Sifright, on 17 December 2012 - 12:00 PM, said:
Capture the red square isn't tactical.
isn't a good objective.
and it was leading to dumb outcomes.
Those outcomes are still possible by the way.
They just aren't being incentivised.
In real warfare, there are many objectives besides just to kill the bad fact many of those objectives are specifically aimed at reducing the enemies ability to fight so you can win the war with less outright conflict.
As far as the game we play is concerned- w/out a capture objective, and w/out any other limits set on matches, battles will degrade into everybody bringing their favorite heavy or assault, with as much armor and guns as they can fit cuz nothing else matters, ignoring everybody else on their team, skulking off to their favorite "lone wolf" hiding place on the map and only *doing* anything when somebody foolishly walks into their crosshairs, or when the match timer starts to run down and people start realizing they need to do *something*.
I had a match last night where I saw that the option to capture was wide open, so me and 2 other buddies did just that (In Mediums and Heavies)- PUG players instantly started to bellyache in open chat, they wanted to "Shoot at some robots DURRRR HURRR." So, after they complained they all came back to their base to defend.....and got blown up by me and my buddies. They lost 5-2 by base cap, so they got to "shoot at some bad guys DURR HURR" and we got to win....everybody was happy. (right?)
(It's interesting that people are thinking that base capping may be due to the C-bill rewards behind it- I find it has more to do with how many people do a terrible job of defending their base...I saw some really tough defensive strats this weekend, but it sounds like it might actually get easier to cap in PUGs if everybody suddenly thinks that capping doesn't matter now)
Edited by Pygar, 17 December 2012 - 12:53 PM.