TexAss, on 12 June 2015 - 02:44 AM, said:
Damn, 28tons on a 65 ton mech. That is a lot room for weapons and heatsinks, considering the low weight of clan weapons....
powercreep goes on.
I hope it has terrible moving arcs, speeds and hitboxes otherwise this will be too OP. its just positive on all aspects till now, I hope a negative point will show itself when it arrives.
I love inane comments like these, it shows the how little some people understand battletech and MWO.
1) Do you seriously think Rotary AC's, Heavy Lasers, Heavy Gauss, MRM's, Heavy Machine Guns, ATM's, and Heavy PPC's will do less damage than today's current weapons? Battletech was an arms race, weapons will become more deadly as the timeline advances. Tech 1 weapons (3025) were never going to compete with tech 3 weapons. Powercreep is part of Battletech. As the timeline advances, weapons will hit harder and at longer range then what is available now.
2) The EBJ is a 65 ton mech, as such it is limited by having less armor than the Timberwolf. Don't expect it to behave the same.
3) The EBJ is a very wide mech, meaning that even Helen Keller should be able to place effective side torso shots, or it's CT will be huge (add this to having a 65 ton mech's armor). Bottom line, it will be much easier to hit than a Jager....
4) The inability to change engines is a huge nerf to clan mechs, add in the (much) higher heat of clan weapons in general and those 28 tons are FAR less than IS mechs. My jager easily carries 2xAC5's, 6xML's and 6 tons of ammo (28 tons) with tonnage to spare for extra heatsinks. Good luck trying to use that on an EBJ w/o roasting yourself. If PGI ever releases the IIC battlemechs, watch out (same as if/when PGI lets IS mechs use clan weapons).
5) Remember when the HBR came out it's huge CT made the mech nearly useless, the EBJ's will probably be just as easy to hit from any angle.
6) Lastly, you know going in that the EBJ can carry a more weapons than the Summoner, Mad Dog or the Hellbringer, yet should be easy to hit and have a 65 ton's mech's armor. If you choose to not primary it and take it down quickly, you have nobody to blame but yourself.
Edited by Moenrg, 12 June 2015 - 04:40 AM.