I usually run in 4-man TS pugs, because I got fed up by the lack of teamwork and frankly, skill among pugs...not to say ALL pugs are bad, but by far the worst players I've seen have been pugs. That said, I do occasionally pug just to remind myself of how bad it is. And it's gotten worse. Been in several matches tonight, in a row, where half or more of my team barely does any damage at all, despite lasting four or five minutes before dying. I honestly don't understand how this can even happen. One or two, I can kinda see. Maybe they're just bad. Maybe they got nailed in the head by a 6 PPC Stalker near the start of the match. It can happen, people have off matches. Entire teams of them, though? That's telling me that there's something deeply wrong with the playerbase.
Not really sure where I'm going with this. Maybe I just needed to let off some steam. But seriously...can anyone enlighten me on how such large groups of players can fail so badly?
Edited by Gen Kumon, 15 January 2013 - 05:24 PM.