A: Absolutely, why would we have an NDA if anyone can play?

Q: Will robots with torso angle of 360 degrees, such as Thanatos or Thor from MechWarrior 4 Mercenaries? [Motharre]
A: We currently don't have plans to do this, although we may for future Mechs. So, the best answer I can give is 'maybe', sorry. [Garth]
Q: Will there be more graphic options? [ALacKOfLife]
A: Absolutely, we'll be adding them over time. [Garth]
Q: Would you guys consider adding the Panther, Wolfhound or Dervish? [Stormwolf]
A: We consider any canonical Mechs - I can't say whether or not we'll add those, though. [Garth]
Q: What of those real-world individuals (and potential MWO players) who were "inducted into the BT canon" (such as those who participated in the Lawyers, Guns, & Money event, and other such BT-related events) - would they be able to somehow claim use of their own "BT-canonized" names? [Strum Wealh]
A: Oh I would love to do that. There are no concrete plans but I think it's a great idea that we hold events to allow something like that. So, not planned, but would love to! [Garth]
Q: How will the maps for battle be chosen? Random for each battle or maps wiil be associated with specific planet or mission or something else? [Jurious]
A: It will depend entirely on the mode you're playing. Some will be random, others will be choices. [Garth]
Q: I'm curious how Jenner/Catapult/Stalker would even stand after getting knocked down, but I would see them as being the slowest in getting up, followed up by Mechs with arms but no hands, and with Mechs like the Atlas/Commando/Hunchback getting up the quickest thanks to their hands. [Monsoon]
A: You can try this yourself - lie down and get up without your arms. (it's possible, trust me.) For our Mechs there will be no difference. Mech standup times are roughly identical. [Garth]
Q: Any plans for going underwater in maps that would allow it? [Rasgueados]
A: No plans currently but... hmm... [Garth]
Q: If you were a Timberwolf, what dev would you have to pay off for them to spill the beans about your existence? [Hawkeye 72]
A: Paul Inouye. [Garth]
Q: The bloodthirsty Gods of you...do they have names? If they have...what are their names?

A: Shub'Niggurath The Impossible, Crom The Destroyer, The Emperor Of Man, and Thor God of Lightning. [Garth]
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The MechWarrior Online Team