Posted 26 November 2014 - 02:06 PM
Let it be known, I was right, and yet I was still wrong.
The only major changed that happened that affected this was the BAP anti-ECM counter range increase. It worked @ 150m, and was buffed to 360. While this change has affected ECM a bit, I personally did not think it changed the landscape that much, outside of ECM being used as a crutch for a long time. I still think ECM+BAP needs to be reworked a bit, but that is not what this post is about. It's just here for context.
Before release, I was trying to put together "3 good builds" for it, given that you had almost 6.5 tons to work with. Sadly, most of those builds were inevitably scrapped, for like 1 good build, and and half for the other build I ran. I started to panic and worry about on the build options closer to release... and while perhaps that mindset is not good, but it still held out regardless of any positive mindset or spin placed upon this mech.
Currently, I've mastered the Mist Lynx-C, elited out the Mist Lynx-Prime, and am 7k away for eliting out the Myst Lynx-B. At this point, I've just simply called myself a masochist, but I'm very confident I'll shelve and probably sell the other variants once clan quirks are done and the inevitable C-bill release (so I don't screw up). I stopped grinding them due to the event, but as I will make it obvious... they are very difficult for the majority of people to make the most of... the ultimate tryhard mech.
I'll break this down into 3 aspects that have to be covered, in order for people to understand the mech's deficiencies, compared to its brethren. Those 3 aspects are...
1) Omnipods
2) Mech Design
3) Comparisons and Application
There are 3 things Mist Lynx owners have to acknowledge in its omnipods.
1) The torso quirks are there for personal preference.
2) This is the only mech with ONLY weapons in its arms. There are no exceptions to this rule at this point in time.
3) The Right Torso is missed potential.
There are 3 sets of torso twist quirks that pilots are able to maximize...
MLX-Prime - Max Torso Twist Radius Increase (+7.5)
MLX-B - Side torso damage reduction (only for that particular torso side, +20%)
MLX-C - Torso Twist Speed Increase (+10%)
The Prime provides something of great value. Providing the ability to torso twist and fire whenever you possibly can is very important on the mech. Having the same ability as a mastered Hunchback or the more common Griffin, maximizing this is incredible value to the mech. Doubling down on it will give you more torso twist radius than you'll ever need, and it's probably not recommended to double down IMO. I'll explain a little later in a moment.
The B's side torso seems like a boon, except when you do the math for the armor section, you'll find that you'll gain 4.4 points of armor total. This is rather insignificant, especially when it is only protecting that particular side. If it were to have boosted both torsos (although, unrealistic) or increased the armor significantly (we're talking something like 50% or so), using the side torsos to take would probably be more useful. At this point, the value is not there.... for me anyways.
I don't think anyone has compared the torso twist speed of this mech, compared to a common Light mech. This mech manages to torso twist SLOWER than a Cicada (assuming, the Cicada is fielding an engine bigger than 280). That is a very low bar. There is value in using the C's torso twist speed increase in attempt to "keep in line" with a Light. It is scary to see that this mech can actually twist as slow as a Kitfox... and that serves a completely different role.
A MLX-C-side torso combined with an MLX-Prime side torso is probably the best way to maximize it, but I'm sure people will have their own thoughts on this. It is not as useful to have a great torso twist sometimes if you don't have enough speed to maximize its use. In any case, it is a personal preference ultimately.
Now, let's talk about the arms..
Left Arm:
MLX-Prime - 1M (-5% missile cooldown)
MLX-B - 2E (no quirk)
MLX-C - ECM, AMS (no quirk)
The Prime's arm is probably the useless of the bunch. Yes, you could maximize the use with the Right Arm with 2M, but then you'll be very ammo dependent, and you only have 6.5 tons to work with. Good luck with that.
The most common arm fielded tends to be the B's left arm. For whatever reason though, it has no quirk unlike the Right Arm, due to how the MLX-C's base config needs that Right Arm more. If you wanted legitimate firepower, this is the arm to supply the mech with.
This is what I would call a "Shield" omnipod, given that if you lose the Right Arm, you will be SOL. This is arguably what makes the mech "more sturdy" when played correctly as it needs all the help it can get.
Right Arm:
MLX-Prime - 2B, 1M (no quirk)
MLX-B - 2M, 1E (no quirk)
MLX-C - 2E (-5% energy heat generation)
I'm not even sure what you could do other than MGs on the Prime's Right Arm. I believe it is a total mistake to use MGs on the Mist Lynx, due to required facetime... and the mech honestly can't take a hit. It could be arguable "as bad" as the Kitfox, but the Kitfox isn't dependent on ballistics though and has more tonnage for more useful weapons. So, go figure on that.
The B's Right Arm reminds me a lot of a Commando (though, no such arm on the Commando exists). It's like a "All-in-one Commando" arm. Strange, but as I've stated before... you have 6.5 tons to work with, so ammo dependencies will be hard to manage unless you are going really low tonnage like CSRM2/CSRM4/CSSRM2/CLRM5. Yay for limited options? There will be more references to Commandos since they are of the same tonnage.
The C's Right Arm will arguably get the most play here, as the heat generation bonus is a benefit regardless. However, this will NOT offset the fact that the engine is still below 250, so there's a lot more to make up heatwise.
Let us now take some time to discuss.. the mech physically, with respect to how/where it takes damage.
It was pointed out to me by Koniving of its hitboxes. What I saw was... shocking, yet not too surprising.
The profile of the arm is LARGE when viewed from the side. While it is not "Awesome sized", it is pretty "hard to miss" when it comes to a Light. If anything, it makes the Raven's leg hitboxes look small (and that's hard to do). This ironically does not favor torso twisting. For a mech that is completely dependent on the arms, this is just as bad.
If one has ever looked at the Locust's arms, those are crazy tiny. All Locust variants have their arms housing most of the weapons, but given the tiny nature of their arms, and it being easy to core, sidecore, and leg them, it is not something people aim for intentionally. It's not easy to shoot down a Jenner or Raven's arm either. The Commando has large arms.... probably in a similar bracket to the Mist Lynx. The difference is that the Commando can actually use its speed far more to its advantage than a Mist Lynx. This issue will compound itself when we get to the application of the mech...
So, let's compare the mech to other mechs that "should" be similar, but are not...
To humor you, we have an example Commando build here as a reference point:
Because the IS has more flexibility, we could easily shave off a few external DHS, and put that back into using a bigger engine with FF. Using a 235XL or 240XL engine would allow it to do more than a Mist Lynx, which can barely do an equivalent...
I could've used SPL, but then I wouldn't be able to use the extra DHS. It doesn't matter though... speed would give the Commando a chance to cooldown. The Mist Lynx doesn't have the same benefit.
Remember when the days where the Raven-2X had a crappy engine cap... you could do something like this (this build is quirk favored)...
I mean, for a mech this slow, you could reasonably fend off targets.. even if you cannot do the obligatory light roles, but you could be OK as an "escort". You cannot do anything remotely like that on the Mist Lynx, especially with the omnipods or tonnages involved.
So, I've just gone explaining "comparisons" to mechs that tend to do a better job... here's a few things to remember.
1) You are a 25 tonner, thus you are a Light, whether you agree with that or not.
2) You don't have the firepower anywhere remotely close to a Commando. At best, it is "best compared" to a Spider... excluding the Spider-5D. This is factoring hardpoints, loadouts, and actual usage, despite having Clan advantages, like Clan XL engines AND Clan weapons..
3) If you wanted to play it something similar to a "slow escort Light", you won't have anywhere close to the gunnery of those type of Lights, as expressed by the "old Raven-2X" type of build. While something like a Locust could hide, move around mechs, and at least attempt to outrun things bigger than it, the Mist Lynx cannot do that. it literally does whatever a Locust can do POORLY. Once a Mist Lynx is challenged, it is very likely going to lose under most reasonable circumstances.
So, let's talk about what actually happens on the field...
1) The Mist Lynx cannot take a hit very well. Even before we talk about arties/airstrikes, the arms are the first to fly off a mech. I used to laugh at how one could "sneeze" on a Locust and it would die.. but the Mist Lynx arms... they are made of paper mache. While they are already easy to core due to being slow targets, their arms disable them far more quickly and can become a non-threat.
My first initial thought about the mech (when I saw an in-game pic) was that the arms needed buffing. They very much still need that now more than ever.
2) Heat is something the Mist Lynx cannot handle in a firefight. Trying to stuff as much pewpew as you can often times gives you problems when facing ANY Light... INCLUDING the Locust. Heat efficiency is very important, as the inability to retaliate under duress is problematic. You cannot run away from an opfor's Light mech squad. Even the Ice Ferret has the "same weakness", but can chase you down and disarm you much more effectively.
Trying to fit in missiles is very problematic. It's difficult enough to "hide the ammo" (the RT could be a good place, but, it's a waste once the arms get shot off) and eventually becomes a liability. Remember, you will have to get close and bridge the gap just to fire the weapons... as keeping away makes the most sense.
I did explain MGs earlier as being bad for this purpose... so I'm not going to repeat that here. If the Right Torso or Left Arm had a 2MG option, it would have a shot to be "useful", but alas, it's not here yet.
3) I've never thought that CERMEDs were a hindrance, but they actually are on this mech. For the time you need to "fire the weapons", that actually is "too much facetime" required. IS Med Lasers require .9 seconds (used to be 1s). CERMEDs require you to spend 1.15 seconds of facetime.
Let's put this in context to other weapons:
ISSL: .75s
CSPL: .75s
CMPL: .85s
ISMED: .9s
ISLL: 1.0s
CERSML: 1.0s
CLPL: 1.12s
CERMED: 1.15s
ISERLL: 1.25s
There's an obvious oddity where the Clan ER Small is "as long" as the IS Large Laser. Somehow, the Clan ER Small should be closer to the .9 second of the ERMed.
Also, it is kinda odd where the Clan LPL is shorter than the Clan ERMed. Swapping the numbers could be OK, but that's not really for this discussion.
Given IS Light superiority, and the obvious tendency to use Med Lasers, they will be commonly spend .25s (a quarter of a second) less time than a Clan Light running Clan ERMeds. Heck, the Clah ER Small is "worse" than the IS Medium Laser in duration. The only weapon to "properly" compete here is the Clan Medium Pulse Laser.
While you can fit 3, it is far impractical due to heat implications... even if you Chain Fire. The "loss" of engine DHS is problematic, so you suffer greatly if you try. 2 CMPL is usable...
Remember that more facetime increases the chance of death or being useless, so CMPL is the appropriate choice, and unfortunately the ultimate build...
I've gotten essentially "unmitigated" success with it, but only because I had to play exactly what the omnipods and stats says it has to. I've still failed (lost arms repeatedly, and yelled about it on coms... because I might as well be dead at that point) and it's an experience most people cannot take. It is "optimized" as best it can be (I don't really care to adjust armor values in smurfy - you can guess them on your own). The best part is you can do them on all of the Mist Lynx... but that also means I'm probably going to sell the rest once they are made available for C-bills.
So, when it comes to facetime, duration does dictate quite a bit here.
In any case... if what I told you doesn't convince you this is a "tryhard" mech, I don't know what to tell you.
3 Things that mech needs:
1) More omnipods - If you have to make up omnipods for the RT, do it. An "easy" fix is adding the ECM RT version, so you aren't restricted to the Left Arm version. However, that would immediately change builds and whatnot to put more weapons on the mech... so there will need to be more compelling quirks. More MG options would be great, but I don't see that as a good option based on the nature of MGs and trying to close on the target.
2) More arm armor through arms (quirk) - If feels like "minimal" testing was completed here as it is hard to miss a Mist Lynx with an arm missing. "Look Ma, No Arms" should be the mech's tagline, but whatever I guess.
3) More heat reduction AND duration reduction (quirk): Outside of "properly" adjusting some of the duration numbers in the game (like, the egregious Clan ER Small duration #), duration reduction is FAR more useful in increasing the hit and run, poke and hide, and frail nature of the mech. The loss of cooling due to the engine really does make this bad (the Kitfox can deal with it, this mech cannot).
I want to point out that the legs on the mech are sad, since putting ammo in them is always a bad idea on a Light mech, but also you can't put DHS on it (like the Kitfox) to allow water (like in the new map) to help it out. It's sad.
I had forgotten to mention this, but this is relevant... jump jets.
While I prefer not to discuss the hard-locked nature of the JJs, what bothered me the most is that "it manages" to overheat you further. This is most notable on Mordor. While JJs can be used on the lava to "reduce the overheating rate", the large number JJs on this mech allows you to go about 90% heat (it's heat capped on lava for reasons) and I can only imagine how much worse off you are. The JJs are like a ninja death trap of sorts. What is worse is that while you get excellent height and lift, it requires a bit of thought and training to reserve fuel on the way down. It honestly doesn't help how the legs are not "buffed" in some way to cushion the damage better (the partial internal structure boost is a joke). Even some sort of "fall damage speed" benefit would be good. I'd just be happy if the 6 JJs wouldn't generate massive heat in the air. Whatever... it's essentially a lot more negatives to go with a few positives at this point.
The Mist Lynx is the ultimate tryhard mech, and until things change (through quirks), it will be continue to be like that until further notice. I reserve the right to change my mind, but for now, this is arguably the worst chassis in MWO, although still somehow better than the Spider-5V. Congrats PGI. Just brilliant.
Posted 26 November 2014 - 02:14 PM
Match I just finished.
121 Match Score
2 Kills
8 Assists
648 damage
286k reward (premium and 30% bonus) / 159k before bonuses.
Edited by Viktor Drake, 26 November 2014 - 02:45 PM.
Posted 26 November 2014 - 02:48 PM
The F is a RT mounted Jesus Box and 8 E hardponts; 4 per arm. Imagine the size of the arms after that....
The G ...oh...it has leg lazors. I suppose moving both to the RT could work. Both arms have a ERSL, as well as a HMG array containing 4 HMGs.
So, 4 laser, 8MG loadout. Or 10 laser if we get both omnipod sets...but that might be way too hot...still, nice to have options.
Extra arm structure would be good. Jumping quirks would be appropriate, but aside from heat isn't too bad.
As with all sub 250 mechs, it should have 10 TrueDubs.
Not sure what else to add. It needs a fair bit of help. Even some limited hardpoint inflation would be fine. That 2 MG arm becomes 4, those 2 E arms become 3.
Things like that would help.
Edited by Mcgral18, 26 November 2014 - 02:48 PM.
Posted 26 November 2014 - 03:11 PM
Viktor Drake, on 26 November 2014 - 02:14 PM, said:
Match I just finished.
121 Match Score
2 Kills
8 Assists
648 damage
286k reward (premium and 30% bonus) / 159k before bonuses.
The ability to 'do well' in a 'mech is not indicative of the 'mech being good. It's about pilot skill. Good/great pilots can take a crap 'mech & do well in it, but that doesn't take away the fact that it's a bad 'mech.
Personally, I enjoy my MLX. It's a fun change of pace & I'm learning to do 'OK' in it, but Deathlike pretty much nailed it - it doesn't do anything that you can't do on another light better. It's slow for a light, it carries low firepower, even for a light, it carries all of it's equipment (save the locked CAP & JJs) on it's arms & those arms get blown off easier than an old, worn out Mr. Potatohead's arms in a stiff breeze. It truly has no real redeeming qualities other than being an interesting change of pace. I, like the OP, will likely consider selling the -B & -C variants when they come out for c-bills.
Posted 26 November 2014 - 03:34 PM
Viktor Drake, on 26 November 2014 - 02:14 PM, said:
Match I just finished.
121 Match Score
2 Kills
8 Assists
648 damage
286k reward (premium and 30% bonus) / 159k before bonuses.
I've done fine too, (850-890 damage, 3-5 kills, tons of assists) but I will never run this mech again once I master it. It's hindered in so many ways and has no perks besides jumping. You will do better in a Kitfox in nearly all circumstances.
How well do you do in it on average against decent players in the group queue? Not pug newbies, but players who have been playing this game for more than 6 months? It gets special priority from everyone simply because it's one of the fastest mechs in the game to kill or disarm. In fact, I'd say it's the fastest mech in the game to disarm without any doubt. Please don't say this mech doesn't have problems. It needs buffs dearly.
I agree with the OP. That's a very thorough and thoughtful post. Thank you Deathlike.
Edited by Greenjulius, 26 November 2014 - 03:35 PM.
Posted 26 November 2014 - 04:20 PM
On my ECM Lynx MLX-C I drop half a ton of armor and run an ER PPC.
On my B. 3 small pulse lasers and 2 SRM 4s. Some pretty serious damage coming from a 25 ton mech and the heat is easy to maintain. 1.5 tons of ammo is plenty.
My Prime config is ER large, ER small, 2 small pulse lasers.
The key to success for me, stay away from loading up with ER mediums, they heat up too much for what you need them for, and the damage dropoff at range isn't suitable for sniping. Small pulse lasers have a much shorter cooldown when it counts in close combat, and each clan small pulse laser does the damage of 1.5 IS small pulses.
Also instead of wasting tonnage by maxxing armor, take a few points from the head. getting shot in the legs is more likely than getting shot in the head. Getting a leg shot off is also a death sentence in most circumstances.
Get familiar with those jump jets. Don't behave like an Inner Sphere light. IS lights run off on their own and try to use lag armor while throwing up UAVs in the middle of the enemy formation. Clan lights use their relative speed to stay near their own force, repositioning to different flanks that need some support. Or taking high ground and holding locks, but always being near team mates.
Edited by Golden Vulf, 26 November 2014 - 04:28 PM.
Posted 26 November 2014 - 04:20 PM
Xythius, on 26 November 2014 - 03:11 PM, said:
Personally, I enjoy my MLX. It's a fun change of pace & I'm learning to do 'OK' in it, but Deathlike pretty much nailed it - it doesn't do anything that you can't do on another light better. It's slow for a light, it carries low firepower, even for a light, it carries all of it's equipment (save the locked CAP & JJs) on it's arms & those arms get blown off easier than an old, worn out Mr. Potatohead's arms in a stiff breeze. It truly has no real redeeming qualities other than being an interesting change of pace. I, like the OP, will likely consider selling the -B & -C variants when they come out for c-bills.
Honestly I don't agree on the firepower. If Clan weapons didn't have the range and top end damage potential I would agree. For example one of my variants runs 3 MPL which do 8 damage each and reach out to 363m when the range module. This is easily a match in firepower for my Jenner and Firestarter plus has quite a bit longer reach. One of my builds mounts a ER LL back up by 2 ER ML. 814m on the ER LL and 441m on the ER ML. That is near the equalivant of being able to mount 3 IS LLs level of firepower on a 25 ton mech.
It is slower but once you get it tweaked, I have only rarely felt like it was too slow and I find myself in general taking very little damage unless I just stand around like a dummy.
Now I am not saying it is a Tier 1, because it isn't, not by a long shot, but it is also not a "Tryhard" mech either.
As to its flaws.
First it runs too hot. This is to the artificially inflated heat scales PGI imposed on Clan lasers in order to balance them. While this might balance say a Dire Wolf or Timber Wolf, it is out of whack on mechs like the Mist Lynx which don't have to tonnage to offset the heat with additional DHS. Therefore Mist Lynx need about a 15-20% heat reduction quirk across all chassis.
Second, those oversided weapon pods need to go and be replaced with proper sized weapons. As they are they just add too much surface area to the arms and make them too vulnerable for a mech that is 100% reliant on it arms being attached to actually do damage.
Lastly, it wouldn't hurt it to have and omnipod made available that gave it one or two energy hard points in the torso.
Posted 26 November 2014 - 06:02 PM
Posted 26 November 2014 - 08:24 PM
oh so serious!
Posted 26 November 2014 - 08:56 PM
The most apt comparison I think that can be made is that the Mist Lynx is best played like a Jenner....that is, a stock Jenner. Jump jets overheating you, running at 110 kph, having to hide while you slowly cool down, it's pretty much the same except for the Mist Lynx having its arms.
Viktor Drake, on 26 November 2014 - 02:14 PM, said:
And I can do 1000 damage games in a Locust. That is not an actual argument over whether a mech is good or not. It's just an argument that it's a mech that has weapons on it.
Edited by Krivvan, 26 November 2014 - 08:57 PM.
Posted 26 November 2014 - 08:57 PM
Krivvan, on 26 November 2014 - 08:56 PM, said:
And I can do 1000 damage games in a Locust. That is not an actual argument over whether a mech is good or not. It's just an argument that it's a mech that has weapons on it.
if you can do 1000 damage in it, what's the complaint again?
That you can't do 2000?

Posted 26 November 2014 - 09:00 PM
Bishop Steiner, on 26 November 2014 - 08:24 PM, said:
oh so serious!
Again, are you against making the chassis viable?
Those arms are an issue. There are ideas being thrown to quirk it. To make it not Tier 5. Yet, you are laughing at a fairly poor mech, and telling others to L2P?
That doesn't seem very constructive. The size of the arms could be reduced, but adding some extra armour would be an easier bandaid.
Edited by Mcgral18, 26 November 2014 - 09:13 PM.
Posted 26 November 2014 - 09:21 PM
Mcgral18, on 26 November 2014 - 09:00 PM, said:
Again, are you against making the chassis viable?
Those arms are an issue. There are ideas being thrown to quirk it. To make it not Tier 5. Yet, you are laughing at a fairly poor mech, and telling others to L2P?
That doesn't seem very constructive. The size of the arms could be reduced, but adding some extra armour would be an easier bandaid.
I'm not against getting you guys a dictionary, so you know what the word "VIABLE" actually means.
But I'll save you the trouble.
capable of working successfully; feasible.
If Krivvan here can do 1000 damage? It's "viable".
What it's NOT, is called "optimal".
best or most favorable; optimum.
Since you seem so intent on fixing all the wrongs of MWO, maybe start with that.
Posted 26 November 2014 - 09:23 PM
solutions? for starters make only 4 of the 6 maximum JJ´s hardlocked ( i think it´s similar with the KFX?) ... not much, but every ounce more space helps ... 2ndly some useful side torso pods... don´t need to be ones with many hp´s, just 1m/1e or such would do...
and of course, some quirks here and there would surely be helpful as well... especially the arms...oh god those arms...
Edited by Alex Warden Wolf, 26 November 2014 - 09:25 PM.
Posted 26 November 2014 - 09:46 PM
Bishop Steiner, on 26 November 2014 - 09:21 PM, said:
But I'll save you the trouble.
capable of working successfully; feasible.
If Krivvan here can do 1000 damage? It's "viable".
What it's NOT, is called "optimal".
best or most favorable; optimum.
Since you seem so intent on fixing all the wrongs of MWO, maybe start with that.
Well, I guess if you're fine with the state of it, we can just bring the Arctic Cheetah in.
You know, the mech that has more armour, same JJs, more hardpoints, torso mounted Jesus Box, torso mounted weapons, that goes faster.
That should be plenty viable. And of course, this "suboptimal" mech will never be used again. For 5 tons, there would be no competition.
Or, we could make some adjustments to make this mech not be forgotten. Quirks, I suppose, might do it. Additional omnipods could as well...maybe.
Or are you alright with completely suboptimal mechs that will never be used? Seems wasteful to me.
Posted 26 November 2014 - 10:15 PM
Mcgral18, on 26 November 2014 - 09:46 PM, said:
Well, I guess if you're fine with the state of it, we can just bring the Arctic Cheetah in.
You know, the mech that has more armour, same JJs, more hardpoints, torso mounted Jesus Box, torso mounted weapons, that goes faster.
That should be plenty viable. And of course, this "suboptimal" mech will never be used again. For 5 tons, there would be no competition.
Or, we could make some adjustments to make this mech not be forgotten. Quirks, I suppose, might do it. Additional omnipods could as well...maybe.
Or are you alright with completely suboptimal mechs that will never be used? Seems wasteful to me.
Or, the perhaps the Arctic Cheetah will have much worse agility, and thus, not actually be better.
Since it doesn't exist, as of yet, we don't know. Strawman, Boogeyman, take your pick.
Perhaps if you want something fixed, try dropping the histrionics, and address it accurately, and it might be more seriously looked at.
Posted 26 November 2014 - 10:33 PM

(Forgive my hasty MS pain diagram)
From the side and rear the both arms form a large part of the target. I equip 2 SRM6 just to mitigate the hitbox issues but even without weapons the Mist Lynx arms stand out.
Posted 26 November 2014 - 10:34 PM
Bishop Steiner, on 26 November 2014 - 10:15 PM, said:
Or, the perhaps the Arctic Cheetah will have much worse agility, and thus, not actually be better.
Since it doesn't exist, as of yet, we don't know. Strawman, Boogeyman, take your pick.
Actually, having a 240 engine means it should have a 91 degree/s while the Lynx has 80...
JJ wise, they will be slightly worse due to the 25 to 30 tonner. So, 52M instead of 62, mechlab rated. Not the greatest difference.

Well, those missiles are arm mounted, so it might have the same Koshi issue...but it also has not insignificant torso mounted weaponry.
Any downsides are insignificant compared to the 142Kph with more weapons and pod space.
Believe it or not, the Koshi should compare to it, since there is only 5 tons difference. Without quirks or changes, that simply won't be the case.
Edited by Mcgral18, 26 November 2014 - 10:34 PM.
Posted 26 November 2014 - 10:51 PM
To be honest, I don't understand why PGI adds certain mechs to the game, knowing full well that they'll get smashed by pretty much all existing mechs. It's like adding a Volvo station wagon to a Need For Speed game. Why is it even there? For the lolz? For the 1% of players who appreciate the ability to play mechs they have TT miniatures of, even if they're terrible in MWO?
I honestly don't understand why PGI prefers to add bad mechs to this game, instead of making sure that all new mechs are relatively competitive. At this point, I don't think they're surprised when a mech like the Mist Lynx is underperforming. I can't quite imagine Paul kicking down Russ' door and saying:
"Russ, you'll never believe this! You know the latest 25 ton mech we added? The ECM light mech that has all its weaponry located in a single arm with 16 points of armour? It's actually not doing too hot."
Posted 26 November 2014 - 10:59 PM
I probably won't be touching it until the Clans quirk pass, and even then I might be hesitant. After all, since it's got both ECM and jets, PGI is gonna bump its tier rating up and also subtract two quirks from it. The MLX (and KFX, for that matter) will likely get futtbucked for quirks because of the dumb rule for penalizing JJs and ECM.
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