This is not a CN9 anymore, its a SN9 now.
CN9 Was before 21/10/2014 patch
SN9 after the 21/10/2014 patch
My main concern is that the CENTURION design is not an improvement, but a big step back, is just a poorly implemented job.
What's the difference between a "good product", an copy of the same product, and a poorly implemented copy of the same product?
The "good product" is a known trademark, and symbolizes the quality of the same product, which includes the manufacturing, the selling process, and also the post-selling process. (like the known brands SONY, NINTENDO, etc).
The "Copy of the same product" looks like the original to gain a benefit of the known product it is imitating, without the original quality and materials used on the first one, but even copying the known characteristics of the same original product (logos, packaging, colours, designs,etc).
A "poorly implemented Copy" is a job which lacks of quality, concern for the product and the "know-how". This means that the ones in charge or do this, did not have any understanding of the product at all (they didnt perform any thinking effort, knowledge of the original, concept involving the copy and so on) to even try to imitate the original product or its copy.
They made stupid mistakes when doing so (like the "trademarks": SOMY, Lecoste, NEKI, etc).
This is what the "Senturion" now looks like in our mechlab, a poorly implemented copy of what it was before.
Lets start with the details of what i am trying to say:
a) Left Torso:
You didnt even have the decency of re design it. You just took the one that existed previously, patched the missile doors, and overwrite a missile design that does not even fit the previous one that you were overwritting! I mean, i can understand if some of the geometry (as you call it) is not perfect, but come on, if you put more than one SRM/LRM launcher, the second one aims to the deep blue sky, over the shoulder. I mean copy paste is fine, but at least took the next 30 minutes to notice that something was awfully bad when trying different configurations. You can see the person re designing this only wanted to deliver something, never wondering if it was good or bad. I dare to say that this is NOT the same person who designed the mech at the beginning of the game. If he removed the missile doors was to save time or work, because it already existed previously and, if he was about to copy the designs, at least he should have ensured that those doors were working (respecting the work of the original/previous designer).
All the details involved on the game are the small thing we still had, we loved from the beginning, and those are the ones that captivated us from that time until now, and still surprise us.
b)Right Arm and balistics.
You got to be kidding me on this one! Left arm is BIGGER than the right one and only has a small shield on it! This is NOT AESTHETICALLY at all!
He was surely aiming for something bigger but missed the shot by a mile!
Since he was not able to duplicate the previous job quality, he tried to simplify that, so he squared the entire bottom part of the arm and just changed the protruding tube out of that box to represent the other weapons (Balistics or Lazors).
At least he could even use the same patterns/desings the HIGHLANDER or the VICTOR holds so he can implement it on its own design on the Senturion.
You just cannot throw something to the garbage because you cannot make it better.
Edited by WolfDragon Ghost, 25 October 2014 - 11:08 AM.