What 4 Is Mechs Would You Choose For A Drop Set
Posted 02 June 2016 - 06:34 PM
So what 4 and which one out of each chassis would you want and keep?
Posted 02 June 2016 - 07:52 PM
See here for drop deck suggestions: http://mwomercs.com/...for-a-drop-set/
I drop:
Misery(AC20/2LPL,3ML) - this is a beast to hold that first wave
Thunderbolt 5SS (7MPL) (out of all variants I like this best, most of the fights are brawls, if youre sniping you are doing it wrong I think. this one excels at pinpoint very quick bursts - dominates those big timber/ebon noselike CTs and any lights legs)
Hunchback 4SP (2SRM6, 5ML) - tanky, good dps, damn reliable
Enforcer 4P/4R - must torso twist/use shield arm. Used the Hunch 4P (8ML or 6ML+2MPL) before. Changed it for variety
Prefer standard engines for CW.
Id keep TDR 5SS/5S/5SE, HBK 4SP/4P/4J, STK M/4N, ENF 4R/4P
Edit: For scouting that HBK 4SP is amazing!
Edited by Wojna12, 02 June 2016 - 07:55 PM.
Posted 02 June 2016 - 08:22 PM
Thunderbolts are good too, especially the 5SS (7mpl), 9SE (3lpl) TopDog (3ll,4ml) and you can use 3 in a deck with medium or light for last wave.
Quickdraws are another good set where multiple can be used in a dropdeck.
See here http://mwomercs.com/...ck-composition/
Posted 02 June 2016 - 10:03 PM
Mauler MAL-MX90. 5x AC/5 or 4x UAC/5. Ammo. STD 280. First drop. Go nuts with the dakka. If you DON'T throw down a solid 800 damage first drop, at least on defense, then something's wrong with you or your team. It's THAT good.
Black Knight BL-6-KNT. 3x LPL, XL 350, as many more MLs and DHS as you can fit/stand. "Rip and tear."
Crab CRB-27B. 2x LL, 4x ML, XL 280 or 300 (can't remember which--THINK it's the 280). Quick, powerful, able to stare-down most heavies. Great hitboxes for staring anyhow, and it's laser vomit. Until the meta changes, this thing is nuts.
Wolfhound WLF-1A. 5x SPL, something else in the RA, whatever engine/DHS combo fills you up, strip LA armor to 1. Firestarter sans JJs, basically. But tanky. Can throw down HARD when it needs to.
That's 90 + 75 + 50 + 35 = 250 tons on the nose.

Swap the CRB-27B with the -27 SL for JJs, or the -20 for a faster mech or the -27 for just bonus CBills and lots of AMS. Any one of 'em can run 3x LPL with ease. And they're relatively XL-safe.
Swap the WLF-1A for a -2, with XL 245 and 3x ERLL, and poke with all your might. Not as quick, but it can do some work for a 35-tonner.
Really, ANY Black Knight will do here. But I picked the 6 because it's, y'know, GREAT. And stuff. Whichever you feel is the best fit, though, go right ahead. There is no BAD Black Knight right now.
There ARE not-good Maulers, though. Stick to the MX90 for CW. Unless you want to do some crazy dual-Gauss-and-ERPPC thing on one of 'em, that's quirked for the peeps. Dangerous, but stranger things have worked out.
So yeah. $80 USD. Gets you all sorts of goodies, including faction paint patterns & colors. Cuz, y'know, reasons. And it gets you four SOLID mechs.
Or, for Clammers, blow $120 USD on the Wave 3 pack and regret exactly NOTHING.
Posted 02 June 2016 - 10:12 PM
So much meta. . .
Posted 02 June 2016 - 10:27 PM
Posted 02 June 2016 - 11:05 PM
75/70/70/35 = BLK/WHM/WHM/J-O
Posted 02 June 2016 - 11:48 PM
Leone, on 02 June 2016 - 10:27 PM, said:
True, but there is no need to tank damage if the enemy isnt alive to provide any
Posted 03 June 2016 - 03:53 AM
Sister RAbbi, on 02 June 2016 - 10:03 PM, said:
I have looked at the Resistance 2 pack. I was told "I'd better like lasers", lol . But I'm learning that IS mechs do not overheat as bad as Clan mechs. And IS Mechs have a certain something that Omnipods mechs do not.
And the Stalker/Misery is talked about a lot.
One reason I like the Mastery Bundles is the extras like 30 days PT with each etc. And it is easier for me to spend a little at a time. I figure I will keep at most, two out of the 3.
I do not know IS mechs so one thing I need to do is to work out the trial mechs. I've been avoiding them because i started at the beginning o the faction event. Now I'm going to try some in Quickplay.
Keep the ideas coming, I'm not an LRM boat guy however.
Posted 03 June 2016 - 05:27 AM
Posted 03 June 2016 - 06:14 AM
LikeUntoGod, on 03 June 2016 - 03:53 AM, said:
I have looked at the Resistance 2 pack. I was told "I'd better like lasers", lol . But I'm learning that IS mechs do not overheat as bad as Clan mechs. And IS Mechs have a certain something that Omnipods mechs do not.
And the Stalker/Misery is talked about a lot.
One reason I like the Mastery Bundles is the extras like 30 days PT with each etc. And it is easier for me to spend a little at a time. I figure I will keep at most, two out of the 3.
I do not know IS mechs so one thing I need to do is to work out the trial mechs. I've been avoiding them because i started at the beginning o the faction event. Now I'm going to try some in Quickplay.
Keep the ideas coming, I'm not an LRM boat guy however.
If you go for Mastery Bundles, go for:
Lights: Jenner ... The Oxide is currently the BOMB, in Scouting Mode as well as Invasion
(Alternatives would be Firestarter or Raven, Oxide is the best Hero in that Weight Class though)
Mediums (more choices available): personally I'd rank Blackjack -> Huchback -> Shadowhawk
Blackjack Arrow performs solidly you will want to buy a BJ-1X though with C-Bills
Hunchbacks are very diverse and generally good to play. They can be LRM Boats, SRM Brawlers, Gauss Snipers, Mid Range Dakka ... anything actually
Shadowhawk has great high mounted weapons ... good for ballistic
Heavy: Thunderbolt or Jagermech both solid picks
Assault: Banshee, Battlemaster, or Stalker (in that order)
The Banshee Hero is quite useless, but the other two are extraordinary
same goes for the Battlemasters... Ignore the Hero, The Champion Variants are crazy good on both
Stalkers are good. They have limited Torso Twist which make them harder to play compared to the more agile Battlemasters, but the slim profile of the Stalker makes up for that. And the Banshee can tank a lot of damage.
With my first picks you are looking at a 104$ Investment and will recieve 12 Mechbays, 120 days of Premium Time, and some solid Mechs to take for a Spin in Faction Warfare...
The Resistance 2 Pack a 80$ Investment will give you 12 Mechbays, 60 days of Premium, and also solid Mechs. as mentioned above the Mauler and Black Knight are heavy hitters... the crab has great durability, and the wolfhound can also pack a punch.
Not a bad point to start from. Kinda depends on your wallet.
If money is not the issue I recommend going for the Mastery Bundles... more value for the money invested
Posted 03 June 2016 - 06:58 AM
LikeUntoGod, on 02 June 2016 - 06:34 PM, said:
So what 4 and which one out of each chassis would you want and keep?
So if I understand correctly, you are looking for 4 Mastery bundles (and only mastery bundles) that would include at least 1 mech from each that you would want to run in CW?
If that is the case, I'd buy the Stalker, the Tbolt (or the Jagger), the BlackJack and the Griffin.
Tonnages allow a variety of drop combos and all are new player friendly, and legit good mechs. It is a toss up between the Tbolt and Jagger as I like the tankiness and lazors of the Tbolts but love the dakka and coolness of the Jaggers.
I never sell mechs (anymore) so I would keep them all.
Also keep in mind that you will likely spend significant c-bills making any if not all of the mechs in the Mastery bundles more useful than their default configurations. Cost of the mechs is almost secondary to the cbill cost of engines, endo, dhs, etc.
Posted 03 June 2016 - 07:09 AM
Posted 03 June 2016 - 07:22 AM
Buy the light for $20 and then buy the medium for $20 more down the road.
Biggest difference between the two choices (mastery bundles or resistance 2 pack) is that the bundles will give 120 days of premium time. The pack will only yield 60 days (once you upgrade to the Mauler) but a lot more faction content.
Also, the mastery bundles do come with mech bays to house your new mechs. You will not need to have empty mech bays. As an example (copied from the gift store site):
This Mastery Pack includes everything you need to Master the JENNER Chassis!
Individual chassis sales are not reflected in the Mastery Pack discount.[/color]
Posted 03 June 2016 - 07:30 AM
Posted 03 June 2016 - 07:39 AM
Bud Crue, on 03 June 2016 - 07:35 AM, said:
Can't imagine how much raging there was when that happened. Yikes.
Nothing from me, I had just sold all my non Invasion variants from wave 1&2, as I had made the jump to IS before a few months the first Quirkining... enjoyed beating Clanners with IS mechs, before IS mechs got really good.
Posted 03 June 2016 - 07:41 AM
I can second that EVERY mech in the Resistance 2 pack is good. I've bought half of them with C-Bills and still thought about going back and just buying the pack before to get the versions with th3 30% C-Bill bonus and not have to grind for the rest. I usually put any $ into the game as MC (wait for one of the bonus 20% sales) and then buy either Heros or Mech Bays when those go half off. I'm very hesitant about preordering the packs, since your don't even know the quirks they will have until after the "Early Adopter" period is over, and you never know how they will perform in the game until they are actually in the field. The 3 packs that I have genuinely regretted not buying so far were the Resistance 2, Marauder and Warhammer. I've bought most of these mechs since with C-Bills and during the Hero sale the other week, but avoiding the grind and those 30% bonus variants would have been nice.
If you go the Mastery Pack route (which can still be a good choice if you know you at least like the chassis from the trials) there are several to choose from that are really solid.
Lights: Jenners rock and the Oxide and Champion build are both beasts in the hands of a good Light pilot.
Mediums: Shadow Hawks, Griffins, and Kintaros all get a lot of love. Personally I prefer Cicadas (not for everyone) or Blackjacks.
Heavies: Jagers or Thunderbolts are both solid choices that I would recommend.
Assaults: Stalker or maybe Atlas depending on your preferences.
My 2 most common personal dropdecks on the IS side are either King Crab/3 Crabs or King Crab/Grasshopper/X-5/Cicada 3M
Edited by LadyDanams, 03 June 2016 - 07:44 AM.
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