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"world Valuation" - Proposal And Potential Benefits...

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#1 Prussian Havoc


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Posted 06 April 2015 - 07:26 PM

"World Valuation" was set at ZERO for Community Warfare Phase 2.

I (for one) am glad "world-valuation" was NOT be high on PGI's initial-BETA-phase list of "Must Haves" for Community Warfare Phase 2.

The simple fact is "world-valuation" would have been/is IMPOSSIBLE for PGI to back-pedal from.

If PGI had put ANY value on worlds EARLY in BETA (and they didn't) there would a a Great Hue and Cry in these same forums over an subsequent PGI devaluation of those original individual, Unit and Factional benefits.

By starting at ZERO "world-valuation" for the first four months of BETA, PGI has now positioned itself to better craft a true (READ non-game breaking) set-of-benfits for each world... hopefully differentiated by Lore.

By "non-game breaking" benefits the treat the Soloist with NO Unit not to such a great disadvantage compared to TODAY's TCAF gamer, who's Unit currently has TAGs on 69-worlds (https://mrbcleague.com/cw/index.html#) that is many more than their next closed competitor -MS- who has TAGs on 43-worlds.

I understand what you mean when you say you want a TANGIBLE benefit that evokes a VISCERAL sense of achievement, (well.... That is what I am hoping PGI is working toward!)

My "Features Suggestion" has two parts:

FIRST: What I have recommended in other threads is free DECAL "Battle Streamers" per world as well DECAL "Unit Comemdations"as for multiples of FIVE worlds. There are spaces for... what? - three DECALs per Mech? A Unit is tracked within game by its Membershp. When a unit captures a world, it's membership gets a STANDARD FACTION COLORED DECAL with the planets name emblazoned on it in Bright colors. Eventually a Unit like TCAF old build up 69 or more of these DECALS.

In similar Fashion, as a Unit puts a TAG on its FIFTH world, the current Unit membership receives a Unit Colored (thus the Unit Screen will need to be adjusted so a Unit CDR can input his Unit's Colors.) This Commendation would look like a standard Army Ribbon (http://i.imgur.com/1wnGMld.jpg) but carefully put the Unit 4-Letter Code and a Roman Symbol for the Number of worlds captured to date.

Obviously as gamers leave Units, they would retain what they earned while there but no longer receive any DECALS.

SECOND: On Day ZERO of CW, everyone (in a Unit OR Solo) should BEGIN CW-gaming with a 5.0% DISCOUNT toward purchases of THEIR Faction's Mechs.

Taking a Day ZERO contract with ANY Faction adds another 2.5% DISCOUNT toward purchases of their Faction's Mechs.

Thus on Day ZERO anyone with a contract has a baseline 7.5% DISCOUNT toward purchases of their Faction's Mechs.

As Community Warfare kicks off and a Unit proceeds to win worlds, for each world taken members of that Unit gain 0.1% of ADDITIONAL Bonus. This maxes out at 25-worlds thus a full (and Capped!) 2.5% ADVANTAGE for the Unit. As a unit losses TAGs, its advantage degrades back to (but NOT below) zero-%. Thus a Unit which has TAGs on 25-worlds (in a Faction which has lost ZERO worlds to rival Factions) would be MAXED OUT at a 10% DISCOUNT toward purchase of their Faction's Mechs.

Factional-performance should have a similar effect as well - as a FACTION losses a world, UNITS under TEMPCON or PERMCON to that Faction see their 7.5% degrade down to (but NOT below) 5% - NEVER below 5% regardless of how many worlds a given Faction may lose.

Given ALL the above - a Unit with 25-worlds TAG'ed (in a Faction that has lost ZERO worlds) has a baseline 10% (the beginning 7.5% plus it's Unit-derived (0.1%x25-worlds=) 2.5% for a total of 10%) DISCOUNT on Mech Purchases.

If this Unit decides to move to an under-performing Faction that ONLY impact would be a loss of the FACTIONAL 2.5%, commensurate with 0.1% for each world that faction has lost. If the Faction the Unit moves to has lost more than 25-worlds, the U it will have a 7.5% DISCOUNT regardless of any further increase in Unit TAG'ed worlds - UNTIL the Faction climbed from a net of 25-worlds-lost to 24-worlds-lost, at that time a 0.1% DISCOUNT will be added back to ALL members of that Faction.

I am sure a #MathMensa could explain all that MUCH MUCH better and simpler, but is is as good as it gets with me trying to get these points across.


1). VESTED INTEREST IN CW PARTICIPATION - On day ZERO, EVERYONE in CW gets a 7.5% DISCOUNT (as long as they have chosen a CW Faction) toward purchasing (C-bill OR MC) Mechs from their Faction. THIS alone will likely boost CW-participation as it gives EVERYONE a vested interest in parking their account in a Faction with access to the Mechs they want to acquire at some point. AND as a Faction begins to have a "Net Loss" of worlds, the loss of % from 7.5% down to 5% will be a forcing function to a degree to motivate an effected Faction player base to get active once again in CW to assist in regaining at least a Factional Net of ZERO and reestablish their 7.5% DISCOUNT.

2). EXCELLENT PUBLIC RELATIONS FOR CW - With EVERYONE in CW gaining either a 5%, 10% or somewhere in between DISCOUNT, Community Warfare will ALWAYS be a source of BENEFICIAL EFFECT for ANY gamer who at least chooses a Faction.

3). PGI MONETIZATION - The whole suggested mechanism is based on discounted C-bill and MC PURCHASES!!!!!!!!! For goodness sakes... even half of the resulting MC sales that I predict this mechanism would encourage from gamers, PGI should see revenue streams sufficent to fund new content (digital artist salaries sufficent for DECALS, Factional Level-15 and Level-20 Patterns; new CW and Public Queue Maps; developer salaries for new modes and new features for existing modes) IMO. As I stated above monetization is the #Lifeblood of Game Development, working here in Beta to encourage and source new means of and sources of monetization opportunities will see PGI remain solvent for 2, 4, 6-years to come... and we ALL have a vested interest in assisting PGI in succeeding with MWO where Roadhouse/BlueLizardGames FAILED with MechWarrior:Tactics.

4). SOLOs ARE ENCOURAGED TO JOIN UNITS - the highest DISCOUNT a Solo-gamer would ever acheive is 7.5% (5% baseline, in a Faction with a "Net World" status of ZERO or greater. However, as PGI has pointed out CW is a TEAM-based mode of MWO, gamers will be encouraged to join high-performing Units to assist their new Unit in realizing (and MAINTAINING) a maxed 10% DISCOUNT.

Please allow me to restate that ANY world-TAG benefits MUST be so BENEVOLENTLY-tailored as to NOT break the game. In my opinion TCAF is just warming up. TCAF performance on behalf of House LIAO in this next phase of BETA will be even greater than it has been in this now-concluding phase of BETA. World-Benefits MUST be crafted with the FACT I mind that one or more Units will in due course of the game gain upwards of 50 to 100 worlds - we should NOT advocate for benefits-per-world so POWERFUL that our game BREAKS.

As ever, I will try to respond in a timely manner to any comment, question, concern or constructive criticism.

Good luck and GOOD HUNTING!

#2 Prussian Havoc


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Posted 09 April 2015 - 03:06 AM

Even tweeting this thread did not seem to draw any interest to it...

...I must think on a better way to "get out the vote" on threads of this nature.

If this "Features Suggestion" of mine is just so many worthless words, I would want that constructive criticism JUST as much as if some were to find a measure of value here... either way would prevent me from wasting time on something found to have zero worth.

Despite that some of us hope our "Feature Suggestions" are noted by PGI... no one wants to waste their time. If "Feature Suggestions" are just so many entries that never garner ANY PGI response, review or interest, then I am indeed wasting my time.

And with nine "Feature Suggestions" submitted... that is a lot of time to have wasted.

Single-Front Contracts - http://mwomercs.com/...ost__p__4176239

Repacy Mercenary Faction overhaul: http://mwomercs.com/...__p__4183507 my contribution to Rapasy's OP: http://mwomercs.com/...ost__p__4187224

Level 20 and Beyond: http://mwomercs.com/forums/topic/189611-beyond-level-20-suggestions-and-recommendations/

Beyond "TAGs", Metrics of MWO:CW Value: http://mwomercs.com/...ost__p__4207145

CW Algorithm Suggestions: http://mwomercs.com/...ost__p__4228662

PGI Beta pursuit of New Factions: http://mwomercs.com/...ost__p__4236051 and http://mwomercs.com/...ost__p__4239157

Mercenary Market: http://mwomercs.com/...ost__p__4244844

Loyalty Point Totals: http://mwomercs.com/...ost__p__4246009

World Valuation: http://mwomercs.com/...ost__p__4343647

Edited by Prussian Havoc, 09 April 2015 - 03:10 AM.

#3 Surn


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Posted 10 April 2015 - 11:37 AM

To eleviate the possibility that one group would become unstoppable... Add a 1% chance per ceasefire per sector that the sectors will rebel and flip neutral. In the mechwarrior registry planetary league these were known as "any" faction sectors.

This would make large factions retake internal sectors if they grew too large. Simulating the problems with empires historically. The bigger the government, the less responsive it is to the needs of the people.

Edited by MechregSurn, 10 April 2015 - 11:53 AM.

#4 Prussian Havoc


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Posted 10 April 2015 - 05:59 PM

View PostMechregSurn, on 10 April 2015 - 11:37 AM, said:

To eleviate the possibility that one group would become unstoppable... Add a 1% chance per ceasefire per sector that the sectors will rebel and flip neutral. In the mechwarrior registry planetary league these were known as "any" faction sectors.

This would make large factions retake internal sectors if they grew too large. Simulating the problems with empires historically. The bigger the government, the less responsive it is to the needs of the people.


The STARTEX OWNER should indeed have an enduring nucleus of "HOME FACTION RESISTANCE FIGHTERS" that would serve as the basis for these sectors to...

...well darn it! Why not have "neutral sectors" in the first place!

It doe not NEED to be just a binary "Friendly / Enemy" designation with Sectors. They could indeed be neutral"

Planets closer to historically contested borders could have a tendency to have more neutral sectors than those clustered around HOMEWORLDS.

The impact of a Neutral Sector would be that they do not count toward planetary domminance. While "TIES" should go to Defenders, 3 Neutral Sectors on a planet would change the requirement to capture the world from 8 of 15 to just 7 of 12 as one example.

Nice ideas all around imo.

#5 Surn


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Posted 14 April 2015 - 08:20 AM

on a side note, allowing neutral sectors could have interesting defenders adding a new twist to the game.

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