I do think that it was a nice experiment, it shows that PGI wants to try new things and it's commendable, however, the current implementation has it's share of problems.
First and foremost, the highly accelerated speed at which the time moves is quite immersion braking. Not only that, seeing the shadows move so quickly is rather distracting and can make it (for me, personally) more difficult to spot mechs at a distance (when they're under ECM, so no Red Doritos for me), because noticing movement is the easiest way to spot them, which is made much harder by the shadows moving as quickly as they do.
I do realize that not everyone (probably nobody else) has this problem, but to me, it just becomes a nuisance and makes me dislike the new maps (even though, i WANT to like them. They're large, have loads of cover, they LOOK good, but the accelerated time is just... Too distracting and annoying for me)
Secondly, (again, i'm not sure if others have this problem, maybe they do, maybe they don't, but...) the Transition between different times of day (dawn to day, day to dusk, dusk to night, night to dawn) is extremely jarring and unnaturally quick (yes, i do realize it could be explained by different planets having different amount of hours in a day or whatever), but it comes to me not only from a aesthetic point of view. I'm not sure if it's just my PC being trashtier wooden potato, but during those said transitions my game freezes for (up to) a second and the FPS drops from (more or less) stable 50-60 to sometimes single digits for a few moments, which has led me to losing many brawls (or even entire matches, because of it.)
I don't know if others have this problem (so if anyone also suffers from these stutters, or FPS drops, or freezes during the transition, please comment below, so i'd know that i'm not alone in this).
Don't get me wrong though, i like the IDEA, but the implementation is definitely less than stellar. Sooo, i would suggest a slightly different approach to this dynamic day cycle.
Alright, so, i think it should be this way, on launching on one of these maps the time would be randomly set (dawn, day, dusk, night) and while in-game, the time wouldn't move at all (i mean the matches are only 15 minutes long), because currently with the 6 hours per 15 minutes time-scale, the different starting times of the matches start to feel very samey and repetitive, (for example, dawn into day, day into dusk, feel basically the same) however if the time was set and wouldn't move, all of the different time-intervals would feel more unique.
Well. I ranted off long enough.
Edit: added a poll-thread: http://mwomercs.com/...day-cycle-poll/
Edited by Juodas Varnas, 24 August 2015 - 01:18 AM.