As you can see, it completely blocks guided missile locks and target sharing for all Mechs within 180 meters of the Angel ECM-carrier. Angel ECM is a highly-advanced offshoot of Guardian ECM, which is not currently available in MWO. (For some reason, PGI decided to label Angel ECM as "Guardian ECM" in the game GUI, but let's just ignore that typo for now)
Angel ECM has caused many headaches in balancing this game. Due to the lack of canon counters for this highly advanced piece of equipment, PGI has been making lore-breaking tweaks to other equipment and weapons such as making Beagle Active Probe a hard-counter to Angel ECM (with no logical explanation as to how), causing PPCs to temporarily disable Angel ECM if you hit an Angel-carrier, etc.
Just to show you how disruptive Angel ECM is to game balance:
"When using ECCM rules, the Angel ECM Suite counts as two ECM/ECCM units (depending on how it is set) for the purposes of determining the ratio of ECM to ECCM in a given area."
To be honest, I think the game would benefit greatly if Angel ECM was temporarily removed from the game inventory, and replaced with Guardian ECM. You can read about Guardian ECM here:
As you can see, Guardian ECM does not create a targeting-proof bubble around the Guardian ECM-carrier. You can still acquire LRM and StreakSRM locks on Mechs with Guardian ECM equipped, or within the Guardian bubble. It also can block the Beagle Active Probe from providing advanced targeting information, since electronic countermeasures are designed solely to interfere with sensor packages.
This set of properties makes good sense - Guardian ECM lets an LRM- or StreakSRM-carrier still obtain LOS Locks, but cannot share a Teammate's lock. Also, it performs a perfectly logical task of interfering with Advanced Sensors (instead of the completely illogical situation where advanced Sensors can somehow magically disable an electromagnetic interference transmitter).
Perhaps we should change this and make Guardian ECM available as an in-game item and see how that reduces balancing problems. If we derestricted the number of Mechs that can mount ECM, then our current ECM-carriers can be treated like proper Combat Mechs again, and the reduction in individual ECM power will be compensated by more prevalent ECM deployment. This will even-out ECM's presence in the MatchMaker (side benefit!).
Let's touch on a few points that have been brought-up thus far in discussion:
1. "This would increase LRM Spam."
If Guardian ECM was released, then we could probably mount it on more Mechs, instead of just the Chosen Ones. This would reduce LRM spam considerably, since Team-Shared Targeting would be less prevalent.
2. "This would make my ECM Light even worse than it is now compared to FireStarters."
If Angel ECM was replaced with Guardian ECM, then they would not have to withhold quirks and other nice features from Guardian ECM carriers. Guardian ECM would no longer be treated as a "magic boon" and that would allow ECM Mechs to be treated more like normal combat Mechs instead of Jesus-Boxers.
3. "If ECM is so overpowered, how is it that none of the ECM mechs apart from the Hellbringer (and I'd argue ECM isn't the main reason) are tier 1 in the comp meta?"
Most of the current ECM Mechs are gimped because they are treated as "ECM Mechs" in the quirk system, or are just poor combatants in general. When's the last time your healthy Timberwolf was actually threatened by a healthy Commando 2D? Replacing Angel ECM with Guardian ECM would derestrict these Mechs from receiving proper quirks.
4. "Why remove the only information-denial tool we have in the game?"
It's a replacement of a low-population, high effectivity system with a less-effective system that can be employed in larger numbers. Derestricting ECM would let anyone use it, or at least many more Mechs would be able to use it. So you're trading low-frequency concentrated power for diffused power.
5. "Don't you mean that the current system is actually more like Null Sig?"
Null Signature is a system that causes Mechs to retain their heat, preventing you from seeing them them with thermal cameras. So, the ECM we have in-game is not comparable to Null Sig, since you can easily see a Raven 3L with heat-vision (unless you're in Terra Therma :-p )
6. "You'd have to rebalance everything!"
Let's list the affected systems:
- PPCs would not need to disable ECM anymore (an easy fix, minimal programming hours needed).
- BAP would not act as a hard-counter to Guardian ECM, but would rather be countered BY Guardian ECM at close range (another easy fix, minimal programming hours required).
- Team Targeting would have to be slightly modified (instead of blocking ALL targeting like Angel ECM does now, Guardian ECM would only block shared-team-targeting)
- Missile Locks would have to be slightly modified (locks on LOS only if the enemy is within Guardian bubble)
Really,the only thing they'd have to worry about is if/how Guardian ECM will decrease over-all detection ranges and lock times. Right now, detection-range is eliminated completely by Angel ECM, and lock-times are lengthened if you TAG an enemy under ECM. If guardian ECm was employed, then detection ranges might be reduced by 25-40% with Guardian, or something like that, and lock-times are already nicely affected by current ECM rules.
Edited by Prosperity Park, 08 March 2015 - 01:53 PM.