Well, your idea to give IS 260 tons is so riddicolous and out of any logic, so stupid (and if i write what i should i get banned) that i refuse to play CW if this madness remains online........you managed to lose the support of one of the biggest CW fans around. And if you managed to make me dislike CW (and i thought it was impossible) imagine how many players you are losing.
even 240 vs 240
i know that 99% of mwo players do not agree......but hey, 99% of mwo players have no idea on how to play CW.
This is what you do when an excellent player uses OP IS mechs.

this happens because clan laser duration an heat output is OVERNERFED
1) timber and crow nerfs must be removed
2) cerml must lose 0.2 duration OR gain 50mt range OR lose 1 heat
3) cerll must gain 100 mt range and lose 1 heat
(wtf? IS erll on raven 4x, awesome, blr 1s, tdr5ss, on1p, ctf1x, enf 4r has more range, less heat, less duration than clan erll............how did you manage to make IS lasers better than clan ones?)
4) clpl must lose 1 heat
Bang Bus BLR1g xl395 3lpl+4ml with 10 ad 20% quirks feels OP
BJ1x with 6ml+2mpl feels like a 2 ac20 jager that runs at 116 kph and weights 45 tons: it is OP
IS erll that reach 911 meters and have burn time of 1second feels OP (BLR 1s)
Jager 3uac5 that shoots like a 6 uac5 direwolf feels OP
Thunderbolts that can tank as stalkers and shoot 3lpl non stop feel OP
Wolverine with 4 ll or 3ll+2ml that shoots as much as a stalker feels OP
Edited by IL MECHWARRIOR, 06 September 2015 - 03:35 AM.