i thought they put a limit on FOV with the last patch. something like 65 or 85 or something. EDIT: they put a lower limit on it. this is from the patch notes
"Users can no longer specify an FOV less than 60.0 degrees in the user.cfg"
They put a minimum limit on FOV at 60. I guess you can take it wider than that if you're one of those people that wants to see your cockpit. Since none of the bad guys are in the cockpit, I've never understood the appeal of seeing it, but to each his own.
Hey Red, I know it's a lot of work, but is there any way you could recreate that User.cfg editing guide (and some of the edited versions - which were great) and post it again? We were assured we'd have access to the old Closed Beta forums so I didn't save it, and I'm really regretting taking PGI's word for it now.
..., but is there any way you could recreate that User.cfg editing guide (and some of the edited versions - which were great) and post it again? We were assured we'd have access to the old Closed Beta forums so I didn't save it, and I'm really regretting taking PGI's word for it now.
Some config files that I have saved from Beta:
;******************* MWO BEAUTY & THE BEAST config v0.1 *****************
;============================ Core ======================================
r_VSync = 0
sys_spec_Environment = 3
sys_spec_GameEffects = 3
sys_spec_ObjectDetail = 3
sys_spec_Particles = 3
sys_spec_PostProcessing = 3
sys_spec_Shading = 3
sys_spec_Shadows = 3
sys_spec_Texture = 3
sys_spec_Physics = 3
sys_spec_Sound = 3
;============================ Controller ================================
i_mouse_smooth = 0
;cl_sensitivity = 0.25
;cl_sensitivityController = 0.1
;i_mouse_accel_max = 100
;============================= Renderer ================================
q_Quality = 0
q_Renderer = 0
q_ShaderFX = 1
q_ShaderGeneral = 1
q_ShaderGlass = 1
q_ShaderHDR = 1
q_ShaderIce = 0
q_ShaderMetal = 0
q_ShaderPostProcess = 1
q_ShaderShadow = 0
q_ShaderSky = 0
q_ShaderTerrain = 0
q_ShaderVegetation = 0
q_ShaderWater = 0
;============================= ObjectDetail =============================
e_ViewDistMin = 10
e_ViewDistRatio = 100
e_ViewDistRatioCustom = 100
e_ViewDistRatioDetail = 75
e_ViewDistRatioLights = 50
e_ViewDistRatioVegetation = 50
r_DrawNearZRange = 0.08
e_ObjQuality = 2
e_Lods = 1
e_LodRatio = 20
e_LodMin = 0
ca_useDecals = 0
e_DecalsAllowGameDecals = 0
e_DecalsLifeTimeScale = 2
e_DecalsOverlapping = 0
e_DecalsForceDeferred = 0
e_VegetationBending = 0
e_VegetationMinSize = 0
e_VegetationSpritesDistanceCustomRatioMin = 1
e_VegetationSpritesDistanceRatio = 1
e_ProcVegetation = 1
e_TerrainDetailMaterialsViewDistXY = 1024
e_TerrainDetailMaterialsViewDistZ = 128
e_TerrainOcclusionCullingMaxDist = 200
e_Dissolve = 2
e_MaxViewDistSpecLerp = 1
e_OcclusionCullingViewDistRatio = 1
e_streamCgf = 0
ca_AttachmentCullingRation = 200
ca_DrawFaceAttachments = 1
es_DebrisLifetimeScale = 0
;============================= Textures ================================
r_TexResolution = 2
;--- Diffuse. When 0 (default) texture resolution is unaffected, 1 halves, 2 quarters etc.
r_TexBumpResolution = 2
;--- Reduces bump texture resolution. Same as ^^^
r_EnvTexResolution = 0
;--- Sets resolution for 2d target environment texture, in pixels. 0: 64 / 1: 128 / 2: 256 / 3: 512
r_EnvCMResolution = 0
;--- Sets resolution for target environment cubemap, in pixels. 0: 64 / 1: 128 / 2: 256
r_TexSkyResolution = 1
r_DynTexAtlasCloudsMaxSize = 32
r_DynTexAtlasSpritesMaxSize = 32
r_DynTexMaxSize = 80
r_EnvTexUpdateInterval = 0.001
r_ImposterRatio = 1
r_TexAtlasSize = 512
r_TexMinAnisotropy = 0
r_TexturesFilteringQuality = 0
r_VegetationSpritesTexRes = 16
;----------------------------- Detail Textures -------------------------
r_DetailTextures = 0
r_DetailNumLayers = 0
r_DetailDistance = 1
;================ Post-Processing / HDR / DOF / Motion Blur ============
r_ColorGrading = 0
r_DepthOfField = 0
r_dofMinZScale = 0
r_dofMinZ = 1
r_DepthOfFieldBokeh = 0
r_DepthOfFieldBokehQuality = 0
r_EyeAdaptationBase = 0.1
r_EyeAdaptationFactor = 0.85
r_EyeAdaptationSpeed = 0.1
r_GlowAnamorphicFlares = 1
r_HDRBloomMul = 0.5
r_HDRBlueShift = 0.2
r_HDRBrightLevel = 0.50
r_HDRBrightOffset = 30
r_HDRBrightThreshold = 5
r_HDREyeAdaptionCache = 30
r_HDRGrainAmount = 0
r_HDRLevel = 1
r_HDROffset = 10
r_HDRRendering = 1
r_MotionBlurMaxViewDist = 0
r_PostProcessHUD3DCache = 30
r_RainMaxViewDist_Deferred = 0
r_sunshafts = 0
r_Coronashafts = 0
r_Coronas = 0
r_Flares = 1
r_MotionBlur = 0
r_MotionBlurShutterSpeed = 0.00001
ca_MotionBlurMovementThreshold = 0.00001
r_Reflections = 0
r_ReflectionsQuality = 0
;============================= Light/Shading ===========================
e_DynamicLightsMaxEntityLights = 8
e_GI = 1
e_GIAmount = 0.5
e_GIMaxDistance = 80
e_GINumCascades = 1
e_SkyType = 1
e_SkyUpdateRate = 0
e_TerrainAo = 1
e_TerrainNormalMap = 1
e_VegetationUseTerrainColor = 1
;============================= Shadows =================================
e_GsmCache = 0
e_GsmCastFromTerrain = 0
e_GsmLodsNum = 0
e_GsmRange = 0
e_ParticlesShadows = 0
e_Shadows = 0
e_ShadowsCastViewDistRatio = 0
e_ShadowsMaxTexRes = 0
e_ShadowsOnAlphaBlend = 0
e_ShadowsResScale = 0
e_ShadowsTessellateCascades = 0
r_ShadowBlur = 0
r_ShadowJittering = 0
r_ShadowsMaskResolution = 0
r_ShadowsPCFiltering = 0
r_ShadowsUseClipVolume = 0
;============================= AA/MSAA/FSAA ============================
r_PostMSAA = 0
r_PostMSAAMode = 0
r_PostMSAAEdgeFilterNV = 0
r_FSAA = 0
r_UseEdgeAA = 0
;============================= SSAO ====================================
r_ssdo = 0
r_SSAO = 0
r_SSAOQuality = 0
r_SSAODownscale = 0
r_refraction = 0
r_ssreflections = 0
r_ssdoAmbientAmount = 0
r_ssdoAmount = 0
;============================= Volumetrics =============================
r_FogColorGradient = 0
r_Beams = 0
r_BeamsDistFactor = 0.05
r_BeamsMaxSlices = 200
e_Clouds = 0
r_CloudsUpdateAlways = 0
;============================ Particles ================================
e_ParticlesQuality = 2
e_ParticlesLights = 0
e_ParticlesMaxScreenFill = 64
e_ParticlesMinDrawPixels = 1
e_ParticlesMotionBlur = 0
e_ParticlesObjectCollisions = 1
r_UseParticlesHalfRes = 0
r_UseSoftParticles = 0
r_UseParticlesRefraction = 0
r_UseParticlesGlow = 0
r_UseParticlesMerging = 0
r_UseParticlesHalfResForce = 0
r_RainDropEffect = 0
r_RainAmount = 0
r_Rain = 0
;e_particles_thread = 1
;============================ Water ===================================
e_WaterOceanFFT = 1
e_WaterTesselationAmount = 10
e_WaterTesselationAmountX = 10
e_WaterTesselationAmountY = 10
e_WaterTesselationSwathWidth = 10
r_WaterCaustics = 1
r_WaterReflections = 0
r_WaterReflectionsQuality = 0
r_WaterReflectionsMinVisiblePixelsUpdate = 0.05
r_WaterUpdateDistance = 1
r_WaterUpdateFactor = 0.1
;============================ Physics ==================================
g_breakage_particles_limit = 90
g_joint_breaking = 1
g_tree_cut_reuse_dist = 0
e_CullVegActivation = 50
e_FoliageWindActivationDist = 25
e_PhysFoliage = 1
e_PhysOceanCell = 0.5
p_gravity_z = -36.3
p_joint_damage_accum = 2
p_joint_damage_accum_threshold = 0.2
p_max_MC_iters = 4000
p_max_object_splashes = 3
p_max_substeps_large_group = 5
p_num_bodies_large_group = 100
p_splash_dist0 = 7
p_splash_dist1 = 30
p_splash_force0 = 10
p_splash_force1 = 100
p_splash_vel0 = 4.5
p_splash_vel1 = 10
v_vehicle_quality = 4
es_MaxPhysDist = 200
es_MaxPhysDistInvisible = 25
;============================ Sound ===================================
s_FormatSampleRate = 48000
s_MPEGDecoders = 32
s_Obstruction = 1
s_ObstructionAccuracy = 1
s_ObstructionUpdate = 0.1
s_ReverbType = 1
s_SoundMoodsDSP = 1
s_VariationLimiter = 1
s_PrecacheData = 1
s_PriorityThreshold = 1
;============================ STREAMING ===============================
; r_TexturesStreaming=0
; *** r_TexturesStreaming=1 is HARD-CODED into the engine core after Sept/19 patch, so just a placeholder. ***
r_TexturesStreamingMipBias = 3
; --- [-4..0..4] Controls how texture LOD depends from distance to the objects.
; >>> !!! Increasing this value will reduce amount of memory required for textures. !!! <<<
r_TexturesWarmup = 0
; --- Enables textures uploading to video memory after level loading. [0,1]
; --- Maximum number of tasks submitted to streaming system. Default is 256.
; --- Maximum amount of texture data requested from streaming system in MB. Default is 2.0(MB)
; --- Size of system memory pool for managed textures in MB. Default is 800 MB for PC.
; --- Size of pool for textures streaming in MB. Default is 128(MB) for PC.
; --- Minimal read portion in KB. Default is 32
; --- Threshold used to postpone high resolution mipmaps. Default is 1
; --- Threshold used to postpone high resolution mipmap loads in KB. Default is 1024(KB)
; --- Postpone loading of high res mipmaps to improve resolution ballance of texture streaming. Default is 1 (on).
; --- Toggle for resident textures streaming support
; --- Force only synchronous texture streaming. All textures will be streamed in the main thread. Default is 0, 1 for enable
; --- Default is 0.5. Max is 1.0 means textures will become resident sooner, Min 0.0 means textures will not become resident
; --- Time to keep textures resident for before allowing them to be removed from memory, in seconds.
; >>> Enabled CPU (1), GPU(2) and disable (0) textures stream pool defragmentation.
;*********************** MWO LOWEST PRO CONFIG **************************
;============================ Core ======================================
r_VSync = 0
sys_spec_Environment = 1
sys_spec_GameEffects = 1
sys_spec_ObjectDetail = 1
sys_spec_Particles = 1
sys_spec_PostProcessing = 1
sys_spec_Shading = 1
sys_spec_Shadows = 1
sys_spec_Texture = 1
sys_spec_Physics = 1
sys_spec_Sound = 1
;r_MultiThreaded = 1
;--- 0=disabled, 1=enabling rendering in separate thread, 2(default)=automatic detection
;s_FileCacheManagerSize = 80
;============================ Controller ================================
i_mouse_smooth = 0
;cl_sensitivity = 0.25
;cl_sensitivityController = 0.1
;i_mouse_accel_max = 100
;============================= Renderer ================================
q_Quality = 0
q_Renderer = 0
q_ShaderFX = 1
q_ShaderGeneral = 1
q_ShaderGlass = 1
q_ShaderHDR = 1
q_ShaderIce = 0
q_ShaderMetal = 0
q_ShaderPostProcess = 1
q_ShaderShadow = 0
q_ShaderSky = 0
q_ShaderTerrain = 0
q_ShaderVegetation = 0
q_ShaderWater = 0
;============================= ObjectDetail =============================
e_ViewDistMin = 10
e_ViewDistRatio = 100
e_ViewDistRatioCustom = 100
e_ViewDistRatioDetail = 75
e_ViewDistRatioLights = 50
e_ViewDistRatioVegetation = 50
r_DrawNearZRange = 0.08
e_ObjQuality = 2
e_Lods = 1
e_LodRatio = 20
e_LodMin = 0
ca_useDecals = 0
e_DecalsAllowGameDecals = 0
e_DecalsLifeTimeScale = 2
e_DecalsOverlapping = 0
e_DecalsForceDeferred = 0
e_VegetationBending = 0
e_VegetationMinSize = 0
e_VegetationSpritesDistanceCustomRatioMin = 1
e_VegetationSpritesDistanceRatio = 1
e_ProcVegetation = 1
e_TerrainDetailMaterialsViewDistXY = 1024
e_TerrainDetailMaterialsViewDistZ = 128
e_TerrainOcclusionCullingMaxDist = 200
e_Dissolve = 2
e_MaxViewDistSpecLerp = 1
e_OcclusionCullingViewDistRatio = 1
e_streamCgf = 0
ca_AttachmentCullingRation = 200
ca_DrawFaceAttachments = 1
es_DebrisLifetimeScale = 0
;============================= Textures ================================
r_TexResolution = 2
;--- Diffuse. When 0 (default) texture resolution is unaffected, 1 halves, 2 quarters etc.
r_TexBumpResolution = 2
;--- Reduces bump texture resolution. Same as ^^^
r_EnvTexResolution = 0
;--- Sets resolution for 2d target environment texture, in pixels. 0: 64 / 1: 128 / 2: 256 / 3: 512
r_EnvCMResolution = 0
;--- Sets resolution for target environment cubemap, in pixels. 0: 64 / 1: 128 / 2: 256
r_TexSkyResolution = 1
r_DynTexAtlasCloudsMaxSize = 32
r_DynTexAtlasSpritesMaxSize = 32
r_DynTexMaxSize = 80
r_EnvTexUpdateInterval = 0.001
r_ImposterRatio = 1
r_TexAtlasSize = 512
r_TexMinAnisotropy = 0
r_TexturesFilteringQuality = 0
r_VegetationSpritesTexRes = 16
;----------------------------- Detail Textures -------------------------
r_DetailTextures = 0
r_DetailNumLayers = 0
r_DetailDistance = 1
;================ Post-Processing / HDR / DOF / Motion Blur ============
r_ColorGrading = 0
r_DepthOfField = 0
r_dofMinZScale = 0
r_dofMinZ = 1
r_DepthOfFieldBokeh = 0
r_DepthOfFieldBokehQuality = 0
r_EyeAdaptationBase = 0.1
r_EyeAdaptationFactor = 0.85
r_EyeAdaptationSpeed = 0.1
r_GlowAnamorphicFlares = 1
r_HDRBloomMul = 0.5
r_HDRBlueShift = 0.2
r_HDRBrightLevel = 0.50
r_HDRBrightOffset = 30
r_HDRBrightThreshold = 5
r_HDREyeAdaptionCache = 30
r_HDRGrainAmount = 0
r_HDRLevel = 1
r_HDROffset = 10
r_HDRRendering = 1
r_MotionBlurMaxViewDist = 0
r_PostProcessHUD3DCache = 30
r_RainMaxViewDist_Deferred = 0
r_sunshafts = 0
r_Coronashafts = 0
r_Coronas = 0
r_Flares = 1
r_MotionBlur = 0
r_MotionBlurShutterSpeed = 0.00001
ca_MotionBlurMovementThreshold = 0.00001
r_Reflections = 0
r_ReflectionsQuality = 0
;============================= Light/Shading ===========================
e_DynamicLightsMaxEntityLights = 8
e_GI = 1
e_GIAmount = 0.5
e_GIMaxDistance = 80
e_GINumCascades = 1
e_SkyType = 1
e_SkyUpdateRate = 0
e_TerrainAo = 1
e_TerrainNormalMap = 1
e_VegetationUseTerrainColor = 1
;============================= Shadows =================================
e_GsmCache = 0
e_GsmCastFromTerrain = 0
e_GsmLodsNum = 0
e_GsmRange = 0
e_ParticlesShadows = 0
e_Shadows = 0
e_ShadowsCastViewDistRatio = 0
e_ShadowsMaxTexRes = 0
e_ShadowsOnAlphaBlend = 0
e_ShadowsResScale = 0
e_ShadowsTessellateCascades = 0
r_ShadowBlur = 0
r_ShadowJittering = 0
r_ShadowsMaskResolution = 0
r_ShadowsPCFiltering = 0
r_ShadowsUseClipVolume = 0
;============================= AA/MSAA/FSAA ============================
r_PostMSAA = 0
r_PostMSAAMode = 0
r_PostMSAAEdgeFilterNV = 0
r_FSAA = 0
r_UseEdgeAA = 0
;============================= SSAO ====================================
r_ssdo = 0
r_SSAO = 0
r_SSAOQuality = 0
r_SSAODownscale = 0
r_refraction = 0
r_ssreflections = 0
r_ssdoAmbientAmount = 0
r_ssdoAmount = 0
;============================= Volumetrics =============================
r_FogColorGradient = 0
r_Beams = 0
r_BeamsDistFactor = 0.05
r_BeamsMaxSlices = 200
e_Clouds = 0
r_CloudsUpdateAlways = 0
;============================ Particles ================================
e_ParticlesQuality = 2
e_ParticlesLights = 0
e_ParticlesMaxScreenFill = 64
e_ParticlesMinDrawPixels = 1
e_ParticlesMotionBlur = 0
e_ParticlesObjectCollisions = 1
r_UseParticlesHalfRes = 0
r_UseSoftParticles = 0
r_UseParticlesRefraction = 0
r_UseParticlesGlow = 0
r_UseParticlesMerging = 0
r_UseParticlesHalfResForce = 0
r_RainDropEffect = 0
r_RainAmount = 0
r_Rain = 0
;e_particles_thread = 1
;============================ Water ===================================
e_WaterOceanFFT = 1
e_WaterTesselationAmount = 10
e_WaterTesselationAmountX = 10
e_WaterTesselationAmountY = 10
e_WaterTesselationSwathWidth = 10
r_WaterCaustics = 0
r_WaterReflections = 0
r_WaterReflectionsQuality = 0
r_WaterReflectionsMinVisiblePixelsUpdate = 0
r_WaterUpdateDistance = 0
r_WaterUpdateFactor = 0
;============================ Physics ==================================
g_breakage_particles_limit = 90
g_joint_breaking = 1
g_tree_cut_reuse_dist = 0
e_CullVegActivation = 50
e_FoliageWindActivationDist = 25
e_PhysFoliage = 1
e_PhysOceanCell = 0.5
p_gravity_z = -36.3
p_joint_damage_accum = 2
p_joint_damage_accum_threshold = 0.2
p_max_MC_iters = 4000
p_max_object_splashes = 3
p_max_substeps_large_group = 5
p_num_bodies_large_group = 100
p_splash_dist0 = 7
p_splash_dist1 = 30
p_splash_force0 = 10
p_splash_force1 = 100
p_splash_vel0 = 4.5
p_splash_vel1 = 10
v_vehicle_quality = 4
es_MaxPhysDist = 200
es_MaxPhysDistInvisible = 25
;============================ Sound ===================================
s_FormatSampleRate = 48000
s_MPEGDecoders = 32
s_Obstruction = 1
s_ObstructionAccuracy = 1
s_ObstructionUpdate = 0.1
s_ReverbType = 1
s_SoundMoodsDSP = 1
s_VariationLimiter = 1
s_PrecacheData = 1
s_PriorityThreshold = 1
;============================ STREAMING ===============================
; *** r_TexturesStreaming=1 is HARD-CODED into the engine core after Sept/19 patch, so just a placeholder. ***
; --- Maximum number of tasks submitted to streaming system. Default is 256. *** Will give NONE ! ***
; --- Maximum amount of texture data requested from streaming system in MB. Default is 2.0(MB) *** Will give NONE ! ***
; --- Size of system memory pool for managed textures in MB. Default is 800 MB for PC. *** Will give NONE ! ***
; --- Size of pool for textures streaming in MB. Default is 128(MB) for PC. *** Will give NONE ! ***
; --- Minimal read portion in KB. Default is 32(KB)
; --- Threshold used to postpone high resolution mipmaps. Default is 1 [count]
; --- Threshold used to postpone high resolution mipmap loads in KB. Default is 1024(KB)
; --- Postpone loading of high res mipmaps to improve resolution ballance of texture streaming. Default is 1 (on).
; --- Toggle for resident textures streaming support.
; --- Force only synchronous texture streaming. All textures will be streamed in the main thread. Default is 0, 1 for enabled.
; --- Default is 0.5. Max is 1.0 means textures will become resident sooner, Min 0.0 means textures will not become resident.
; --- Time to keep textures resident for before allowing them to be removed from memory, in seconds. *** Will give 1 min. ***
; >>> Enabled CPU (1), GPU(2) and disable (0) textures stream pool defragmentation.
; ---------------------- Extreme case follow ---------------------
; r_TexNoLoad=1
; >>> Disables loading of ALL textures. !!! USE only in extreme low-end PC case or DEBUG only since GUI is corrupted badly. !!!
I just wanted to note for people making the changes that you will need to close mechwarrior in between changes to the user.cfg. Your mechbay also may look funny afterwards but once you get in a game you can tell if you like the change or not.
They put a minimum limit on FOV at 60. I guess you can take it wider than that if you're one of those people that wants to see your cockpit. Since none of the bad guys are in the cockpit, I've never understood the appeal of seeing it, but to each his own.
the appeal is peripheral vision. the default fov for most mechs doesn't span the full width of your cockpit's visible panels, so a wider fov will let you see things to the sides that you'd otherwise have to either free look within your cockpit to see, or actually torso twist or turn your mech
the appeal is peripheral vision. the default fov for most mechs doesn't span the full width of your cockpit's visible panels, so a wider fov will let you see things to the sides that you'd otherwise have to either free look within your cockpit to see, or actually torso twist or turn your mech
The other side is that some cockpits make it look like you staring down a tunnel. For mechs that don't have much in the way of side windows, increased FOV can actually reduce visibility.