You need, NEEEEEEEEED to put the chat window on the mechlab,, actually you need to put it everywhere. On every screen except the loading screen. You Need This. Need.
Searching for a game? chat.
Fixing up your mech in the mechlab? chat.
Log in on the opening screen? chat.
Shopping in the store? chat.
A blinking button with silhouettes at the bottom of your screen to let you know people are trying to get in contact with you is just not good enough. I miss invites, messages, conversations, unit chat, because I don't even notice it. Then I'm oh, hey it's blinking, then I click it and someone asked me for an invite 2 hours ago and they're offline and I'm an ***. Or they sent me an invite and I click it and the group no longer exists. Why? What has been preventing you from doing this over the last four years?
You can take the time to destroy good maps, produce bad ones, and pump out the mech a month club. But you can't put a visible chat window for Units, Factions, or dare I suggest it, a General chat?
This game doesn't have a very big community. And we can't help the new players unless they join a group or game with us. They can't just get on general chat and say "hey, I downloaded this game and bought a Mist Lynx, why can't I get any kills?" so we can't tell them "sell your mist lynx and buy something bigger to start with" Then they enjoy the game and they want to buy mechbays from you Instead of thinking it's stupid and quitting.
Chat window. Every screen. Right now. Kgo.
IF you have the time, and the desire, to make some real money for yourselves. Let me help you out by telling you, to make a general chat, while you're at it.
Also, take long tom out of the game, and make the 90% bonus anything else. Until you decide what is worthy of 90% bonus , put the Long Tom on an every other timer.
You're welcome.
Edit: I expect this to be done by tomorrow. Thanks for the hotfix.
Edited by Brody, 04 August 2016 - 04:55 AM.