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New Pts Changes As Of 1 Pm Pdt Friday, June 30Th

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#1 InnerSphereNews


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Posted 30 June 2017 - 04:06 PM

New PTS changes as of 1 PM PDT Friday, June 30th


  • UAC/10
    • Fixed ammo tuning to appropriate amount, 40 shots per ton, 20 per half ton
    • Heat reduced to 3 (from 4)
  • UAC/20
    • Fixed Ammo tuning to appropriate amount, 21 shots per ton, 9 per half ton
    • Heat reduced to 6 (from 7)
  • RAC 2
    • Increased damage up to 0.7 (from 0.5)
    • Reduced Spin up time to .75 seconds (from 1 second)
    • Increased velocity to 1500 (from 1150)
  • RAC 5
    • Increased damage up to 1.35 (from 1.2)
    • Reduced Spin up time to 1 second (from 1.25 seconds)
    • Increased velocity to 1025 (from 950)
    • Increased ammo to 150 shots per ton, 75 per half ton (from 130 and 65 respectively)
  • Light Machine Gun (Both Clan / IS)
    • Damage increased to 0.07 (from 0.06)
    • Crit Multiplier increased to 13(from 9)
  • Heavy MachineGun (Both Clan / IS)
    • Damage reduced to 0.14 (from 0.15)
    • Crit Multiplier reduced to 6 (from 9)
  • Light Gauss
    • Increased velocity to 2200 (from 2000
    • Decreased Cooldown to 3.75 (from 5)
  • Heavy Gauss
    • Increased velocity to 1500 (from 1000)


  • Light PPC
    • Increased the minimum heat penalty trigger to 4 (from 3)
    • Component Health reduced to 5 (from 7.5)
  • Heavy PPC
    • Projectile damage increased to 13 (from 12)
    • Arcing Damage decreased to 1 (from 1.5)
    • Minimum range now represented by an exponential damage drop off similar to Clan LRMs.
  • Heavy Small Laser
    • Duration decreased to 1.2
    • Cooldown Increased to 3.9
  • Heavy Medium Laser
    • Duration Decreased to 1.45
    • Cooldown Increased to 5.15
  • Heavy Large Laser
    • Duration Decreased to 1.55


*Special Note*

First round PTS feedback alerted us to a current bug on PTS in which the Artemis Mech upgrade is unintentionally boosting MRM, ATM, and Rocket Launcher spread attributes. This will be fixed for the final feature release, but it still remains within this current PTS. It is advised that anyone wishing to test the new Missile weapon systems on PTS to take the Artemis Guidance Mech upgrade to test currently intended spread test values.

  • MRM 10
    • Velocity increased to 400 (from 350)
  • MRM 20
    • Velocity increased to 400 (from 350)
    • Component Health increased to 10 (from 7.5)
  • MRM 30
    • Velocity increased to 400 (from 350)
    • Component Health increased to 12.5 (from 7.5)
  • MRM 14
    • Velocity increased to 400 (from 350)
    • Component Health increased to 15 (from 7.5)
  • ATM 3
    • Minimum Range reduced to 120 meters (from 180)
  • ATM 6
    • Minimum Range reduced to 120 meters (from 180)
    • Component health increased to 5 (from 3.5)
  • ATM 9
    • Minimum Range reduced to 120 meters (from 180)
    • Component health increased to 7.5 (from 3.5)
  • ATM 12
    • Minimum Range reduced to 120 meters (from 180)
    • Component health increased to 10 (from 3.5)
  • Rocket Launcher 10
    • Spread increased to 6.2
    • Heat Penalty value increased to 3.5 (from 1.75)
    • Heat Penalty Trigger reduced to 3 (From 5)
  • Rocket Launcher 15
    • Spread increased to 6.2
    • Heat Penalty value increased to 3.5 (from 1.75)
    • Heat Penalty Trigger reduced to 2 (From 5)
  • Rocket Launcher 20
    • Spread increased to 6.2
    • Heat Penalty value increased to 3.5 (from 1.75)
    • Heat Penalty Trigger reduced to 2 (From 5)


  • Laser Anti Missile System (Both Clan / IS)
    • Heat reduced to 3.5 (from 4)

Please note that these values still remain test values and may change by final release.

#2 HGAK47


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Posted 30 June 2017 - 04:14 PM

That covers a lot of the feedback people initially brought up but I think I will do some testing this weekend to get a feel for things now before I comment any further. Thanks for quick changes.

#3 Destructicus


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Posted 30 June 2017 - 04:17 PM

Any news on MRMs not tracking with the targeting reticule?

MRMs flying out of the side of my mech when I turn quickly mid stream is a little silly.

Edited by Destructicus, 30 June 2017 - 04:17 PM.

#4 chucklesMuch


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Posted 30 June 2017 - 04:22 PM

Thanks for the timely update, will jump on and play with the tweaked weapons.

(Suspect that 120 min range is still too much for the ATM and the ammo per ton still needs to increase)

Edited by chucklesMuch, 30 June 2017 - 04:31 PM.

#5 Dr Mlem


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Posted 30 June 2017 - 04:22 PM

It's nice to see community feedback and complaints being taken into consideration. Hopefully this is a step in the right direction.

ATMs I personally think should have no dead zone, but be super super weak up close. But this is at least a better change than before.

#6 MovinTarget


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Posted 30 June 2017 - 04:29 PM

Soooooooo still no ghost heat on twin uac20s???

#7 Koniving

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Posted 30 June 2017 - 04:34 PM

View PostInnerSphereNews, on 30 June 2017 - 04:06 PM, said:

  • Heavy Gauss
    • Increased velocity to 1500 (from 1000)

From a discussion about the Gauss Rifle... Note I do not know if the Heavy Gauss is set to the typical 2x optimal range = 0 or 3x optimal = 0 or what-have-you.

View PostKoniving, on 30 June 2017 - 03:49 PM, said:

Even then, PGI has always just did "Long Range" = Optimum range.

Though, while the "damage" isn't really explained via Sarna, Mech Factory or the Tech Manual beyond loss of kinetic energy (which is complete nonsense because in reality if you got a hefty shell or ANYTHING heavy to move, it would take an IMMENSE amount of force to curve its momentum), the Heavy Gauss has plenty of penalty that could have been unique to the Gauss Rifle. Specifically: It gets modestly to significantly reduced accuracy when you are moving while fired. (And it can knock you down). Even the accuracy is enough. Basically for pinpoint stand still. If you are moving it is reduced. For each mech class, the effect is compounded as you go down in size.

There you go. That crap solved (basically ruining it as a brawling weapon and forcefully relegating it to a sharp shooter's weapon as per lore.

I can see why PGI went for it, mainly so that it would gradually reduce in effect but it sure as heck better have far superior than "2x optimal range".

PGI please pay attention to this part:

Something like 8x optimal range so that the shell gradually drops from 25 to 0 as it reaches 1440 meters. At 315 meters it would deliver 18.75 damage. At 630 meters it would deliver 12.5 damage. At 945 meters it would deliver 6.25 damage. 0 damage at 1440 meters.

In comparison the Gauss Rifle currently does:
15 damage at 660 meters.
11.25 damage at 825 meters.
7.5 damage at 990 meters
3.75 damage at 1155 meters.
0 damage at 1320 meters.

Seems like a pretty fair trade, no?

View PostSomeone's obligatory given Tabletop Comparison, on 30 June 2017 - 03:48 PM, said:

the Heavy Gauss does 25 damage until 180m, 20 damage to 390m, and 10 damage to 600m.

Considering I pulled 8x optimum range out of my bum and then did the math for it, it really isn't far off (considering I didn't exactly know how the damage was delivered at the time I started writing it).

#8 Bud Crue


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Posted 30 June 2017 - 04:37 PM

First, I don't know what to say...I mean you made all the changes that I suggested (edit: except for dropping the crits on the lbx20...cmon)...plus some that I was thinking but didn't bother to post about. This frightens and confuses me. I like it. It just feels weird.

Second: MRM-14? Wut? Posted Image

Edited by Bud Crue, 30 June 2017 - 04:39 PM.

#9 Gentleman Reaper


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Posted 30 June 2017 - 04:49 PM

View PostKoniving, on 30 June 2017 - 04:34 PM, said:

From a discussion about the Gauss Rifle... Note I do not know if the Heavy Gauss is set to the typical 2x optimal range = 0 or 3x optimal = 0 or what-have-you.

Considering I pulled 8x optimum range out of my bum and then did the math for it, it really isn't far off (considering I didn't exactly know how the damage was delivered at the time I started writing it).

I'll include my little bit you skipped over right after that. If we apply MWO range logic to HGauss, then it's range profile should be something like 360m optimal, 1200 max (or 1080m if you just want a simple 3x multiplier). Charge time and cooldown should be used to balance this, but with the sheer amount of drawbacks (no arms, no XL/LFE, explosion damage, 5 rounds/ton, 18 tons) it should be fair with this and 1200m/s velocity, at least give it a test.

#10 Rhialto


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Posted 30 June 2017 - 04:54 PM

  • UAC/20
    • Fixed Ammo tuning to appropriate amount, 21 shots per ton, 9 per half ton
What kind of math is this? Should be 10 per half ton.

#11 Edward Hazen


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Posted 30 June 2017 - 04:59 PM

View PostRhialto, on 30 June 2017 - 04:54 PM, said:

  • UAC/20
    • Fixed Ammo tuning to appropriate amount, 21 shots per ton, 9 per half ton
What kind of math is this? Should be 10 per half ton.

It is same as Clan UAC20 ammo now (without the magazine skill).

#12 Tarogato


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Posted 30 June 2017 - 05:17 PM

View PostInnerSphereNews, on 30 June 2017 - 04:06 PM, said:

First round PTS feedback alerted us to a current bug on PTS in which the Artemis Mech upgrade is unintentionally boosting MRM, ATM, and Rocket Launcher spread attributes. This will be fixed for the final feature release, but it still remains within this current PTS. It is advised that anyone wishing to test the new Missile weapon systems on PTS to take the Artemis Guidance Mech upgrade to test currently intended spread test values.

Interesting, this might explain my inconsistent performance with them, ranging from "floppy wet noodle launcher" to "diamond-tipped CT drill".

Edited by Tarogato, 30 June 2017 - 05:25 PM.

#13 STEF_


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Posted 30 June 2017 - 05:23 PM

1) reduce spreading of rac

2) reduce spreading on MRM

3) MRM velocity should be 500m/s

I still see no reason why I should use rac instead of UAC, or SRM bombers instead of MRM

#14 Edward Hazen


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Posted 30 June 2017 - 05:28 PM

View PostMovinTarget, on 30 June 2017 - 04:29 PM, said:

Soooooooo still no ghost heat on twin uac20s???

Utter BS if IS has no ghost heat on UAC20s and Clans do, especially if they take less projectiles to do full damage than Clans.

#15 Gentleman Reaper


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Posted 30 June 2017 - 05:31 PM

View PostStefka Kerensky, on 30 June 2017 - 05:23 PM, said:

1) reduce spreading of rac

2) reduce spreading on MRM

3) MRM velocity should be 500m/s

I still see no reason why I should use rac instead of UAC, or SRM bombers instead of MRM

First, are you equipping artemis? Because it's bugged right now where its intended spread is only when you have artemis equipped. Second, I don't like the idea of increasing the spread too much (aside from normalizing the larger launchers to the smaller ones), or else you just get a longer range, larger launcher SRM, if we want to make them more effective we should look at velocity, cooldown and ammo/ton instead.

#16 Mcgral18


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Posted 30 June 2017 - 05:33 PM

I'd just like to point out that the isHMG (and all is versions of MGs) weight twice as much as the Clam version

You could probably go without touching 1.5 DPS for the isHMG...because it weights a literal ton

#17 Mineirinho


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Posted 30 June 2017 - 05:38 PM

Hi PGI (Updated 03/07/2017),

Thank you so much for your quick revew of some pilots reports.

Let's see what I have for you (if it's redundant from my last one, pardon me":

1 - When using more than 4 MRM, the mechbay alert of heat is: "Firing More than 4 SRM..." steady of "Firing more than 4 MRM..."(I tested with MRM30, but the others probably has the same issue);

2 - When MRM is depleted, the message still being "SRM ammo depleted" steady of "MRM ammo Depleted" (I tested with MRM30, but the others probably has the same issue);

3 - The Rotary warning of ammo depleted still not enabled;

4 - The Rotary load before start shooting now has an acceptable time in both versions 2 and 5. Good Job.

5 - The IS S-SRM warning of ammo depleted still not enabled ( I tested with IS S-SRM6);

6 - When using more than 1 rocket, the mechbay alert of heat is: "Firing More than 1 SRM..." steady of "Firing more than 1 Rocket..."(I tested with MRM30, but the others probably has the same issue) - With IS-S-SRMs, the information is well configured;

7 - When using more than 3 Rotaries, The Alert advisor in the Mechbay is say: "Firing more than 2 @ui_loadout_warning_heatscale_group_11 simultaneously...";

8 - Chain Fire not working in Rotary;

9 - Cosmetic: better the laser colors distinction between lasers, er lases, heavy lasers;

10 - Clan Laser AMS still with the AMS design. The IS Laser AMS is with the correct design;

11 - When firing IS LBX weapons in chain fire mode, the fourth sound is different from the other three sounds;

12 - The IS LBX Cannons and IS Ultra Cannons are not with the correct visual, like in the clanners version. They are using an alternated look between AC2 cannon visual and AC20 visuals - I tested all weapons in the Marauder, but probably it is happening in others mech chassis;

13 - As I said in the last post, IS Command Console does not make sense after the new IS Targeting Computers with the tonnage and features that it has now;

14 - Put a replay/reset button in the Ground Test Mode for testing. For example, I want test the weapon in different ways, but it have low ammo, I need exit from the Ground Test map and load it again.. Far more easy just a button for reset the map. :-) ;

15 - Inner Sphere Beagle Active Probe occuping only 1 tons and 1 slot?

I am going to update the post until see more issues.

--- Weapon Keys in my opinion ---

1 - MRM weapons are well balanced;
2 - Heavy and Light Machine Guns are well balanced;
3 - Rotary has some type of ghost heat when firing it for the multiple times even if you are cool, this must be ajusted but if it's to be, it's not clear what we can not do to get the ghost heat;
Steps to reproduce:
3.1 - Include 2xRotaryAC2 (it is happening with AC5 too);
3.2 - Start shooting until they became jammed (in the same keyfire);
3.3 - Release the key, wait at least one become not jammed and start fire again, do not stop firing;
3.4 - After the second rotary become not jammed and start the firing, you get a very high increase of heat and overheating so fast;
3.5 - This behavior not occurs in the first sequence of shoots, but , after the first dual jammeing.

4 - The ATM weapons are too overpowered in my opinion, so much damage, I done 630+ damage in 3 mechs with 2x ATM12;
5 - All heavy lasers are well ajusted;
6 - All new PPCs are well ajusted;
7 - The LAMS appears to not heat so much now, but I tested with 1 LAMS, I must test in the KTF
8 - In my oppinion, IS Gauss Rifle and IS Gauss Rifle should has more range that it has now to be a good option. They are too heavy for use because of the sort of the new weapons;
9 - Rocket launchers for me does not make sense, because now IS has MCM, SRM and LRM missiles, I really do not think it will be usefull, it's my opinion. Why? it occupies many space, slots and heat. Ok, the range is good, but, the damage is not so high for make me think on put it in my load out. The only objective that I can see is: I do not have so much space for MCM, SRM of LRM, so, I want use this space with some stuff to no be so empty. So sorry about my opinion, but if you explain me the real objective of this weapon, maybe I can use it in future;
10 - The IS Ultra Cannons and LBX cannons are well balanced in my opinion, good job;

Thanks again and Good Job.

Edited by Mineirinho, 03 July 2017 - 11:40 AM.

#18 Toaster Repair Pony


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Posted 30 June 2017 - 05:40 PM

So is firing a RAC 2 and a RAC 5 supposed to produce insane amounts of heat? Same if two of the same RAC is fired in an offset, like 2 separate weapon groups. Yet If I fire 2 RAC 2's or 2 RAC 5's in the same group, it produces significantly less heat.

Does that seem right to you?

#19 Monkey Lover


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Posted 30 June 2017 - 06:20 PM

Lots of great changes here. Im not sure if they need to be more but its going in the right direction.

Only thing i would ask is for Light Gauss to get some loving. Even with the buff i see no reason to take this weapon over a 3 ton higher weapon with almost 50% more dmg. Can we give the light gauss 3x range like they used to have? Or at least make it have the range of a er laser. Then we can call it a sniper weapon and thats why its not as good.

View PostToaster Repair Pony, on 30 June 2017 - 05:40 PM, said:

So is firing a RAC 2 and a RAC 5 supposed to produce insane amounts of heat? Same if two of the same RAC is fired in an offset, like 2 separate weapon groups. Yet If I fire 2 RAC 2's or 2 RAC 5's in the same group, it produces significantly less heat.

Does that seem right to you?

Ghost heat is screwed up on racs right now. Any ghost heat makes it look like you have tons of weapons running.

Edited by Monkey Lover, 30 June 2017 - 06:27 PM.

#20 JagdpantherX


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Posted 30 June 2017 - 06:52 PM

Changes that actually took the communities request into account? Nice one PGI, will test.

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