Soft Encouragement - Cbill Boost For Selecting All Game Modes
Posted 08 October 2014 - 04:28 AM
Monitor the numbers that transfer over to "All Game Modes", and adjust/add other rewards if necessary. This way the grumpy 5% that want to continue playing game mode X can do so and the people who are on the fence about it will come over anyway.
If you wanted to steal something from the Paul Inouye playbook, you could boost Cbills for those who select All Game Modes, AND reduce over-all incomes. Le sigh.
However, as Asmudius Heng has pointed out in his excellent thread, people don't want to play all the game modes because they all carry certain flaws. Do you want to put up with fighting in the same place, standing in squares, or chasing ECM squirrels:
And as Rebas Kradd has pointed out, not all match imbalances (which is what is driving this game mode change) are due to the Matchmaker being unable to balance team Elo's, as it totally ignores ECM, LRM's and thinks a Mad Dog = Quickdraw:
Posted 08 October 2014 - 05:11 AM
Example make 200k cbills on the match heres 20,000 cbills for selecting all game modes to help MM out.
Good Idea +1
Posted 08 October 2014 - 08:03 AM
Already stocked up on Radar Derps.

Posted 08 October 2014 - 08:20 AM
Posted 08 October 2014 - 08:32 AM
You know for a fact that people gravitate towards the lowest common denominator. Even if everyone doesnt even pay attention to the rewards...enough people do that if you dangle more bait where you want players to go, they will shift that way. It wont be everyone...thats impossible. But you can get enough to make a difference.
This game needs more bait.
Posted 08 October 2014 - 08:51 AM
as the mode currently is it would take A MAJOR incentive for me to play the POS that is conquest.
Xeraphale, on 08 October 2014 - 08:20 AM, said:
how are you limiting yourself as a player when there is really no difference between any of the modes?
9 out of 10 matches i've played the past few months have ended with one team being destroyed, not by caps or by base caps.
Posted 08 October 2014 - 08:57 AM
Posted 08 October 2014 - 09:00 AM
if i get forced to play game types i dont want to play in solo im gonna be pissed
Posted 08 October 2014 - 09:03 AM
I bet if the rewards were all even then skirmish would become less popular, of course we'd have to mess around with the timers on base caps IMO and turrets... stuff like that.

Posted 08 October 2014 - 09:04 AM
I approve of providing incentives like this to make the game run smoother for everyone.
Posted 08 October 2014 - 09:15 AM
Ph30nix, on 08 October 2014 - 09:00 AM, said:
if i get forced to play game types i dont want to play in solo im gonna be pissed
Then you may want to start getting pissed now. I had to play a few conquest matches last night in solo queue even though it was unchecked in my selections. As a light pilot, it was a waste of my time to cap for the piddly cbills I got even with a win.
Posted 08 October 2014 - 09:18 AM
Oh, and give a c-bill reward to players entering the queue in a mech that is the least represented weight class. Or, maybe one of the two least represented. This is nearly always lights/mediums right now, but it should be dynamic based on the percentages at time of launch. Also, a cbill boost for being in a pre-made group that has at least one of every weight class.
Posted 08 October 2014 - 09:21 AM
It comes down to this... people want to play the modes they have the most fun playing... make all the modes fun, and people will play them... I don't like Conquest because the teams don't' tend to play to win via the Conquest objectives... when I lose cause no one bothers capping, it makes me mad... change the modes up somehow to make people want to win by capping and I would not mind playing that mode as much.
Same with weight classes... people like to play heavy and assault mostly... trying to push those people out of those weights isn't ever gonna work well... It requires them giving up some of their fun, and why should they do that...
Give people real reasons to play lights and mediums (role based rewards) over heavies and assaults and people will play them more as the game stops becoming just about dmg and kills for payout.
Edited by Jeb, 08 October 2014 - 09:26 AM.
Posted 08 October 2014 - 09:26 AM
Posted 08 October 2014 - 09:42 AM
Edited by Evil Ed, 08 October 2014 - 09:50 AM.
Posted 08 October 2014 - 10:07 AM
Posted 08 October 2014 - 10:09 AM
Posted 08 October 2014 - 10:47 AM
Jeb, on 08 October 2014 - 09:21 AM, said:
Not really...it's more about rewarding those that don't care what mode they play.
The easy-going players that are indifferent to game modes allow the matchmaker to do its job more effectively, so they should be rewarded for it.
If a side effect is that some players end up playing a mode they don't really like, but don't mind playing for extra money, then that's just icing on the cake.
Edited by Bhael Fire, 08 October 2014 - 10:49 AM.
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