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1Vs1 And Ffa - Solaris Arena Expansion Ideas

14 replies to this topic

Poll: Topic vote (25 member(s) have cast votes)

Do you want Solaris arena in the game?

  1. No, I think team games are enough. (0 votes [0.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.00%

  2. Yes, but I prefer a team oriented games (1 votes [4.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 4.00%

  3. Yes, absolutely. 1vs1 and FFA sound both plausible. (19 votes [76.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 76.00%

  4. Yes, but no FFA mode fits into the game. (1 votes [4.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 4.00%

  5. Yes, but I think 1vs1 is pointless. (1 votes [4.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 4.00%

  6. Yes, just for the sake of lore and roleplay or another interest... (1 votes [4.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 4.00%

  7. Yes, new game modes would be nice but I don't care about Solaris or the lore. (2 votes [8.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 8.00%

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#1 Vegalas


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Posted 16 March 2015 - 09:29 AM

I came up with this idea of having a particular game mode mode that emphasized more on a player's personal combat after I started thinking about the possible lack of skill and teamwork in public games. So here's some of my thoughts behind this idea. Since MWO differs from most FPS-shooters in the sense that there's a lot of thinking to be done before entering a game, there might be a lack misunderstanding of how handle all the different game mechanics and having good results in a game. All of it isn't dependant on tinkering in the garage however. The player also brings his strategic and shooting skills into the game.

Getting the 1v1 mode into the game as a part of the Solaris arena is a relatively lore friendly way to give new players to get grips with how the game works. It even might interest some more experienced players since you can clearly determine the victor of the fight when there isn't anyone else messing around with the brawl. This might a more uplifting experience instead getting overwhelmed by random enemies when you're in the wrong spot of a teamfight.

I was mainly thinking of the FFA as an additional game mode because it was the original thing in MW4. All of the fights in the Solaris arena we're FFA's and surviving as the last player was a thing to strive for. I haven't really thought out how many players there should be in one FFA game even though this is part of the reason why I'm writing these things down to be discussed.

Of course there should be a different rewarding system in these matches because of the game mechanics. More money and experience should be given from dealing damage since there aren't any rewards given for supporting your team. I don't think that some sort of a betting system for the victor of the round doesn't feel like a bad idea either but I think that goes too far from this topic. Are there thoughts on these ideas? I think the poll results will tell enough but I'd also appreciate some comments.

Edit: In short:
-I am referring to FFA's with around 12 players.
-The changes would support more personal gameplay.
-1v1's could be a part of some other mechanic. Brackets came up in the discussion as an option.
- Betting would make Solaris games a more appealable way of getting c-bills.

Edited by Vegalas, 21 March 2015 - 12:26 PM.

#2 Commander A9


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Posted 16 March 2015 - 09:35 AM

I think they're planning for Solaris.

Either way, I want to see free-for-all, duels, Solaris, and hell...brackets! It's March, for God's sake!

#3 Vegalas


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Posted 16 March 2015 - 09:55 AM

I certainly hope so but I am not sure. I am kind of getting tired because of the all the new purchasable mech packs even though I admit that I did buy several into the storage not too long ago. It might seem to some players that game is degenerating into people buying new mech packs once a new one comes out. I doubt that's entirely the case though but the fact that MWO seems to be a little unfinished as an entire game is a littel unsettling even though that is how things are with most larger f2p's. I'd still rather pay for a new game mode instead of a bundle of new mechs.

#4 50 50


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Posted 16 March 2015 - 07:49 PM

This is a good angle to take and you can expand on it.
There are a lot of comments about the game being geared toward competitive groups and how that is affecting the current game modes.
By adding in a challenge feature you can introduce a structured competition where these groups can thrive.
Solaris is the prime example and works for IS vs IS.
For the Clans it would be the various trial battles from lore, blood names and gene pool trials
Clan vs IS doesn't fit though so that can be left to the existing modes.
The private match making almost covers the requirements so I would think it wouldn't be too much of a step to implement.

There are a couple of options to consider and I'll start with the Solaris system.
  • New maps. The existing ones would do in a pinch. While they have a bit of an arena feel, some proper arena maps with the giant walls and crowds would be much better.
  • Variable team sizes. 1 v 1. Pairs. Lances. FFA etc. though I would limit it to 8 players total.
  • Spectating. Being able to see a list of matches that are underway or waiting to commence and connect as a spectator. A seat somewhere in the arena as a default view point and allow swapping views between the functioning mechs. Spectators have no voip or text options so it doesn't interfere with the combatants unless you want a 'pit crew' coms channel. A bit of crowd atmosphere with some ooohs and ahhhs and cheering.
  • Match recordings or highlights.
  • Betting. While the combatants would gain XP as normal and should receive some sort of match reward, having an option to put a wager down on a few different options is how spectators could be involved.
  • Players and teams need to be able to create a challenge that others can respond to.
  • A ladder ranking system can be shown in game.
I think you could have a lot of fun with that, but if you're going to do it, go the whole hog.

For the Clan trials it's a little different as the concept was to fight for a particular outcome.
This is a little harder in that what they were fighting over included rewards such as honour, genetics, a name.
It really suggests that various trophies be setup which can be fought for. Attaching some value to them that benefits a faction or even particular player units beyond the prestige of having it might be tricky to work out.
Otherwise it functions in a similar way.

All up, a proper competitive mode would be good and I believe it would then allow Community Warfare to evolve into a strategic military conflict.

#5 Vegalas


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Posted 17 March 2015 - 03:07 AM

I can see that you and I are along the same lines then. MWO at the moment lacks the competetive mode because public games are utter chaos especially for newer players and complete newbies. I also think that having a more straightforward mode would help MWO to get attention in Esports. The only things I see as a setback with a company that has talented and passionate ppl in it like PGI, is the fact that this actually a humongous project to work with. It requires money and time. I still would like too see something like this in the future. At the moment I don't even know wether Solaris is being worked on or not.

Edited by Vegalas, 17 March 2015 - 05:02 AM.

#6 Vegalas


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Posted 17 March 2015 - 01:26 PM

Not even votes and this topic is losing its place on the forum. It's a little upsetting I think. Don't people bother to read this or what? There's not too many votes either. :/

Edited by Vegalas, 17 March 2015 - 02:34 PM.

#7 Egomane


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Posted 17 March 2015 - 01:33 PM

Please don't bump threads. If they don't recieve attention, then they simply don't recieve attention. Your thread doesn't have a specific place it could lose.

As to the idea: 1 on 1 has been suggested and talked about before. Currently 1 vs 1 is limited to private matches, as the match overhead takes up nearly as much space and processing needs on the servers, and therefore cost as much, as a 12 vs 12 match.

You can already play 1 vs 1 but both players need active premium time to compensate for the server costs.

#8 Vegalas


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Posted 17 March 2015 - 03:18 PM

My apologies then if I did bump up this thread even though I think it deserves way more attention than it does at themoment. I am mostly intrested in people's votes however and I can imagine that people skip most of this thread just simply beacause they don't like to read. I do think there are a lot morre threads that deserve more attention despite the fact that I didn't link them here. I didn't know about the 1v1 option either. It hasn't been advertised in anyway nor does the game direct you to use it.

However I think this thread might have made people thinking. There are already two good polls that in someway touch the subject this topic addresses.

kickstarter poll:http://mwomercs.com/...le-player-game/

Free 1v1 poll:http://mwomercs.com/...t-premium-time/

As a sidenote however I would advise you to pay more attention to what you interpret and what you read. Might aswell think about my signature. B) If you want rant about anything just send me some PM. I admit that bumping the thread was a sidethought but then again I think this thread should be a sticky for any future discussions concerning the topic but I guess that requires some moderation on the forums but nobody seems to do it in a useful way. Anyways I am ending atleast for my part this depate for now. I have to sleep because I live in Europe. :)

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Posted 17 March 2015 - 05:27 PM

That's interesting to know Egomane.

It's a shame that private matches can't be hosted locally and even played offline or across a LAN.
Not worth getting into here though.

An option may be to have a single map broken into sections thus creating multiple individual areas whereby there are still 24 players involved in the matches.
However, there was recent discussion on smaller 4 v 4 matches so there may be more options becoming available.

From a competitive stand point though, a proper tournament structure for both Clan and IS would provide those players so inclined within an appropriate setting.
My main objective is to get that competition out of community warfare so it can evolve.
Solaris would do that, and there is potential for it to grow and appeal to a different market such as eSport public competitions.
That has to be a win win option for PGI and the development and uptake of the game.

I vote yes.

#10 Vegalas


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Posted 21 March 2015 - 05:37 AM

I have been reading this topic again and decided write some more thoughts of mine. I am not so sure about whole 4v4 thing. It would sound to me more like a miniature team game to me. I am generally open to ideas but I don't think this topic really covers any sort of ideas concerning team games but here we go again. The main difference between the Solaris I have in mind and the 24-player team matches is the fact that 1v1 and FFA matches could possibly make people concentrate more on their personal gameplay. I think that having a 24-player FFA is out of the question because there would simply be too many players on the field. If I remember correctly the Solaris in MW4 had around 10 players so I think something close to 12, which is half of the current pool of maximum players in a game, should be the maximum.

In my opinion having a 2v2 match in Solaris isn't as radical of an idea as having 4v4 but I think having any sort of team kind of carries away from the ideas this topic presents. To be honest though I think there was a possibility for you to make allies with some A.I players too so I don't really want to close off having possible alliances either. Perhaps it should have a specific role in the game mechanics. I can imagine FFA having a lot of "drama" with all the alliances and betrayals going on. :P

Edited by Vegalas, 21 March 2015 - 05:50 AM.

#11 c33tz


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Posted 31 May 2015 - 11:21 AM

To keep this topic rolling:

Regarding the comment on how IS vs. IS is suitable for Solaris, and could have Trials for Clan vs Clan.... this would be a really neat opportunity for them to expend on Community Warefare.

Basically, PGI can set up cycles (just like attack/defend cycles) on various planets for different arenas that IS only, or CLan only can "attend".

The Rounds/matches can be scheduled along these lines to have more than just a "drop-in FFA" and have time for Betting etc if PGI wants to get creative :P.

I think it would be cool to continually build on the CW environment and have more people spend their time engaged with their factions, etc.

1v1s, for championships, 2v2's, 4v4s (lance v Lance) all would be fun for some earlier "rounds" of each "competition". I've been dying for smaller games getting sick of fighting 1v12 matches where I can rack up 5 kills in my locust and still lose.

Great opportunity to bring more lore and CW/faction involvement into MWO.

(And of course the 12 light mech FFA would always be hilarious for Solaris first rounds :P ... a ranking system to compete in heavier mech Solaris matches would also be neat similar to MW4 mercs. Entry fees/Betting would be a nice feature, but I'd say not entirely necessary... just bigger rewards/achievements/titles the further you get is fine for me for now)

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#12 GutterBoy5


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Posted 31 May 2015 - 12:08 PM

YES is so needed. 12 player FFA , no team work . Just a all out slaughter house , last person standing wins.

But to truly be outstanding the game mode would need 2-3 Arena maps. Like coliseum , jungle, blood pit from MW4 were you could hear audience applaud like a roman gladiator fight .
This would be awesome for the game.

Back in mechwarrior leagues they had it were you could even bet Cbills on players .

#13 catsonmeth


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Posted 31 May 2015 - 02:58 PM

Duels, FFA, and smaller team vs. team matches sound great; 12 v 12 gets tiring after a few dozen bad matches.

This is an idea I had a few days ago: six separate lances battling over an objective, king-of-the-hill style. Whichever team owns the "hill" would be able to drop in fresh 'mechs. Last team standing wins. I think it'd make for lengthy, interesting games that concentrate on both teamwork and the strength of individual players.

#14 Will9761


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Posted 31 May 2015 - 06:17 PM

I would like to see these two game modes based on each faction and think up some good ideas for both of them.

For Inner Sphere Players:
FFA- Solaris Game Mode
The dueling at Solaris is the limelight sport of Inner Sphere fights. Depending your on faction, you get Loyalty Points boosted depending on how high you place in the Solaris mode. For example, House Liao: 1st Place 50% LP, 2nd Place 25% LP, 3rd Place 15% LP, etc. C-bill boost could play a role based on your position. One last addition that (I wish could happen ASAP) would be cool is hearing Duncan Fisher.

For Clan Players:
1v1- Clan Zellbringen Trial Game Mode
Most Clan Warriors like to bid down their forces in order to save resources. The warrior who bids the lowest amount of resources wins the bid. Just like Solaris, you get a LP and C-bill boost if you win for your respective faction.

Edited by Will9761, 31 May 2015 - 06:39 PM.

#15 Spleenslitta


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Posted 01 June 2015 - 12:27 PM

Drroooooools This is what i'm talking about. Mayhem and allout chaos.
There should be weightrestricted matches...but we should have the choice to drop in unrestricted matches too.

Imagine the thrill you would get from fighting an assault mech loaded to the brim with weaponry in a slow Urbie....and then winning despite the odds.
Yup unlikely to happen against a skilled opponent but just think about it. Easy winroad is for the weak of will.
The thrill of outright mechanical carnage is what you need to trully enjoy the game.
The adrenaline could flow in every match.

Imagine 12-24 mechs in a giant free for all on a huge map filled with buildings, hills, pits, valleys, caves....etc.
No responsibility towards a team.
No more complaints about how my build is weird.
No more complaining about me going off on my own to do my own thing.

We can crown our kings in tournaments for each weightclass and then the kings from each weightclass fight to rule us all.
To become The King of Kings.
Who cares if i sound like some megalomaniacal nutjob? I sure don't. XD

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