I am the leader of the Brotherhood of RANDIeSt
( RANDIS is a reserved word, so I had to change the name slightly

Accourding to www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/randiest
this means " lacking any sense of propriety or restraint; reckless"
which is a impression some have from my style playing MWO anyway

and you usually find me in the Austria channel of Comstar EU
( eu1.mech-connect.net no password )
or in the BoR subchannel of the faction with which we have a contract.
Currently I have accepted a 28 day contract to defend Rasalhague until march 6th, and we intend to take another 28 day contract from FRR next.
If you are mercenary ( without a faction until now )
you are welcome to join us permanent, or temporary until the current contract ends.
ANY member ( fielding the tag BoR in public games ) can invite you !
If you are interested in the canonical history of our unit I suggest that you read
PS: BoR seeks off-world contracts, which provide a steady (but meager) source of income for the planet's economic base. Because of this tendency to seek employment, the unit is seen not as a private militia of the planet, but a mercenary unit.
Edited by Brother MEX, 19 February 2015 - 01:13 AM.