So, the use, and strengths of LRMs are very different from any other weapon, which makes it hard to compare to, say an AC20.
When comparing a Guass to AC20, it's pretty strait forward - you look at range vs heat vs ammo vs heat vs total tonnage - but the in-game mechanic is the same. That is to say, that for 8 mechs to target the same enemy with their AC/20, they all have to have direct line of sight, and none of them can be blocking each-other for full potency. We all agree, any mech foolish enough to get cought alone anywhere with eight mechs with direct line of site should die in a rapid rain of AC20 shots. Still, as the silly lone enemy moves around, other mechs in the group need to reposition to maintain LOS, and fire their AC20.
But LRMs work so differently from this. Any time any single mech has LOS, seven other mechs can likely launch LRMs at them. Mechs don't block eachother, due to the LRMs flight path. (One might argue it's not 100% accurate, but I would respond, it's vastly easier to position yourself such that a friendly mech will not interfere with your LRM fire). Basically, seven mechs can stand in one spot and just keep firing over and over again.
One common argument against any change to LRMs is the use of cover. But there are issues with this argument due to the nature of cover for different weapon systems. Every other weapon from the LRM is defeated by any kind of cover - be it a small hill, another mech, or a tall building. This is simply not the case with LRMs - to defeat them you have to have specific kinds of cover - that is cover that is vertical enough to cause the missiles to strike it instead of angling down on you. Also note, other mechs do not qualify (generally) as missiles will still strike you due to their inward angle.
Others will argue that we need to know how to dodge missiles in order to deal with them. My response is this - the skill required to get out of the way of a bunch of AC20s and the skill required to get out of the way of LRMs is so disparate, that it's not a valid comparison. To get out of the way of eight AC20s, all any mech needs to do is run over a hill or around a building - even if another mech follows them - they are still now only 1v1. To get ouf of the way of eight LRM launchers the mech needs to break LOS from every other mech - if they are being chased by another mech, this is impossible - or find a specific kind of cover, with the correct vertical height to protect them
and then stay right there...
What we ended up with is an (arguably overly) powerful combination of a weapon that does more damage per ton/heat/ammo than any other weapon AND ignores much of the cover that other weapons are susceptable to AND is easier to aim.
However, we
want a weapon that is a soft-cover neutralizer. It adds movement to the game, and gives us new tactics. I think LRMs should be positioned as pinning weaponry, and armor softeners. It should be painful to ignore them, but not instantly fatal as is often the case now.
My specific idea is this...
Define - Direct Fire Mode: Works as LRMs do now
Define - Indirect Fire Mode: Increase the spread such that the number of missiles that hit are based on the range values taken from TT - at max range, only about 50% of them hit...
When you can target the enemy without assistance, (you have direct LOS) = Direct Fire Mode
When you must target the enemy with assistance, (you do not have direct LOS) = Indirect Fire Mode
When an enemy is TAG'd or NARC'd = Direct Fire Mode, regardless of if you have direct LOS.
To put this idea another way, the only time your LRM damaged is reduced is if you are firing your LRMs at something that you cannot target yourself that is not currently TAG'd or NARC'd. All other situations LRMs work exactly as they do now.
Currently, IMO, the combination of focus fire on any target without direct LOS and the highest damage per ton/heat/ammo/crit-space of any other weapon in the game makes LRMs just too good, and too frustrating to fight against. Currently - the team with the most LRMs generally wins.
Rather than tweak damage (again) or ROF (again) change how LRMs behave such that when you are firing on a target that is not NARC'd or TAG'd and that you don't have a direct LOS to such that about 50% of them miss.
Last Note: We did a poll back in the day, and found that roughly 50% of players were not having fun when fighting against LRMs... that is worrisome because if people aren't having fun, they won't play. No play no pay...
Edited by EtherDragon, 05 November 2012 - 12:32 PM.