Thar be Sun Spiders! (and then there weren't, because they all died from side torso deaths)

Latest hitboxing on the Assassin. These are about as pixel-perfect accurate as can possibly be done.

Here's some work I did on the Cougar. This mech is like 90% side torso. Notice also how the arm hitboxes are broken:

Bushwackers getting cored through the rear CT by taking a shot from the front... this is why:

Somebody reported broken shenanigans with the Rifleman, so I did that as well:

Here are the hitboxes for the MARAUDER, and changes that came for the JENNER, CATAPULT, and NOVA on 1st Dec. 2015.

Observations: this thing should be relatively good at protecting its gun side. It's definitely not XL-safe, but we already figured that out. The CT is a narrow strip like the Stalker, but it blooms out toward the nose - aim there if you want quick corings, it's better than chewing through their entire LT and eating the percentage damage reduction. The cockpit is fairly large and trapezoidal. Also, the underbelly (not pictured) of this thing is almost all side torso, just a tiny strip of CT. If you're looking at the overhead view, you'll notice there is CT where the dorso gun would go - when a ballistic is equipped here it occupies that space and becomes side torso.
Well done to PGI on the hitboxes for this, they clearly put quite a bit of time and thought into them. Some questionable moves here and there, but seems calculated.

A noticeable improvement. I have a feeling this will fare well, but I haven't had the chance to play it yet. I have actually seen a Jenner die to CT once today, so it seems to be an improvement.

Almost entirely untouched. If you look closely you can tell the difference - the CT is a tiny bit larger, but I don't think it's anywhere enough to make this chassis XL-viable, which is something that it gravely desires to be viable. Hitbox wishlist.

Not much has changed. The ST has been extended further along the nose, but has receded from the canopy. It's still very Stalker-y and it's sides will probably be still be super squishy when people aim for them. Not enough of a difference in my opinion, but (aside from the ST added to the nose) an improvement going in the right direction.
Lastly, kudos to PGI for actually iterating on hitboxes. I'm really glad to see them responding to feedback and experimenting with small incremental changes. I only wish they were do things like this more often.
The following are the hitbox updates from 17 Nov. 2015

^ Locust: added ST to the lower half of the mech

^ Commando: gave it bigger arms and more ST. Shrunk cockpit.

^ Raven: shrunk the cockpit, minor tweaks to STs. Arm and leg hitboxes STILL larger than visual model. (PGI plz fix!)

^ Dragon: gave it Stalker-syndrome. Which is a bad thing for this 60-ton mech that needs to run XL.
On the topic of Arctic Cheetahs...
The Arctic Cheetah is a bit maligned as having broken hitboxes. It tanks so much damage that it can only be full of deadzones and magic pixie dust. Well, I've put the hitboxes to scrutiny. Very heavy scrutiny. I've attempted to map every pixel on the following images as accurately as I possibly could and I've spent many hours doing this. Hopefully this will lay to rest the claims of "broken hitboxes" for this mech and point out the few minor flaws it does possess so that hopefully PGI can address them.
First, the discrepancies between the visual model and the physical hitboxes. By tracing the outline of a mech with your range finder you can determine exactly where the mech's hitbox begins and ends. The following image shows these discrepancies: red is for dead zones (parts of the mech you can shoot right through) and yellow is for "invisible" hitboxes that you can hit but doesn't appear to the naked eye.

What we can see here is that the hitboxes are VERY tight and for the most part very well done. The cupola on the top of the mech's head is not meshed for hits, but that's to be expected. Where the arm joins the shoulder there is a bit of "invisible arm" syndrome, but it's not a big deal. The bottom of the front pelvic plate protrudes downward a little as well. But the most noticeable error is the chunk of lower leg on either side that isn't included in the hitbox, making the legs smaller than they actually appear. Also, the ankles and toes aren't included.
I won't bother providing a graphic for the side view - it's actually a lot more accurate. The only discrepancies I could find from the side where that the leg hitbox protudes noticeably at the shins making the leg larger than it appears, offering the opposite effect from what the frontal view gets and effectively cancelling both out in the grand scheme of things.

From the front this is very typical and I've found nothing noteworthy. I won't bother providing a side view - for the most part side panels of the mech all count towards the adjacent front hitbox, pretty standard stuff and I haven't discovered any issues.

From the rear it's slightly more interesting, but nothing surprising. The laser mounts on top of the side torsos count as front torso from all angles. The frontal pelvic plate can be hit from behind, but it's rather inconsequential. At the narrow-most point in the pelvis/hipjoint it is possible to reach through and touch the front side torsos, but it's somewhat difficult to do and actually impossible from most angles. This is actually typical of most mechs, so again - not surprising.
Many Cheetahs were harmed in the making of these graphics.
Like I said, I tried to be as exacting as possible in mapping these hitboxes. Hopefully this helps anybody who might have some questions about them or is curious to see what they look like. Lastly, here's an slow-mo of a prominent streamer that missed an ACH and blamed the hitboxes being broken instead of accepting that he simply could have missed because it's a tiny mech with slender limbs:
<gif removed because photobucket nazism>
Edited by Tarogato, 20 March 2018 - 11:42 PM.