1) Why are all your AC's front-loaded damage rather than 5 pellet bursts that allow you to hit the component you aim at and not spread damage if a target is moving, and it allows you to use cover better
2) Why do you get all these nice reduced heat quirks that let you mash your alpha key while I get to feather 1-2 weapon groups in a forced battle situation and risk overheating while you run around me going LOLOLOLOLOL ALPHA ALPHA ALPHA

3) Why do you get reduced burn-time on lasers that lets you use cover to better advantage?
4) Why do your lights travel at 120+ KPH and have better load-outs than an ice ferret and have jump jets?
Why? Why must My stupid clan tech make me stay out in the open to use the full burn time on my lasers that is at times twice the duration of yours resulting in all that pinpoint damage from PPCs and AC's all over my face.... whyyyyyyyy? Its so OP and unfair...

Seriously though, I am tired of bad pilots saying that Clan* tech is OP. I am usually blunt and direct while remaining tactful but this time I will digress.
Join an organized unit, use your mechs quirks to optimize your builds, alter your play style to use those quirks/builds to their optimal use and if that fails then GET BETTER.
Good grief, our unit plays both IS and Clan and our win/loss is the same on both. On our clan weeks our better fights have been vs IS groups like 228/OLD etc who do exactly what I said above in bold.
This game is not hard, you make it hard for yourself.
*Edit: Because I never realized I wrote IS instead of Clan >.<
Edited by Necromantion, 02 March 2015 - 01:33 PM.