What will keep us players playing for years to come and spend money and time on this game? I thought about it for a very long time as I said and I think the key to the long term success is immersion (in Community Warfare as well as in the rest of MWO).
Let me explain why: the BT universe was the driving force for many of the MWO fans to get involved with the game. A vision of a living background still lingers among many players it's what they image when they look upon their Mechs in their hangars, the CW map, the Mechlab, everything. This vision keeps us coming back, logging in, day after day, to BE a Mechwarrior in a giant machine of steel, to still feel the excitement, when your avatar presses all the buttons in the cockpit at startup of each game.
We will buy more Mechs just for the different cockpits, working noises, "feeling" of the play.
Competitive players, on the other hand, will not, as they only strive for the Meta, the best possible. The former enjoy long matches, epic battles on planets
that they recognize from fiction and books, the latter fight for precision and play their min-max game to fight in leagues with a few hundred spectators.
If MWO is to succeed in the long run key would be to increase the immersion effect while still pushing the competitive scene.
I would like to make a few proposals, how to achieve this with a small team and how to keep the core gameplay of MWO intact.
Immersion extensions to MWO should also be designed with new players in mind and to get them deeper involved with the BT universe and stay with MWO for longer. Another important aspect is that certain immersion extensions could easily be sold for MCs, as players would not be gaining ingame advantages and this would be for vanity only.
Immersion proposals of mine are divided into CW/Non-CW mode and include the following:
- A customizable player avatar (with MCs)
- Appearance (3D-Model with customization options)
- Selectable multiple-choice history (Faction, Home Planet, Age, Combat/Unit-History, Education, Academy, Standing, Experience)
- Identification potential, players love that also supports roleplaying aspects
- Opportunity to walk around in the Mech hangar (killer feature)
- Ingame avatar pics appearing if VoIP activates
- Appearance (3D-Model with customization options)
- A customizable Mechhangar (with MCs)
- includes some action to be less sterile e.g.
- maintenance vehicles driving by
- Techs walking around, using tools
- Faction banners hanging in the background
- Hangar looks rusty and old or shiny new
- Ammunitions car standing close by
- Mech parts stapled on a heap
- another Mech from the player's Hangar walks by in front of the Mech
- maintenance vehicles driving by
- includes some action to be less sterile e.g.
- Labels for Modules, e.g.
- "Magna Medium Laser Mk. I" (Cooldown IS M-Laser 1/5)
- "Lord's Light PPC" (Range IS PPC 4/5)
- "Magna Medium Laser Mk. I" (Cooldown IS M-Laser 1/5)
- Names for Weapon and Equipment Manufacturers
- Fusion Engines and Equipment taken from the Technical Readouts e.g.
- "Vlar 300" standard engine etc.
- Fusion Engines and Equipment taken from the Technical Readouts e.g.
- Quirk-"Symbols"
- give each quirk a symbol that explains it's meaning on mouseover (e.g. a star for energy-related quirks etc.)
- give quirks a name derived from the Readouts and the Mech specs, like "Accurate Laser Targeting System" = -10% Laser Duration
- give each quirk a symbol that explains it's meaning on mouseover (e.g. a star for energy-related quirks etc.)
- Unique planet properties - since the planets we fight for vary from day to day, make them more distinguishable (this might very well be extreme but we have 2,500 planets!)
- Drop weight variations (from 100-160 up to 240-400) fixed per planet
- Type: hot (only hot maps), cold (only cold maps), balanced (all maps)
- Weather (Storms e.g.)
- Day/night fixed for a planet
- Designate a "capital" slot on the planet, where fighting on an urban map takes place
- Descriptions for all planets
- Picture (indicating the type of the planet)
- Betty saying "dropship enroute to XYZ" upon entering the lobby
- Drop weight variations (from 100-160 up to 240-400) fixed per planet
- Unit-Tags of currently fighting units (with more then 4 players) on a planet visible as little flags
- "Outreach"-Tab in CW screen listing all units
- their size (roughly in BattleTech terms like lance, company, bataillon, regiment)
- their current contract details (employer and length)
- gives access to the public unit HQ screen (see below)
- unit combat history (planet wins, district capital planet wins)
- honour symbols after certain events have taken place (e.g. "Battlestar of Tukayyid")
- fluff text editable by the unit
- unit insigniae
- Dragoon's Rating for Mercs (see below)
- their size (roughly in BattleTech terms like lance, company, bataillon, regiment)
- Publicly visible CW unit hangars or "HQs"
- Dropships of different types or numbers depending on unit size
- Expandable with unit coffer money
- Visible assets like tanks or elementals, also buyable with unit money
- Air support units like fighters flying overhead (again, unit money)
- If the unit is rich = wealthy, big hangars and buildings, if not = poorer buildings
- Permanent contract = flags flying with House colours
- Dropships of different types or numbers depending on unit size
- Dragoon's Rating for Mercs in CW
- visible in suggested "Outreach tab" on the CW page
- rating influences payments
- calculated by a number of factors e.g.
- number and length of successfully completed contracts
- unit age
- size
- fictional transportability (if assets like dropships can be bought with unit money)
- unit members successes in events
- planets conquered or defended in total
- current No of planets
- number and length of successfully completed contracts
- visible in suggested "Outreach tab" on the CW page
- Public CW unit combat records (visible in suggested "Outreach tab" on the CW page)
- An HQ flag of choice on the CW map indicating a unit's HQ location
- settable by the unit leader
- movable once per contract
- relative closeness (max 1-2 jumps away) gives 5-10% cbill bonus for fighting CW matches due to short supply lines
- settable by the unit leader
Do you like any of these ideas? Hit the button or let me know via comment

Edited by Warchild Corsair, 03 June 2015 - 11:31 PM.