The Hyperion Project was black R&D project of Clan Nova Cat. It was first envisioned by Khan Abram Radick to be a secret weapon that would dominate any short-ranged trial rival clans might call for. Three Supernovas were assembled from the ground up and re-engineered to accept larger engine classes but only the third survived weapon testing phases intact. The final prototype was stored within the Nova Cat Keshic grand armory where it gathered dust until Radicks successor Severen Leroux rediscovered it. Intrigued, Leroux brought the mech back into the light to reassess its effectiveness. Test pilots found Hyperion-3 to be incredibly dangerous due to the massive potential for catastrophic meltdown if strict firing discipline was not respected. For this reason alone the Hyperion Project was fully abandoned in favor of a focused effort towards incoming omni-mech projects.
Chassis BA-SVN-1-7020 had a long unglorified history as a Clan Wolf provincial garrison mech before it was mothballed after the battle of Tukayyid. Decades later Clan Wolf in exile was in dire need of replacement units and took possession of these battlemechs to serve in active missions. The SNV-1 was placed into the elite 'Blood Wolves' binary and assigned to a highly skilled mechwarrior named Lana Ward. Under her guidance and precision gunnery, the mech would secure many kills. Throughout its second career it was continuously evolved into a more versatile configuration with triple ER-PPCs for sniping, triple auto-cannons for suppression fire and six short range missile tubes to provide some additional firepower at close range. Likely inspired by its pilots cold and strict nature as much as its adaptability, the mech was officially given the designation 'Red Queen'. For the rest of its active mission history the highly dependable Red Queen often served as a centerpiece in defensive mission strategies.
Star Colonel Sixto Turiza of Clan Cloud Cobra's 33rd Battle Cluster instructed his lead engineers to retrofit a crippled Supernova-A to support an assault on a heavily fortified position. Using any spare missile systems that they could adapt on the field and after just six days of inventive cutting and round the clock fabrication they developed Shiva, a working mobile LRM platform that also had devastating firepower at close ranges delivered by an unprecedented forty-eight short range missile tubes. To help counter the large number of enemy long range missiles they were facing, two anti-missile systems were integrated into the system replacing the original system completely. Shiva proved so useful as an independent missile support platform that Turiza refined the configuration for use in later missions rather than returning it to its standard SVN-A specifications. The final evolution was Shiva IV, piloted by Sanaka Chayama who was eventually killed after a long street fight with a light star of Clan Coyote mechs, four of which were destroyed in the intense one-sided battle.
The Hyperion Project was black R&D project of Clan Nova Cat. It was first envisioned by Khan Abram Radick to be a secret weapon that would dominate any short-ranged trial rival clans might call for. Three Supernovas were assembled from the ground up and re-engineered to accept larger engine classes but only the third survived weapon testing phases intact. The final prototype was stored within the Nova Cat Keshic grand armory where it gathered dust until Radicks successor Severen Leroux rediscovered it. Intrigued, Leroux brought the mech back into the light to reassess its effectiveness. Test pilots found Hyperion-3 to be incredibly dangerous due to the massive potential for catastrophic meltdown if strict firing discipline was not respected. For this reason alone the Hyperion Project was fully abandoned in favor of a focused effort towards incoming omni-mech projects.
Chassis BA-SVN-1-7020 had a long unglorified history as a Clan Wolf provincial garrison mech before it was mothballed after the battle of Tukayyid. Decades later Clan Wolf in exile was in dire need of replacement units and took possession of these battlemechs to serve in active missions. The SNV-1 was placed into the elite 'Blood Wolves' binary and assigned to a highly skilled mechwarrior named Lana Ward. Under her guidance and precision gunnery, the mech would secure many kills. Throughout its second career it was continuously evolved into a more versatile configuration with triple ER-PPCs for sniping, triple auto-cannons for suppression fire and six short range missile tubes to provide some additional firepower at close range. Likely inspired by its pilots cold and strict nature as much as its adaptability, the mech was officially given the designation 'Red Queen'. For the rest of its active mission history the highly dependable Red Queen often served as a centerpiece in defensive mission strategies.
Star Colonel Sixto Turiza of Clan Cloud Cobra's 33rd Battle Cluster instructed his lead engineers to retrofit a crippled Supernova-A to support an assault on a heavily fortified position. Using any spare missile systems that they could adapt on the field and after just six days of inventive cutting and round the clock fabrication they developed Shiva, a working mobile LRM platform that also had devastating firepower at close ranges delivered by an unprecedented forty-eight short range missile tubes. To help counter the large number of enemy long range missiles they were facing, two anti-missile systems were integrated into the system replacing the original system completely. Shiva proved so useful as an independent missile support platform that Turiza refined the configuration for use in later missions rather than returning it to its standard SVN-A specifications. The final evolution was Shiva IV, piloted by Sanaka Chayama who was eventually killed after a long street fight with a light star of Clan Coyote mechs, four of which were destroyed in the intense one-sided battle.
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Edited by jjm1, 24 November 2016 - 11:03 PM.