe encounters, even vs 3+ mechs once i committed i went kamikaze vs one mech(torso twisting, trying to position the mech infront of his friendlies to reduce fire etc), once i had grinded down the first mech i focused another(in many situations this can with support win you the game or that specific encounter).
Using this style which i myself copied from another very successful atlas pilot(wish i could remember who u rock), my returns increased and your effect on the game increases remarkably(especially if u can trade upclose with direwolves which usually go down fast).
So brawling pointers:
Have an alpha 60+.
Be elited and have a big engine for torso twist and speed.
Be aggressive and stick to a single target.
Stick/prioritise a target that doesn't have huge maneuverablity, stalkers, orions, hunchies, dires, warhawks etc so that your full alpha or staged alpha has full effect and there team loses a significant threat.
Max armor.
If u can have a faster more manueverable mate help harass your target, this can reduce your incoming fire by distraction or if your teamy is good he can tank damage. This also adds a 2nd ams for keeping u safe from lurmageddon.
Posted 25 September 2014 - 12:58 PM
Cold Cash, on 24 September 2014 - 04:09 PM, said:
Wait wait, HBKs? Those that go 96kph and can torso twist almost 180 degrees? You probably meant Awesomes or something else...
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